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Quarter 1 – Module 1: The Influence of Media and

Information to Communication
After going through this module, you are expected
1. Study communication as a process and how it is influenced by
media and information.

2. Create a log that reflects their current use and interaction with
media and information, and the effects and influence of these in their

3. Write an essay on the role of media and information in the new

normal of education.

4. Draw a poster, compose a song/poem, list etiquette or create info

graphics showing how to be responsible users of media and
Activity 1 - True or False
1. Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages through verbal
or nonverbal means, including speech, or oral communication; writing and
graphical representations; and signs, signals, and behavior.

2. In a public speaking situation, the source of the message is the person listening to
the speech.

3. The process of turning communication into thoughts is encoding.

4. Tone of voice, body language, and choice of clothing of the speaker do not convey
a message.
Activity 1 - True or False
5. There is communication even without the presence of a receiver of the message.

6. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter serve as channel of communication today.

7. Feedback provides an opportunity for the audience to ask for clarification, to agree or
disagree, or to indicate that the source could make the message more interesting.

8. Psychological noise is what happens when your thoughts occupy your attention while you
are hearing, or reading, a message.
Activity 1 - True or False

9. Your thoughts or mode can interfere the way you receive a message.

10. Noise has no effect on the communication process.

11. Stereotypes, reputations, assumptions, and biases are interference to communication.

12. Social media provides great ways to connect interact and communicate with friends and
family while living separately.
Activity 1 - True or False

13. Since social media pose some threats to the user, it is good not to use social media at all.

14. Being a responsible media user is a way to hold a positive, or at least a neutral effect of
media in our life.

15. Bias media help in the proper dissemination of information and communication
Media and
We are now in the 21st century where people are dependent on
media and information technology. Waking up in the morning, some
of those with smartphones would first check and reply text on the

Information phone or messages from Facebook messenger. Others would scan

first what’s on their social media pages. To gather information or

Technology: Bridges
entertain ourselves, we glue ourselves to television and radio or go
to nearby internet cafes to google or to YouTube the things that
interest us or the things we want to know.

for Communication
and Information
Activity 2 – The
Media Gadgets I For your answers to the following questions, you draw in a
Useation with coupon bond at least five for each category. Make your work
1. What media and information gadgets or tools do you
use to connect with people?

2. What media and information gadgets or tools do you

use to get information and knowledge?

3. What media and information gadgets or tools do you

use to share information and knowledge?
Activity 3 Apart but Never
This time, we will read an article from
(2020) which highlights the immense value of
meaningful connections to get us through these
challenging moments. After reading, you will share
your story on how you maintain connections during the
pandemic time.
We are not alone. This pandemic teaches us the importance of
shared moments

Meaningful connections with our loved ones help us get through this crisis.

MANILA, Philippines - There’s a universal truth that has sprung from textbooks to reality in recent weeks:
humans need meaningful connections.

When rumors of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) spread, many of us flocked to the supermarkets and
drugstores to stock up on food and medicines for our loved ones. Next thing we knew, the rumors became reality.

We became isolated in our homes, far away from the people we're used to be around with at work, school, or
hangout places. Loneliness hit us. And no matter how introverted or socially flexible we considered ourselves to
be, social isolation can be overwhelming. This is especially true for most of us in the city who only have
ourselves to wake up to the next day.

But we are not alone. As cliché as it may seem, this phrase speaks the truth. We are only physically isolated, not
separated. We are lucky that it’s the year 2020 and we have the Internet as our friend. Through technology, we
can connect with other people: families, friends, and even strangers.
In fact, Filipinos are some of the most active internet users worldwide. This probably isn’t news to anyone
who’s active in Stan Twitter, Subtle Asian Facebook groups, or those who regularly communicate with OFW
family members.

Everywhere you look in the virtual space, there’s a Filipino there. This only goes to show how important
communication and expression is to our culture.

For those who are only discovering this for the first time, open your laptop or your phone. Click on the family
members not living with you today. Know that a few decades ago, seeing their faces on that small screen and
talking to them in real-time would have been impossible.

Your friends may not be next to you holding your hand while you break down, at least they are just a click
away. In the same way, we can easily comfort our family and friends in these uncertain times - whether
through a call, text, chat, or a voice message in your favorite app.

Moreover, the Internet has enabled us to come together to reach out to those who need our help and support
through the numerous donation drives across online groups. These efforts remind us that every little
After reading the article, did you find how important is
communication during this COVID-19 pandemic?
Were you able to see the influence of media and
information on communication? Now, you will share
your own story on how you connect with your friends,
love ones or even strangers during this global crisis.

