Module 1 Animal Welfare Introduction

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Module 1

Animal welfare: Introduction

This module will enable you to
• Distinguish between animal welfare science,
ethics and law
• Become familiar with the concept of animal
• Understand
– the 3 different concepts (physical, mental and
natural) included in definitions of welfare
– the relationship between death and welfare
– the role of anthropomorphism
What is the welfare of two pet cats
with infected bite wounds?
 CAT 1
Owners noticed a
problem two weeks
ago but did not take
cat to the vet
 CAT 2
The cat was missing for 2 weeks. When the
cat returned, the owners took her to the vet
Animal Welfare Science, Ethics
and Law
• Welfare science measures the effect on
animals of different situations and
environments, from the animal’s point of
• Welfare ethics concerns how humans
should treat animals
• Welfare law concerns how humans
must treat animals
Animal Welfare Science, Ethics
and Law
• All three aspects are important for welfare
• Some presentations in this course focus on
one aspect e.g.:
 Science: physiological indicators
 Ethics: introduction to ethics
 Law : protection legislation
• Other presentations cover all three aspects
 Farm animal husbandry
Scientific research: the basics
• Hypothesis
• Experiment / Observational study
• Control bias
– Sample size
– Control groups
– Randomisation
– Blinding
– Correct statistical method and
What is the welfare status of this dog?
• Oral tumour
 Has spread to local lymph nodes
• Current welfare
 Physical status: lesion present
 Mental status: fine
 Future welfare
 Physical status: metastasis; pain
 Mental status: pain; discomfort
Two animal welfare concepts

Physical Mental

Early tumours Fear

Early infections Anxiety
Clinical disease
Three animal welfare concepts

Physical Mental

Restrict natural Naturalness


Diagram after Appleby, MC. In: Appleby, MC and Hughes, BO.

1997 Animal Welfare. CAB International
Example: sows in stalls
• Naturalness
– Restricted oral and

– Restricted movement
• Physical
– Mouth injuries from bar-
• Mental
– Frustration?
– Pain from mouth injuries
Three welfare definitions
• Physical status (fitness)
– Biological indicators including
reproduction and production
• Mental status (feelings)
– Positive and negative emotional
• “Naturalness” (telos)
Definitions: Physical status

 “Welfare defines the state of an animal as

regards its attempts to cope with its
environment.” (Fraser & Broom, 1990)
 “I suggest that an animal is in a poor state of
welfare only when physiological systems are
disturbed to the point that survival or
reproduction are impaired.” (McGlone, 1993)
Definitions: Mental status

 “...neither health nor lack of stress nor

fitness is necessary and/or sufficient to
conclude that an animal has good
welfare. Welfare is dependent upon
what animals feel.” (Duncan, 1993)
Definitions: “Naturalness”

 “Not only will welfare mean control of

pain and suffering, it will also entail
nurturing and fulfilment of the animals’
nature, which I call telos.” (Rollin, 1993)
Relationship between the three
Combined definition
• Some definitions combine two or three aspects e.g.
– "Welfare consists of the combined state of the animal's mind and
body, and the extent to which its nature is satisfied“
– “Fit and feeling good” (Webster 2005)

• The Five Freedoms (Farm Animal Welfare Council, 1992)

are often used as a framework to assess animal welfare
• Freedom from hunger and thirst
• Freedom from discomfort
• Freedom from pain, injury and disease
• Freedom to express normal behaviour
• Freedom from fear and distress
The concept of needs
• Need: a requirement, fundamental in the
biology of the animal, to obtain a particular
resource or respond to a particular
environmental or bodily stimulus (Broom &
Johnson, 1993)
• If a need is not met, this will affect physiology
or behaviour. E.g.:
– If you can link a physiological sign to the
absence of a certain resource, the animal
lacks humane care in that area
Hierarchy of needs
• Some needs may be more important than
• Provision of food and water is a fundamental
• Provision of a comfortable lying area may be
less fundamental
• Life-sustaining > Health-sustaining >
Comfort-sustaining (Hurnik & Lehman, 1985)
Needs: e.g. legislation

• “The owner and keeper of the animals

shall have regard to … their
physiological and ethological
(behaviour) needs in accordance with
established experience and scientific
Council of Europe (1976)
Welfare versus death
• Welfare concerns the quality of animal
• Death affects the quantity of animal life
• Quality and quantity of life may be
ethical concerns
When is death relevant to welfare?

