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Western and Classical Art

Ancient Art
an art refers to the earliest surviving works of
art like cave paintings and portable sculptures of
humans and animals.

It is classified into three periods:

 Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age)
 Mesolithic Era (Middle Stone Age)
 Neolithic Era (New Stone Age)
 Paleolithic Era (40K-20K B.C.)
- Uses five (5) colors :
yellow, red, brown, black and white
- Arts depicted animals, humans and archaic symbols
- Cave Art consist of five principal motifs:
human figures, animals, tools/weapons,
rudimentary local maps and symbols/ideograms
- done using brushes
made from animal fur

Lascaux Cave Painting (France)

Prehistoric Sculptures

- Fertility Charm
- earliest image of the body

Venus of Willendorf
- discovered by:
Edouard Piette and
Joseph de Laporterie
- earlist known realistic
presentations of human face
- Fragmentary ivory figurine

Venus of Brassempouy
Mesolithic Era

Star Carr Pendant (Denmark)

Neolithic Era

Thinker of Cernavoda (Romania)

On a one whole sheet of paper, write down the
subject, the materials used and the art elements and
principles seen/observed in the following artworks. Table
is provided below:

Art Art
Artwork Subject/s Medium/s
Elements Principles
1. Lascaux Cave Painting

2. Venus of Willendorf

3. Venus of Brassempouy

4. Star Carr Pendant

5. Thinker of Cernavoda
Classical Art

an art produced by the advance

cultures of ancient societies like Egypt,
Greece and Rome that happened during
Egyptian Art
- reflects belief I life after death and the importance
of preserving the past
- red, black, blue, gold and green
Egyptian Art

Queen Nefertiti
Egyptian Art

Greek Art
- focused on humanism and divinity, commonly found
in vases, tombs and panels

Tomb of the Diver

Greek Art

Discobolus of Myron
Greek Art

Roman Art
- Features a variety of subjects like animals, everyday life,
portraits mythology and landscape

Triumph of Caesar by Andrea Mantegna

Roman Art

A second-century Roman relief carving

Roman Art

Augustus of Prima Porta

On a one whole sheet of paper, write down the
subject, the materials used and the art elements and
principles seen/observed in the following artworks. Table
is provided below:

Art Art
Artwork Subject/s Medium/s
Elements Principles
1. Queen Nefertiti

2. Tomb of the Diver

3. Discobolus of Myron

4. Greek Potteries
5. A second-century Roman
relief carving
Medieval Art

covers 1,000 years of art in Europe, Middle

East, and North Africa, which includes mosaic
walls and domes and fresco painting adorning
Byzantine Art

Portrayed religious subjects that

do not adhere to human’s rational
earthly sense of space and proportion

Mosaic of Empress Theodora

Byzantine Art

Roman fresco at the Villa Dei Misteri in Pompeii

Byzantine Art
Romanesque Art

Characterized by a formality of
style with no trace of the
naturalism and humanism
of the Classical predecessors or
Gothic successors.

Christ in Majesty
Romanesque Art

The Last Judgment

Romanesque Art

The Last Judgment

Romanesque Art

Romanesque floor plan

Gothic Art

Scaliger Tombs in Verona

On a one whole sheet of paper, write down the
subject, the materials used and the art elements and
principles seen/observed in the following artworks. Table
is provided below:
Art Art
Artwork Subject/s Medium/s
Elements Principles

1. Roman fresco at the Villa

Dei Misteri in Pompeii

2. A mosaic of Empress

3. Christ in Majesty

4. Tympanum – The Last


5. Scaliger Tombs

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