Unit IV Aerobic Exercise

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Principle of

This principle maintains that no two individuals will benefit from
exercise exactly the same way physically or psychologically.
Difference in genetics, age, experience, body size, and health status
can all affect the outcomes of a workout. Some people are able to
handle higher volumes of training while others may respond better
to higher intensities.
A principle of exercise that states that specific kinds of exercises
must be done to develop specific aspects of the body and specific
aspects of fitness. The adaptation of the body or change in physical
fitness is specific to the type of training undertaken. Exercising a
certain body part, component of the body, or particular skill
primarily develops that part or skill.
The principle of progression is a training principle used to
create personal training program to improve physical fitness,
skill and performance. The principle implies that for athletes
to improve their fitness levels, they must continually increase
the physical demands to reach an optimum level of overload.
A principle of exercise that states that the only way to
improve fitness is to increase over time. This can mean
increasing the amount of resistance, increasing the
amount of time, or increasing the speed.
Refers to the process of the getting accustomed to a
particular exercise or training program through repeated
Optimal adaptation requires recovery time.
It is essential in any exercise to allow for repair and
renewal of the body’s tissue.
This principle states that if you don’t maintain a regular
program, your state of physical fitness will regress.
Resistance Training
Is any physical activity that causes the
muscles to work against an additional force
or weight.
Is a form of exercise intended to increase
muscular strength and endurance. It involves
exercising muscles using some form of
resistance. This resistance could be weights,
bands or even your own bodyweight
working against the gravity.
Two types of
These exercise involve
any movement of your
muscle group (leg, arms,
stomach, back, etc) against
some type of resistance
(Examples: lifting
barbells, dumbbells,
exercise using resistance
bands, or body weight
exercise including push
ups and sit ups).
 Concentric contraction –
refers to muscles that
shorten during exercise.
There is no movement that
occurs and the length of the
muscle remains unchanged.
Eccentric contraction –
refers to the muscle that
lengthen during an exercise.
Muscles exert force due to
an outside resistance.
These exercise do not
involve movement of the
joint itself, but instead the
muscle group is held still
in lace against the
resistance (Examples:
plank holds, wall sits,
holding grocery bags, etc.)
The main
in our body
Deltoids (three muscles)
– raise your arms
forward, backward, and
sideways at the shoulder.

Muscles & their main actions Biceps – Bend your arm

at the elbow.
Abdominals (four
muscles) – pull in the
abdomen. Flex the spine
so you can bend
Quadriceps (four
muscles) – straighten the
leg at the knee. Keep it
straight when you stand.

Muscles & their main actions Pectorals (two muscles)

– raises your arms at the
Latissimus Dorsi (lats) – shoulder. Draw it across
pull your arm down at your chest.
the shoulder. Draw it
behind your back
Trapezius – hold and
rotates your shoulders.
Moves your head back
and sideways.

Muscles & their main actions Triceps – straighten your

arm at the elbow joint.
Gluteals (three muscles)
– pull your leg back at
the hip. Raise it
sideways at the hip.
Gluteus maximus is the
biggest of these muscles.
Hamstrings (three
muscle) – bend your leg
at knee

Muscles & their main actions

Gastrocnemius –
straightens the ankle
joint so you can stand on
your tip toes.
Is any physical exercises of low to
high intensity that depends
primarily on the aerobic energy-
generating process.
Refers to the use of oxygens to
adequately meet energy demands
during exercise via aerobic
• Improve your circulation and
helps your body use oxygens
• Increase energy
• Increase endurance, which means
you can workout longer without
getting tired
Benefits of
• Helps reduce the risk of

developing heart disease
Helps reduce the risk of
developing diabetes

Helps reduce body fats
• Helps you reach and maintain a
healthy weight
• Helps reduce stress, tension,
anxiety, and depression
Zumba routine
incorporate interval
training – alternating just
and slow rhythms t help
Is Zumba
improve cardiovascular
fitness. Zumba is an
recommend for
an Aerobic
healthy adult by the
Department of Health and
Human Services.
Rigorous and regular aerobics
causes muscular pain in chest,
shoulder, calf muscles, hips
Muscle Pain and thighs

Side Effects of Over Can cause a person to
Exercising feel dizzy after a
workout. Its occur
Can cause temporary
when people push
damage in delicate joints
themselves too hard
leading to several bone
during physical
Joint Pain health issues such as
arthritis, osteoporosis, low
bone density

Aerobic Exercise
Build endurance
By keeping the
heart pumping
For an extended
Period of

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