• The manner of death is relevant

– e.g. method of slaughter is important
• High death rates can indicate poor welfare
– Poor husbandry conditions can cause
disease and death
Should we assign human attributes to
• Humans are animals with similar
• However, each type of animal has
different behavioural needs
• Using a ‘human-based’ assessment
may be a useful first step
• This assessment must be qualified
with the individual animal’s needs
Conclusions / Summary
• It is important to distinguish between the
various components of animal welfare:
– Science
– Ethics
– Legislation
• Animal welfare definitions are derived from
three basic concepts
– Physical
– Mental
– Natural
Further reading
• Anon 1992. Farm Animal Welfare Council updates the Five
Freedoms. Vet Record 131: 357
• Bentham J. 1789. An Introduction to the Principle of Morals and
Legislation. Athlone Press, re-printed 1970.
• Broom DM, Johnson KG. 1993. Stress and Animal Welfare.
Chapman and Hall ISBN 0412395800
• Brambell Committee 1965. Report of the Technical Committee
to Enquire into the Welfare of Livestock kept under Intensive
Husbandry Systems. Command Report 2836. Her Majesty’s
Stationery Office, London
• Council of Europe 1976. European Convention for the
Protection of Animals kept for Farming Purposes
NT=087&CM=1&DF=&CL=ENG CETS No.: 087
• Dawkins M. 1988 Behavioural deprivation: A central problem in
animal welfare. J Appl Anim Behav Sci 20: 209-225
Further reading
• Duncan IJD 1993. Welfare is to do with what animals feel. J
Agric Environ Ethics (Special Suppl 2): 8-14
• Fraser, AF Broom DM. 1990. Farm Animal Behaviour and
Welfare, 3rd edition. Bailliere Tindall, London, England
• Hurnik JF, Lehmann H. 1985. The philosophy of animal welfare.
A contribution to the assessment of farm animal wellbeing. In:
Wegner RM (ed). Second European Symposium on Poultry
Welfare, Celle, Germany
• Kiley-Worthington M. 1989.Ecological, ethological and ethically
sound environments for animals. Towards symbiosis. J Agric
Ethics 2: 323-347.
• McGlone J 1993. What is animal welfare? J Agric Environ Ethics
(Special Suppl 2): 26
• Moberg GP 1985. Biological response to stress: key to
assessment of animal well-being? In Animal stress (Ed. Moberg,
G. P.) American Physiological Society, Bethesda, Maryland. 27-
Further reading
• Morton DB. 2000. A systematic approach for establishing
humane endpoints. Institute for Lab Animal Research Journal
• Rollin B. Animal welfare, science and value. J Agric Environ
Ethics (Special Suppl 2): 8-14
• Seamer JH 1993. Farm animal welfare in Britain. SCAW
(Scientists for Animal Welfare) Newsletter 14(4): 13-14
• Webster J 2005. Animal Welfare. Limping towards Eden.
Blackwell, Oxford.
Further reading
• APPLEBY, M.C. and HUGHES, B.O., 1997: Animal Welfare. CAB
International ISBN 0851991807
• BEAUCHAMP, T.L. and CHILDRESS, J.F., 1994: Principles of
Biomedical Ethics (4th Ed.) Oxford University Press ISBN 0195143329
• BROOM, D.M. and JOHNSON, K.G., 1993: Stress and Animal
Welfare. Chapman and Hall ISBN 0412395800
• DAWKINS, M.S., 1998: Through our eyes only? A Journey into Animal
Consciousness. Oxford University Press ISBN 0198503202
• NORMAN GR, STREINER DL. 2000 Biostatistics: the bare essentials.
2nd edition Mosby: St Louis. ISBN-10: 1550091239
• MARTIN P, BATESON P. 2007. Measuring Behaviour (3rd edition).
Cambridge University Press. ISBN-10: 0521535638
• MANNING, A.N. and DAWKINS, M.S., 1998: An Introduction into
Animal Behaviour (5th Ed.) Cambridge University Press ISBN
Further reading
• ROLLIN, B.E., 1999: An Introduction to Veterinary Ethics:
Theory and Cases. Iowa State University Press ISBN
• WEBSTER, A.J.F., 1994: Animal Welfare: A cool eye towards
Eden. Blackwell ISBN 0632039280

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