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Introduction to Media and

Information Literacy
*I. Communication, Media,
Information, and Technology
*II. Introduction to Media
and Information Literacy
*Process of sharing and
conveying messages or
information from one person
to anoter within and acress
channels, cotexts, media, and
cultures (McCornack, 2014)
*Seven (7) Elements of
Communication Process

1. Source - The source is the person attempting
to share information
- the only qualifications necessary for
a source:
* an origin of information
* an ability to transmit the
information, through a channel, to a
2. Message - it is simply the information you want to
- Producing meaning has several criteria:
* First, the object or the speaker has inherent
meaning, maybe through being a local celebrity
*Second criterion would be his or her image, as
a symbol or representation odf the meaning of
the object (a well-dressed, professional and
successful person)
* Third criterion is interpretation or derived
meaning. If the object and image are successful,
then audience will leave with an understanding
of how to proceed toward a life personal
3. Encoding -It is the process of assembling the message into a
representative design with the objective of
ensuring that receiver can comprehend.
- Communication is only established when it results
in both the source and the receiver understanding
the same information
4. Channel -An encoded message is conveyed by the source
through a channel.
- There are numerous channel categories, verbal,
- a channel could be the paper on which words are
written, or the Internet acting in the client server
model that is allowing you read the words
- a good communicator is one who understands
which channels to use under the different

5. Decoding - this is where listening and reading directions

carefully, makes its claim to fame.
- As we mention in encoding, communication is only
successful when it results in both the source and the
receiver understanding the same information.
- For this to happen, there can be no errors in
6. Receiver - Ultimately, the message is delivered to the
- a good communicator takes the receivers
preconceptions, and frames of reference into
consideration,: how they will react, where
common ground is shared, their sense of
humor, their moral conduct, etc.
- All of these things will affect how the
receivers decode messages

7. Feedback -A better word might be “reaction” or

-The source judges its success based on the
feedback it receives,
-Feedback is the moment of reckoning. whetehr
thinggs go right or wrong it serves as one of the
most important learning oppurtunities we have.
*Comparison Between
feedback and response

*The difference between response

and feedback is that response is an
answer or reply only, or something
in the nature of an answer while
feedback is critical assessment on
information produced.
*How are the concepts
of media, information,
and technology related
to communication?
*A broad term that covers
processed data, knowledge
derived from study,
experience, instruction,
signals or symbols.
*Channels or ways we use to
transmit or communicate
messages; communication tools
*Categories of Media
Category Example

Modality text

Format Digital or Analog

Way of trasmitting Electromagnetic or radio waves,

light waves
Mass media form TV, radio, print, internet,
telephone, or mobile
*Application of scientific
knowledge to the practical
aims of human life or to
change and manipulate the
human environment
What do we communicate

How do we communicate

What can we use to communicate better

*How does media,
information, and
technology affect
*Media and
*The ability to identify,
understand, interpret,
create, communicate and
compute, using printed and
written materials associated
with varying contexts.
*Literacy involves a
continuum of learning,
wherein individuals are able
to achieve their goals,
develop their knowledge and
potential, and participate
fully in their community and
wider society.
*(UNESCO, 2004; 2017)
*The ability to recognize when
information is needed, and to
locate, evaluate, and
effectively use and
communicate information in
its various formats.
*The ability to access,
analyse,response to a range of
media. It also evaluate, and create
media in a variety of forms,
including print and
non-print messages;
ability to synthesize
and produce mediated messages.
* access - denotes the knowledge of where to
find the forms of media.
*analysis - includes thinking reflectively and
critically on what has been read, seen or
experienced, and its implications to oneself
and to one’s community
*response - includes the ability to experience
and explore the pleasures of the media text,
and how these are realized through the
language of the media.
*Skills to responsibly use
appropriate technology to
access, synthesize, evaluate,
communicate, and create
information to solve problems
and improve learning
in all subject areas
*The essential skills and
competencies that allow
individuals to engage with
media and other information
providers effectively, as well
as develop critical thinking
and life-long learning skills to
socialize and become active

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