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Progress Performance

Measurement and

MMPA Section C
Progress Performance Measurement and
Evaluation (PPME)

• a cornerstone of effective management in various

fields, from project execution to organizational
strategy. It is a systematic framework for assessing
how well initiatives are moving towards their
intended goals.
The Three Pillars of PPME
01 A. Quantitative Measures
B. Qualitative Measures


(overall effectiveness)
The Three Pillars of PPME
01 Progress Measurement
This involves tracking and documenting progress towards set goals,
using both quantitative and qualitative measures.

A *Key Performance Indicator (KPI) - helps identify
strengths and weaknesses, make data-driven
decisions, and optimize performance.

QUALITATIVE MEASURES – are based on descriptive

data that can capture the quality, meaning, and
experience of performance .
The Three Pillars of PPME
Performance Evaluation
This involves analyzing the collected data from progress
measurement to assess how well goals are being achieved.

Performance evaluation can use quantitative or

qualitative data. These methods are combined, rarely
used alone and generally provide the best overview of
the project.
The Three Pillars of PPME
03 Evaluation (overall)

This involves drawing conclusions about the overall

effectiveness of the initiative or program based on the
findings of the progress measurement and performance
Benefits of
Implementing PPME
1. Enhanced Decision-Making
2. Improved Communication
3. Increased Accountability
4. Continuous Improvement
Benefits of
Implementing PPME
1. Enhanced Decision-Making
• Data-driven insights support better resource
allocation and strategic choices.
Benefits of
Implementing PPME
2. Improved Communication
Shared understanding of progress and performance
strengthens stakeholder communication.
Benefits of
Implementing PPME
3. Increased Accountability
PPME fosters a culture of responsibility and
ownership for achieving goals.
Benefits of
Implementing PPME
4. Continuous Improvement
• PPME facilitates ongoing identification of areas
for improvement and optimization.
Overall, PPME is a powerful tool for
ensuring initiatives and programs stay on
track, achieve goals, and deliver optimal
results. It is a systematic approach and
focus on data-driven insights, making it
invaluable for any organization and seeks
to excel in today's dynamic environment.

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