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Types of Discourse

Reading & Writing Skills

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Identify the types of discourse;

 Differentiate the types of discourse according to their

function; and

 Compose a written text based on the types of discourse.

Lesson Review:

In the previous lesson, we have learned

that a discourse is a formal and lengthy
discussions of a topic which are
arranged in an organized and logical
Lesson Review:

We also learned its three purposes: to

inform, to persuade, and to entertain.
This time, we will discuss the different
types of discourse. But first, let’s have a
quick activity.
Activity 1: Fill Me!
Group Activity

Directions: In this activity, you are going

to collaborate with your groupmates to
fill the words with a missing letters.
Your answer must be share orally.
Activity 1: Fill Me!

A R __ __ M E __ __ __ T __ I O N
Activity 1: Fill Me!

Activity 1: Fill Me!

D E __ C __ I __ T I O __
Activity 1: Fill Me!

Activity 1: Fill Me!

E __ P __ S I __ I O __
Activity 1: Fill Me!

Activity 1: Fill Me!

N A __ __ __ T __ O N
Activity 1: Fill Me!

Types of Discourse

Reading & Writing Skills

Types of Discourse

-it is the act or process of making
and presenting arguments.
-arguments are a series of
statements for or against an idea.
Types of Discourse

-the word argument comes from
the Latin word argumentum, which
means “evidence,” “ground,”
“support,” or “a logical
Types of Discourse

-the writer aims to persuade the
audience of readers by presenting
valid claims of counterclaims, each
supported by evidence to prove a
Types of Discourse

 Argumentation
A recent study confirmed that playing video games may cause
children to become violent. However, this is only true for some
children. Dr. Charlotte Cooper and Dr. Markey Vitasa of ABC
University explained that children who manifest a combination of
three personality traits—high neuroticism, disagreeableness, and
low levels of conscientiousness—are more likely to be aggressive
toward others after playing video games.
Types of Discourse

-from the given sample above, the
author tries to convince the readers
through mentioning a study that
supports his/her claim about video
games. He/she proved it by citing two
Types of Discourse

-this type of discourse is based on
the main impression of the author
about the topic or subject.
Types of Discourse

-its purpose it to transmit that
impression through concrete,
colorful, and vivid language so
that readers can fully imagine the
Types of Discourse

-as the author describes his/her
observation, it triggers sensory
images among readers.
Types of Discourse

When I first saw my childhood friend Margarette,
she was about my younger sister Viv’s height. Her
hair was curly and dark, and her skin was pale.
But what really struck me when I first saw her was
her big round blue eyes.
Types of Discourse

-from the given sample above, the
reader can infer what the person
Margarette looks like through the
author’s description.
Pre-Activity: Imagery
Individual Activity

Directions: You are going to write a

short written text describing the
beauty of nature. Use vivid language
to help your readers imagine your
Types of Discourse

-it defines what somethings is and
provides an in-depth discussion about
topics that are usually less explored.
-it may also give reader instructions
on how something is done.
Types of Discourse

-this aims to inform about, clarify,
and explain a phenomenon.
Types of Discourse

 Exposition
How to set up an email account
1. Choose the web host.
2. Look for the sign button. Click it.
3. Provide the required information.
4. Think of a unique username and a password. (Tip: For the password,
type in uppercase or add characters.)
5. Start using the newly setup email account.
Types of Discourse

-the passage gives instructions on
how to set up an email account.
Some examples of an exposition
may be found in (some) magazine
articles or editorials.
Types of Discourse

-this type of discourse is like
storytelling. It recalls events
chronologically. This discourse is
told in the first, second, or third-
person point of view.
Types of Discourse

-the general purpose of narration
then is to relate a series of events.
Types of Discourse

I remember the time when I learned how to swim. I was
only eight years old and afraid to bathed in a pool. I
envied the kids who played with inflatable balls and
animals. Whenever my family would visit the clubhouse, I
would sit beside the pool and never really jump in to join
Types of Discourse

them. A summer camp opened in our neighborhood and
my mom though of enrolling my brother and me in a
swimming class. Two days before the class started, my
mom gave me a pep talk; that made me realize that I did
not want to miss out the fun just because I was afraid.
Types of Discourse

-the passage conveys a person’s
experience about learning how to
swim. The events are told
What have you learned?

1. Describe the most meaningful thing you

have learned in this lesson.

2. Among the four types of discourse,

which one is most interesting for you?
Post-Activity: A.D.E.N
Individual Activity

Directions: Choose one among the

different types of discourse—
Argumentation, Description,
Exposition, and Narration (A.D.E.N),
and write an example based on their
Quiz Time:
Enumeration/Short Essay Test

1-4. Enumerate the different types of

5-10. After naming/enumerating the
types of discourse, kindly describe
each types,showing their purpose in
not less than three (3) sentences.

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