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Essentials of a

Presented by
S - The S stands for specific which means that the goal needs to
be specific and not too broad.
What is SMART?
SMART is a system
M - The M stands for measurable and means that there should be
that lays out the a way to measure the outcomes and the success of the
attributes of professional development goal..
successful professional
development and helps A - The A stands for attainable. The attainability should be based
teachers to focus on on the overall goal as well as the time frame that is given.
what will help them in
the classroom as well
as be feasible and R - The R stands for relevant and could be the most important of
the attributes with regards to teaching.

T - The T stands for timeframe which means that there should be

a definitive start and end time for the goal.
What Are Professional Development

 Teachers need to constantly be keeping

up with the changes of the world
because their job is to prepare students
at all levels to be successful in their
 Professional development gives teachers
the opportunity to learn and grow within
the teaching profession so they can
better meet the needs of their students.
 Teacher professional development is
continuing education that teachers
engage in beyond their initial formal
Types of Professional
Goals for Teachers

Technology Publishing

Presenting New Practices

Teacher career
Just a few

 Teach a new course

 Teach extracurricular activities
 Explore new teaching methods
 Advance education
 Develop skills
 Mentor upcoming teachers
 Integrate technology
 Network with other education
 Work life Balance
Developing a Skill
 What is a Skill set?
 A skill set is a combination
of abilities, qualities and
experiences you can apply
to perform tasks well.
 These can include soft
skills such as interpersonal
skills, organization and
 Hard skills are technical
skills such as research,
How to develop new
 Set goals for
yourself. Setting
specific goals to
improve your
career helps
 Find a mentor. A
professional mentor is
typically a superior you
respect and trust
 Seek feedback about
strengths and
weaknesses. Ask about
your strengths and
areas for improvement
Developing your skill set

 Review job descriptions for positions

you want. They give you an idea of
the skills you have, as well as the
skills you will need
 Take continuing education courses in
career-related fields
 Take advantage of your organisation’s
 Enroll in an online degree programme
Having a healthy work-life balance gives you a
feeling of control over meeting both work and life

Why is a goals

healthy It can help you feel happier, healthier and more

satisfied in your career.
balance It can also help you to be more productive
It helps to have better quality relationships, at
work and home.
Tips for
achieving a
healthy work-life
 Limit perfectionism
 Leave tasks and projects at
 Gauge your health
 Participate in personal hobbies
 Spend time with loved ones
 Assess your personal needs
 Establish your own balance
 Love your career
Global in thought

teacher Empathetic in Practice

should be:
Adaptive in Action
Just a thought……………

Education is the passport to the

future, for tomorrow belongs to
those who prepare for it today.
Your thoughts

Group activity
–Prepare a list
of qualities
the Gen Z
should have
and why?

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