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(Managing Software Project)

• Text Book:
Software Engineering (8thEdition) Ian Summerville
• Reference Chapters :
– Chapter 5 : Project Management
– Chapter 25 : Managing people
– Chapter 26 : Software cost estimation
– Chapter 27 : Quality management
– Chapter 28 : Process Improvement
– Chapter 29 : Configuration management
Course Descriptions
• Learning outcomes can help learner focus on the big picture of the learning
experience by describing the knowledge, skills, and values.
• Successfully completing this course, the following learning outcomes, which
allow the students, will be able to:
– know the selection of people in the software engineering process is importance.

– Work in a collaborative manner with others on a team, contributing to the

management, planning and implementation of a computer system.
– understand the techniques for estimating the cost
and effort required for software product.

– be aware of the software quality management

software measurement

– do how software processes can be improved to

produce good software.
• To understand the configuration management
planning, change management, version and
release management, and system building.

• To understand how CASE tools for configuration

management are used to support configuration
management process.
Chapter 5
Project management

• To know the principal tasks of software project

• To understand the need for project planning in all
software projects.
• To show how graphical representations (bar charts
and activity charts) can be used by project managers
• To introduced to the notion of risk management and
some of the risks that can arise in software projects.

• Management activities
• Project planning
• Project scheduling
• Risk management
Software project management
• Software project management is an essential part
of software engineering.
• Software managers are responsible for planning
and scheduling project development.
• They supervise the work to ensure that it is
carried out to the required standards
• Professional software engineering is always
subject to organizational budget and schedule
software management distinctions
• The product is intangible
• There are no standard software processes
• Large software projects are often one-off
Management activities
• Proposal writing
• Project planning and scheduling
• Project cost
• Project monitoring and reviews
• Personnel selection and evaluation
• Report writing and presentations
Proposal writing

• The proposal describes the objectives of the

project and how it will be carried out.
• It usually includes cost and schedule estimates.
• Proposal writing is a critical task as the
existence of many software organizations
depends on having enough proposals accepted
and contracts awarded.
• Proposal writing is a skill that you acquire
through practice and experience.
Project planning and scheduling

• Project planning is concerned with identifying

the activities, milestones and deliverables
produced by a project.

• A plan is drawn up to guide the development

towards the project goals.
Project cost

• Cost estimation is a related activity that is

concerned with estimating the resources
required to accomplish the project plan.
Project monitoring and reviews
• Project monitoring is a continuing project activity.

• The manager must keep track of the progress of

the project and compare actual and planned
progress and costs.

• a skilled manager can often form a clear picture of

what is going on through informal discussions
with project staff.
• During a project, reviewing overall progress
and technical development of the project.

• Checking whether the project and the goals of

the organization paying for the software are still

• The outcome of a review may be a decision to

cancel a project.
Personnel selection and evaluation

• Project managers usually have to select people to

work on their project.

• Ideally, skilled staff with appropriate experience

will be available to work on the project.
Report writing and presentations

• Project managers are usually responsible for

reporting on the project.

• They have to write abstract critical information

from detailed project reports.

• They must be able to present this information

during progress reviews.
Types of plan
Project Planning process
Establish the project constraints
Make initial assessments of the project parameters
Define project milestones and deliverables
while project has not been completed or cancelled loop
[)raw up project schedule
Initiate activities according to sc:hedule
Wait ( for a while )
Review project progress
Revise estimates of project pammeters
Update the project schedule
Renegotiate project constraints and deliverables
If ( problems arise) then
Initiate technical review and possible revision
end If
end loop
Project plan

• The project plan sets out the resources

available to the project,

• the work breakdown

• and a schedule for carrying out the work.

