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Genesis 3:19
By the sweat of your brow you
shall eat bread; Until you return to
the ground, from which you were
taken; For you are dust, and to dust
you shall return.
What is Holy Orders?
Holy Orders is the sacrament through
which the mission entrusted by Christ
to his apostles continues to be exercised in
the Church until the end of time.
What is the mission of the ordained ministers,
like the priests?
Preach the Word of God.
Celebrate the Sacraments.
Build a Christian community.
Help the poor and the needy.
Lenten Season
Grade 5
Ateneo de Davao University
Pre-assessment: True or False
_____1. Lent is a liturgical season
wherein we remember the birth of Jesus.
_____2. We make sacrifices like fasting
and abstinence during Lent.
_____3. The penitential practices that we
have reminds us of our sinfulness and
make us do penance for our sins.
Pre-assessment: True or False
_____1. Lent is a liturgical season
wherein we remember the birth of Jesus.
True 2. We make sacrifices like fasting
and abstinence during Lent.
True 3. The penitential practices that we
have reminds us of our sinfulness and
make us do penance for our sins.
• Recall the meaning and significance
of Lent.
• List ways on how one will
observe Lent meaningfully this
• Pray for a meaningful Lenten
What is the special event
on February 22, 2023?
Lenten Season
Grade 5
Ateneo de Davao University
• Listen very well
• Take down notes and list some
• At the end of the video be ready
to say at least 1 sentence about
Rally Table

Two fold character of Lent:

 penance
 preparation for Baptism
Group Sharing:

How can we
observe or
celebrate the
season of Lent

How can we
observe or
celebrate the
season of Lent
Preparation for Easter
• opportunity to thank God for the
grace of baptism
• for inviting us to share in Jesus
dying to sin and victory into life
for God
Proclamation of the Word

Genesis 3:19
By the sweat of your brow you
shall eat bread; Until you return to
the ground, from which you were
taken; For you are dust, and to dust
you shall return.
we die to sin and
raised to new

What can I do to
make our Lenten
celebration more

Are we faithful to
our baptismal
I learned that___________
So, I should _________________
I pray that_____________
Formative Assessment: Fill in the blanks.
1.________ symbolize repentance.
2.________ is a time for penance and a
preparation for Baptism.
3.There are ______ days to celebrate the
season of Lent.
Formative Assessment: Fill in the blanks.
Ashes symbolize repentance.
Lent is a time for penance and a
preparation for Baptism.
3.There are ______
40 days to celebrate the
season of Lent.
4.What can we do this season of Lent?
Closing Prayer: Merciful God, You
created us from the dust
of the earth, And
breathed your own life
into our very being. You
recreated us in Christ
through the waters of
Baptism, That we might
share as a people your
fullness of life.
Closing Prayer: As we prepare to enter
these forty days, May
our sacrifices strengthen
us to seek your justice,
May our prayer lead us
to become makers of
peace, And may our
sharing quicken the
seeds of your Reign,
Closing Prayer: Present in all human
hearts, and growing in
mystery, As we await
with joyful anticipation,
the resurrection of Jesus
your Son. We make this
prayer to you in his
name. Amen.

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