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OGSA : Open Grid Services


Ramya Rajagopalan

Developed by the Global Grid Forum

Aims to define a common, standard, open
architecture for Grid Applications.

Defines a set of rules that make up a grid service.

Sharing and Coordinated use of diverse resources
in Dynamic VO's

Two Technologies to build OGSA:

Globus Tool Kit
Community based Open Architecture, open set of
services and software libraries that support Grids and
Grid applications.

Web Services
Popular Standards based framework for accessing
network applications.
Web Services

Technique for describing software components to
be accessed.

Define methods for accessing and discovering the

Its another distributed computing technology
which allows us to create client/server apps.
How does this work??
Web Service Standards....

Web Services Description Language(WSDL)

Standardized XML Format for describing network

Describe the name, location and ways to

Define Web services as a set of endpoints
operating on messages.

Simple Object Access Protocol(SOAP)

Messaging between service provider and

Follows the HTTP Request-Response model.

XML Envelope over the message to describe
what's in and how to process it.

Defines an XML based convention for the

SOAP payloads can also be carried in FTP, JMS.
Why Web Services??

Web services are Platform independent and
Language independent.

Major advantage to build Internet scale
applications as they use HTTP for transmitting

WSDL supports Dynamic discovery and
composition of services in heterogeneous
Grid Services and OGSA

Web services with improved characteristics and

Provides a set of well defined interfaces and

Interface Addresses:
a) Discovery, dynamic Service Creation.
b) Lifetime Management, notification.

Conventions include:
a) Naming Services
b) Upgrade ability.

OGSA defines the semantics of a Grid Service

Defines the basic behavior and does not specify
what a service does and how it does it.

Doesn't address issues of implementation
programming model, language, tools and
execution environment.

By Defining a set of service semantics OGSA
specifies interactions between services in a
manner independent of any hosting environment.
OGSA Technical Details

The OGSA Service Model:

Basic Premise: Everything is represented by a grid

Uniform Service Oriented Model

Specifies a core set of consistent interfaces from
which all Grids are implemented.

Grid Services maintain internal state for the
lifetime of the service.
OGSA Service Model....

Grid Service instance refers to a particular
instantiation of a service.

State oriented service facilitates failure recovery

OGSA services can be created and destroyed

The existence of state distinguishes one instance
from another.
Grid Service Interface

OGSA does not define a specific set of services but
defines a set of interfaces for manipulating service

A mandatory interface which must be supported
by all Grid services.

Interface for manipulating the grid service,
handles, reference abstractions that define the
OGSA model.
Grid Service Handle

Every Grid Service instance is assigned a globally
unique GSH.

GSH carries no protocol specific or instance
specific information.

All the instance specific information are
encapsulated in a single abstraction called a Grid
Service reference(GSR).
Grid Service Reference(GSR)

Unlike GSH, GSRs change during the service's

GSR has an explicit expiration time.

OGSA mappings define mechanisms for obtaining
an updated GSR.

A GSR does not always guarantee access to a Grid
Service, local policy or access control constraints
may prohibit servicing a request.
Transient Services: Factories

Services implement an interface to create new
Grid service instances.

The service that implements this interface is
called a factory.

CreateService() operation creates a requested
service and returns the GSH and an initial GSR.

Again OGSA doesn't specify how the instance is
Lifetime Management

Soft state approach: Every instance is created with
a specific lifetime.

Initial lifetime can be extended by explicit client

Client can always know when the Grid Service will

Resource consumption at hosting environment is
always bounded.
Managing Handles and

GSH lives forever, but GSR expires.

A handle-to-reference mapping interface takes a
GSH and returns a valid GSR.

Mapping operations may be controlled and
requests denied.

Again a Valid GSR doesn't promise access to the
Grid Service.
Handle Maps

Every Grid Service instance is always registered
with at least one home handlemap.

GSH includes the handleMap's identity.

All handleMap services are also identified by a

Two steps:
1. Identifying a handleMap service that contains
the mapping for the specified GSH.
2. contacting that handleMap to obtain the
desired GSR.
Service Data and Discovery

Each Grid service instance has an associated
service data(usually a collection of XML elements)

FindServiceData Operation: querying and
retrieving service data.

GSH, GSR, primary key, handleMap etc are service
data members.
Service Discovery

Process of identifying a subset of GSH's from a
specified set.

Registry: Grid service that supports service

Registry Interface->To register a GSH and
Associated service data element-> Information
about GSH's already registered.

Registration is a soft state operation and must be
periodically refreshed

OGSA notification Framework allows clients to be
notified by messages.

Interface also includes framework for
asynchronous one way delivery of notifications.

The Source must support the OGSA
notificationsource interface.

Clients wishing to receive notifications must
implement notificationsink interface.
How does notification work?

To start a notification from a particular service:

Invoke the subscribe operation on the notification
source interface.

Give it the service GSH of the notification sink.

Stream of messages flows from source to sink.

Sink sends back a series of keepalive messages to
notify the source its interested in getting more

If reliability is desired then we use an appropriate
protocol for this service.
Change Management

To support the feature Grid Service interfaces
must be globally and uniquely named.

In WSDL we use the portType's qname to identify
a Grid Service globally.

Changes made in the Grid Service are reflected
through new interface names(i.e., new PortTypes
and/or ServiceTypes)

Allows clients to thus find a compatible service.
Other Interfaces

Manageability interface that supports a set of
manageability operations.
Allows potentially large sets of Grid Service
instances to be monitored and manged from
management consoles, automation tools and the

Concurrency interface to provide concurrency
control operations.
Network Protocol Bindings

Four Primary requirements for selecting a network
protocol within an OGSA context:

Reliable Transport :
Reliable service invocation e.g.,HTTP -R protocol.

Authentication and Delegation:
Grid service abstractions require support for
communication of proxy credentials to remote
site. One way to do this is to incorporate
appropriate support within the network protocol

Any arbitrary pair of services must be able to interact.

GSR format
Grid service reference can take a specific binding
format, one possible GSR format is WSDL.
Higher Level Services

Distributed Data Management Services.

Workflow Services.

Auditing Services.

Instrumentation and Monitoring Services.

Problem determination services for distributed

Security protocol mapping services.

Open Grid Services Infrastructure

Gives a formal and technical specification of what
a grid service is.

Its a excruciatingly detailed specification of how
Grid Services work.

GT3 includes a complete implementation of OGSI.
Interesting Idea!!!
Consider you want build a New House.

OGSA: (The Definition) is the blueprints the

architect creates to show how the building looks
OGSI: (The Specification) is the structural design
that the engineer creates to support the architect's
vision of the building.
GT3: (The implementation) is the bricks, cement
and beams used to build the building with the
engineer's specifications.


The Grid2: By Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman

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