DIRECTIONS: On a separate sheet of paper, write

your experiences in connecting with people during this
pandemic and the things you learned. Highlight the
value of proper communication and right access to
Communication is simply the act of transferring
information from one place, person or group to another
(SkillsYouNeed, 2020). Process of sending and receiving
messages through verbal or nonverbal means, including
speech, or oral communication; writing and graphical
representations (such as infographics, maps, and charts);
and signs, signals, and behavior (Nordquist, 2020).
Communication is the use of messages to generate
meaning, both within and across a myriad of cultures,
contexts, channels, and media. (What is Communications
Studies?, 2020).
8 parts of Communication as presented by What is
communication (2012)
1. Source - it imagines, creates, and 2. Message - is the meaning produced by the 3. Channel - is the way in which a
sends the message. In a public source for the receiver or audience. When message or messages travel between
speaking situation, the source is the you plan to give a speech or write a report, source and receiver (What Is
person giving the speech. He or she your message may seem to be only the words Communication?, 2012). There are
conveys the message by sharing new you choose that will convey your meaning.
multiple communication channels
information with the audience. The But that is just the beginning. The words are
available to us today. These include
speaker also conveys a message brought together with grammar and
face?to-face conversations, letters,
through his or her tone of voice, organization. You may choose to save your
telephone calls, text messages, email,
body language, and choice of most important point for last. The message
also consists of the way you say it—in a the Internet (including social media
clothing. This process of turning such as Facebook and Twitter), blogs,
speech, with your tone of voice, your body
thoughts into communication is
language, and your appearance—and in a tweets radio and TV, written letters,
called encoding.
report, with your writing style, punctuation, brochures and reports (SkillsYouNeed,
and the headings and formatting you choose. 2020) and so forth.
8 parts of Communication as presented by What is
communication (2012)
4. Receiver - it receives the message 5. Feedback - when the receiver responds to 6. Environment - is the atmosphere,
from the source, analyzing and the source, intentionally or unintentionally, physical and psychological, where an
interpreting the message in ways she/he is giving feedback. Feedback is individual sends and receives
both intended and unintended by the composed of messages the receiver sends messages. This can include the tables,
source. In order to receive a back to the source. Verbal or nonverbal, all
chairs, lighting, and sound equipment
message, she or he listens, sees, these feedback signals allow the source to see
that are in the room. The room itself is
touches, smells, and/or tastes to how well, how accurately (or how poorly and
an example of the environment. The
receive a message. The process of inaccurately) the message was received.
environment can also include factors
turning communication into Feedback also provides an opportunity for
the receiver or audience to ask for like formal dress that may indicate
thoughts is called decoding. The whether a discussion is open and
clarification, to agree or disagree, or to
receiver decodes the message.
indicate that the source could make the caring or more professional and
message more interesting. formal. The choice to text is
influenced by the environment.
8 parts of Communication as presented by What is
communication (2012)
7. Context - the context of the 8. Interference or noise – this is anything that blocks or changes the
communication interaction involves source’s intended meaning of the message. For example, if you
the setting, scene, and expectations drove a car to work or school, chances are you were surrounded by
of the individuals involved. A noise. Car horns, billboards, or perhaps the radio in your car
professional communication context interrupted your thoughts, or your conversation with a passenger.
may involve business suits Psychological noise is what happens when your thoughts occupy
(environmental cues) that directly or your attention while you are hearing, or reading, a message.
indirectly influence expectations of Stereotypes, reputations, assumptions, and biases are examples of
language and behavior among the psychological noise which affect communication. Interference can
participants. come from other sources, too. Perhaps you are hungry, and your
attention to your current situation interferes with your ability to
listen. Maybe the office is hot and stuffy. Not all noise is bad, but
noise interferes with the communication process.
Media and information
influence to

Media and information technology play a Media, particularly social media provides great ways to connect, to interact, and to
vital role in globalization. Through these,
communicate with friends and family while living separately. We can share
we become connected to different people
pictures, videos, some information among our friends who are far away from us.
around the world. These have a
Through social media, you can make strong your existing relationships and can
significant influence on the modern
culture and become tools in sharing make new friends from all over the world through different social networking
information, ideas, personal messages, websites (A Research Guide for Students, 2019). Social media reduce the barriers
and other content and have become more of communication and making it easier for everyone to express their thoughts to the
widespread and accessible. world (EASE Technology Solutions, 2016).
While media can be a good channel for communication and a good source of
information, they also pose some threats to users.

1. Media becomes a source of 3. Media can also pose medical, social and
misinformation and fake news. These psychological issues. What is posted on
sometimes are utilized to push personal gain media may cause dissatisfaction with body
and agenda, making the receiver of the image, creates addiction, promote identity
information deceived, confused and stealing and can destroy interpersonal
misinformed. relationships.

2. Though media help us improve the way we

communicate, it is also abused by many.
Everybody publishes whatever they want and
unmindful of the consequences of their posts.
Social media made everyone feel that they are
allowed to say whatever comes to their mind,
making them say things that they would not
normally say on personal encounters, thus fueling
up bullying (EASE Technology Solutions, 2016).
Activity 4 -The Pros and Cons of Media and Information

As a youth belonging to the new generation, it

is pretty obvious that media
and information technology really have an
influence in you. Identify five media and
information gadgets you have and state the
positive and the negative influences/
effects of these in your life especially in
dealing with other people.
Activity 5: Complete Me

DIRECTIONS: Complete the following statements

about what you have learned about the lesson
Activity 6: Think before you click
Social media aren’t a purely negative or positive force—it all depends on how you use it. So if you want it to hold a positive, or at least a
neutral place in your life, it’s for you to take measures to use social media responsibly. Below are the activities that you will do to show how
it is to be a responsible social media user. Just choose one from among the options.
Task Options:
a. Make a poster campaigning for responsible use
of media and information.

b. Compose a song or a poem expressing how to

be responsible media and
information user.

c. List etiquettes on the use of media and


d. Make a computer graphic presentation

illustrating the responsible use of
media and information.

e. Create an infographic on how to avoid the

negative effects of media and
Activity 6: Think before you click
Complete the statements below by writing the letter of the correct answer
on your answer sheet.
Complete the statements below by writing the letter of the correct answer
on your answer sheet.
Complete the statements below by writing the letter of the correct answer
on your answer sheet.
Complete the statements below by writing the letter of the correct answer
on your answer sheet.
Complete the statements below by writing the letter of the correct answer
on your answer sheet.
DIRECTIONS: Write an essay composed of not less than 200 words about the topic below. The RUBRIC
below will be the basis for assessing your work.
The Role of Media and Information in Education in the New Normal brought about by the Covid-19
DIRECTIONS: Write an essay composed of not less than 200 words about the topic below. The RUBRIC
below will be the basis for assessing your work.
The Role of Media and Information in Education in the New Normal brought about by the Covid-19

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