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Removal of Heavy Metals by Chemical Precipitation

Chemical precipitation is one of the most common

methods of heavy metal removal from wastewater.

• Precipitating anions include S=, OH- and CO-3

• These anions are pH dependent therefore

solubility of ppt is also pH dependent

•Complexing anions such NH3, CN and organics

can hinder ppt.
Typical plots of sulfide and hydroxide solubility of
various metals as a function of pH follow.
The basis for these plots can be demonstrated
with the following equilibrium calculations for
the chemical speciation of Cd and S2-.

Similar calculations are used for OH - and CO-3

+ 2+ -
CdS(s) + H = Cd +HS ; logK = -13.36
CdS(s) + H + = CdHS+ ; logK = 6.7
CdS(s) + H + + HS- = Cd(HS) 02 ; logK = -1.0
CdS(s) + H + + 2HS- = Cd(HS) 3- ; log K= 2.08
CdS(s) + H + + 3HS- = Cd(HS) -2
4 ; log K= 3.53

- +
H 2S(aq) = HS + H ; log K= -7
Cd   HS 
2+ -
 10
 H 

CdHS+ 
 10 6.7

 H 

 H +   HS- 
 1013.36
 H 2S(aq) 

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