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The Growth of IT
Time Machine

a fictional or hypothetical
Time machine is

device used to achieve time travel

By using time machine you can travel either to the past or future

Which tenses do we have to use?

Simple Future Tense

Simple Past Tense

Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.
1. I (learn) English for seven years now.
2. But last year I (not / work) hard enough for English, that's why my marks (not / be) really that
good then.
3. As I (pass / want) my English exam successfully next year, I (study) harder this term.
4. During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) me on a language course to London.
5. It (be) great and I (think) I (learn) a lot.
6. Before I (go) to London, I (not / enjoy) learning English.
7. But while I (do) the language course, I (meet) lots of young people from all over the world.
8. There I (notice) how important it (be) to speak foreign languages nowadays.
9. Now I (have) much more fun learning English than I (have) before the course.
10. At the moment I (revise) English grammar.
11. And I (begin / already) to read the texts in my English textbooks again.
12. I (think) I (do) one unit every week.
13. My exam (be) on 15 May, so there (not / be) any time to be lost.
14. If I (pass) my exams successfully, I (start) an apprenticeship in September.
The Use of Future Tense

To predict a future event

 It will rain tomorrow.

To express willingness

 I'll do the washing-up.

 He'll carry your bag for you.
In the negative form, to express unwillingness

 The baby won't eat his soup.

 I won't leave until I've seen the manager!

With I or We in the interrogative form using "shall", to make an offer or

 Shall I open the window?
 Shall we go to the cinema tonight?

With you in the interrogative form, to give an invitation

 Will you come to the dance with me?

 Will you marry me?
Simple Past Tense
The Use of Past Tense
It is used for actions that started and finished at a specific time
in the past.

 I saw a movie last week.

It is used to describe several actions that were completed in the


 I finished work, walked to the beach and met my friends.

It is used to describe a process that started and finished in the

 I lived in Italy for five years

It can also be used in sentences that describe past habits.

 I often played football when I was a young man.

Think and predict!
If you could travel in a time machine, which
era(s) in the past would you choose to visit?
Explain why by using simple past tense?
Make predictions about future technology or IT

Present the result in front of the class!
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