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is created in the imagination of its author.

The author invents the story and makes up
the characters, the plot or storyline, the
dialogue and sometimes even the setting.
Creative NonFiction
- includes precise and well-researched
information, that should stir the interest of the
reader to continue evaluating the storyline, and
provides artistry in the storytelling of truthful
Types of
Creative Nonfiction
- is a story of a person’s life in a specific moment
in time that is told by the person himself or
herself. Thus, it is always told in the first-person
point of view since it is a story reshaped by
reminiscing memories.
Four shorter Types of
Types of Autobiography

(1) Journals
- are daily written
personal accounts,
observations, experiences
but not emotional.
Types of Autobiography

(2) Diaries
- are emotional
accounts and personal
experiences of the
Types of Autobiography
(3) Letters
- are written messages
addressed to a
particular person,
or institution.
Types of Autobiography
(4) Memoirs
- is a record of facts and events concerning a particular
subject or period usually written from the writer’s
personal knowledge, experience, and observations.
- aims to capture the essence of the author’s life,
highlighting important moments and people that
shaped who they are.
- are written in the third person about
someone other than the author. It may
profile subjects both living and dead.
Literary Journalism or Reportage
- is a precise, well-researched
report of which a reporter
follows a topic, subject, or
theme for a long period of
time and then provides a
personal angle on it.
Personal Narratives
- are taken from real life situations where the writer
depicts vividly the event, incident, or experience. It
creates a dramatic effect to the readers by making
readers’ laugh, be frightened, or make them feel at the
edge of their seats.
- often begin with an attention-grabbing hook that sets
the scene and draws readers in.
- embraces the personal accounts of a writer on travel
as he or she evaluates the food, hotels, restaurants,
and best sites to visit. A travelogue can be shown
through a magazine, website, television or film. It also
highlights affordable rates as well as expensive
hangouts for tourists.
Reflection Essay
- examines a writer’s perspectives in life by allowing
the author to introspect and ponder back if such
situation created an impact on his/her life. It
challenges the writer to think critically by exploring
personal thoughts, feelings, and opinions on specific
topic and subject.
Flash Essay
- also known as flash literature, is brief creative
writing, generally on the order of between 500
and 1500 words.
- belongs to social networking service where it portrays an
online discussion among writers as they engage in an
informal diary-method of presenting their stories.
- it covers sports, music, art, videos, lifestyle, politics,
online diaries, advertising, photography, cooking and
among a multitude of topics.
Testimonio Essays
(Testimonial Essays)
- consist of a person’s written or spoken
statement on a product or experience. It can
also be seen as a historical biography.
Types of Testimonials
Types of Testimonials

1. Quote Testimonials
- Perhaps the most beloved and
common type, are direct words
from a customer who was
satisfied with the products or
services they received.
Types of Testimonials

2. Peer testimonials
People tend to gravitate toward others
who resemble themselves. Basically, the
person giving the testimony is of similar
status to the audience.
Types of Testimonials
3. Social Testimonials
- It’s when customers volunteer to write
about their experience with your
company via Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram or another social media
outlet. This type is ultra organic and
can add another layer of credibility to
your reputation as a brand
Types of Testimonials
4. Video testimonials
- are one of the most trustworthy
forms of testimonial because it’s
difficult to fake one that looks
- this type is visually stimulating,
attention grabbing and can keep
potential customers on
your page for a set amount of time.
5. Interview testimonials Types of Testimonials

An interview with your client is another

authentic route. It’s almost as if it’s a
hidden testimonial – if everything goes
smoothly, nothing will be forced and the
interview will speak for itself. A text
interview is an option, but a Q&A via
video or audio is more engaging and
6. Influencer testimonial Types of Testimonials

- Having a celebrity or social media

influencer vouch for your brand is an
influencer testimonial, and it works
because these individuals have a
trusted name and can help encourage
other people to make decisions, thus
leveraging them to consider your
products and services.
Content in Writing
Creative Nonfiction
Writers can craft stories of their own or of others
as long as they can provide evidence of what
really happened(publication) also the writer can
start from the beginning to the end of a
particular situation or may write random of
events to create suspense at the end of the story.
Purpose for Writing
Creative Nonfiction
The purpose of good writing is to
express your feelings and not to
impress, bring the readers in a word
adventure, and make your target
audience agree what you are talking
Writer-Based Purposes
Writing helps you shape ideas calve from real life
experiences from merely observing the surrounding
Choosing the Topic
1. Define Your Purpose
The first thing you must do is to think about
the purpose of the essay you must write. Is your
purpose to persuade, educate, to explain,
inform? Whatever topic you choose must fit
that purpose.
2. Brainstorm Subjects of Interest
- write down some subjects that interest
you. Think about your life. What
occupies most of your time?
3. Evaluate Each Potential Topic
If you can think of at least a few topics that
would be appropriate, you must
simply consider each one individually.
Think about how you feel about that topic
Here are a few guidelines to help you
through the process:
1. Pick a topic that you are interested in
2. You should pick a topic based on the
assigned texts that you understood.
3. Unique perspective on your chosen topic. ( a topic
that challenges you and allows you room to express
yourself )
4. Your topic should be specific enough that you can
form an opinion about it, but general enough that you
can find enough information to support your
perspective and write a comprehensive and substantial
Thesis Statement
-it is the central idea of an essay, around which
all other ideas revolve.
-reflects your purpose for writing. It is a constant
reminder of your main point and your stand,
directing the entire flow of your writing.
Five wayss to Organize Ideas
in Writing
1. Chronological Order
• This is a very common way to organize ideas as a
writer or storyteller that basically involves dishing out
ideas or details in order of time, first to last.
• It is often used in expository writing (narrative that
informs or explains) – particularly when describing
an event or series of events.
2. Logical Order
- This framework is used to avoid
confusion in the reader.
- needs to understand one point before
being capable of understanding the next.
3. Climactic Order
- keep the most important or exciting point
until the last of the piece.
- It is often used in persuasive essays
4. Random Order
this un-framework allows you to order your
ideas based on whim and whimsy more
than any specific or logical progression.
5. Spatial Order
- Describing a scene as things are arranged
in a physical space –either by moving from
one detail to the next, or as viewed from one
stationary vantage point.

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