Project plan structure

• Introduction.
• Project organisation.
• Risk analysis.
• Hardware and software resource requirements.
• Work breakdown.
• Project schedule.
• Monitoring and reporting mechanisms.
Milestones and deliverables
• A Milestone is a recognizable end-point of a software process
• At each milestone, may simply be a short report of what has been
• Milestones may be internal project results that are used by the
project manager to check project progress but which are not
delivered to the customer.
• A deliverable is a project result that is delivered to the customer.
• It is usually delivered at the end of some major project phase such
as specification or design.
• Deliverables are usually milestones, but milestones need not be

• To establish milestones, the software process

must be broken down into basic activities with
associated outputs.
Project scheduling
• Project scheduling is one of the most difficult
jobs for a project manager.
• Managers estimate the time and resources
required to complete activities and organize
them into a coherent sequence.
• Project schedules are usually represented as a set
of charts showing the work breakdown,
activities dependencies and staff allocations.
The Project Scheduling Process
Bar charts and activity networks

• Bar charts and activity networks are graphical

notations that are used to illustrate the project
• Bar charts show who is responsible for each
activity and when the activity is scheduled to
begin and end.
• Activity networks show the dependencies
between the different activities making up a
Task durations and dependencies

• From Figure , that Activity T3 is dependent on

Activity T1.
• This means that T1 must be completed before
T3 starts. For example,
• T1 might be the preparation of a component
design and T3 , the implementation of that
• Before implementation starts, the design should
be complete.
An Activity Network
Activity Bar Chart
Staff allocation Vs Time Chart
• Draw the activity network to show the project
scheduling and find the critical paths for the
following activities information. What is the latest
starting time of the activity F?
• Activities Duration Dependency
A 3 -
B 2 -
C 1 A
D 4 A
E 2 A
F 2 B,C
G 1 D
H 1 D, E, F
• Using the following number of activities, duration (weeks) and
proceeding activities. Draw the activity network showing the
project schedule and find the critical paths.
Activities Duration(weeks) Proceeding activities
A 2 -
B 2 A
C 1 A
D 3 A
E 3 C,D
F 1 D
G 5 B
H 3 D
I 3 G
J 6 A
K 10 J, E,F,H,I
Risk management

• It involves risks that might affect the project

schedule or the quality of the software being
developed and taking action to avoid these
• The results of the risk analysis should be
documented in the project plan along with an
analysis of the consequences of a risk
Risk Types
• three related categories of risk:
– Project risks are risks that affect the project
schedule or resources.
– Product risks are risks that affect the quality or
performance of the software being developed.
– Business risks are risks that affect the organization
developing or procuring the software.
Software Risks
Risk management process

• The process of risk management involves several stages:

1.Risk identification Possible project, product and business
risks are identified.
2. Risk analysis The likelihood and consequences of these risks
are assessed.
3. Risk planning Plans to address the risk either by avoiding it
or minimising
its effects on the project are drawn up.
4. Risk monitoring The risk is constantly assessed and plans for
risk mitigation are revised as more information about the risk
becomes available.
Risk management process

•The risk management process, like all other project planning,

is an iterative process which continues throughout the project.

•The risk avoidance and contingency plans may be modified as

new risk information emerges.
Risk identification

• Risk identification is the first stage of risk management. It is concerned with

discovering possible risks to the project.
• There are at least six types of risk that can arise:
1. Technology risks Risks that derive from the software or hardware technologies
that are used to develop the system.
2. People risks Risks that are assodated with the people in the development
3. Organisational risks Risks that derive from the organisational environment
where the software is being developed.
4. Tools risks Risks that derive from the CASE tools and other support software
used to develop the system.
5. Requirements risks Risks that derive from changes to the customer
requirements and the process of managing the requirements change.
6. Estimation risks Risks that derive from the management estimates of the
system characteristics and the resources required to build the system.
Risk analysis
Risk planning

• The risk planning process considers each of the key risks

that have been identified and identifies strategies to
manage the risk.
• These strategies fall into three categories:
– Avoidance strategies Following these strategies means that the
probability that the risk will arise will be reduced.
– Minimization strategies Following these strategies means that the
impact of the risk will be reduced.
– Contingency plans Following these strategies means that you are
prepared for the worst and have a strategy in place to deal with it.
Risk Management strategies
Risk monitoring

• Risk monitoring involves regularly assessing

each of the identified risks to decide whether
or not that risk is becoming more or less
probable and whether the effects of the risk
have changed.
Risk Factors

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