Social Literacy Introduction

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Chapter 3

-It is the knowledge of how to
behave and treat other people in a
morally upright way, just, and
equitable with the view of positive
and productive relations that views
are free from unfair prejudices, hate,
and discrimination.
Social Literate
1. Morally Upright
2. Just
3. Equitable
Social Skills
1. Social Sensitivity
2. Control self
3. Exchange ideas and
experiences with others
Verbal Non-Verbal
1a. Active Listening 1-2. Body Language
b. Using Empathetic Language
a. Facial expression
b. Posture and movement

2 a. Words Appropriation c. Proximity

b. Tone of Voice
c. Practice reflective thinking d. Gestures

3 a. Asking or Clarifying Questions 3. Personal Appearance

b.Offering Constructive Feedback
Intellectual Skills
a. Identify and define issues,
b. Make a hypothesis and write conclusions based
on information
c. Analyze and synthesize data,
d. Distinguish facts and opinions,
e. Formulate causal factors,
f. Submit opinions from different perspectives, and
g. Make value judgments in making decisions
Jerolimek 1971
Organizational Skills
• Executive Functioning
• Self Regulation
• Sensory processing
• Attention and
• Motivation
Cooperative Skills
Cooperation competencies
a.Takes role in groups
b.Participates in group
c.Participate in making group
Attitudes and Values
a. Knowing common values employed in society,
b. Making decisions involving two choices based
on value consideration,
c. Knowing human rights for all citizens
d. Developing loyalty as citizens,
e. Developing reaction for the ideals and
heritage of the nation,
f. Developing a sense of brotherhood among
human beings.
Social skills are vital competencies
that enable effective interaction
with others, developing these
skills, fostering better relationships,
collaboration, understanding, and
personal/professional success.

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