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General Direction: Read and analyze
the questions below. Write the letter
of the correct answer on your answer
1. Which refers to an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules
used to worship a god or a group of gods?
A. Rituals B. Religion
C. Worldview D. Belief System

2. What do you call the religious belief system of the Filipinos before
Christianity was introduced?
B. Animistic B. Atheistic
C. Monotheistic D. Polytheistic

3. Christianity believes in only one God. Which of the following

describes Christianity's worldview?
A. Atheism B. Monism C. Monotheism D. Polytheism
4. Religions have ceremonies that reenact sacred stories, and various
activities, such as songs and dances that express praise or thanksgiving
to God, gods, or a revered teacher or prophet. What element of religion
can be reflected from the statement above?
A. Artistic expression C. Rituals
B. Community D. Sacredness

5. Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic among

religions across the globe?
A. It promises eternal life
B. It involves belief in a god or deity
C. It comprises holy and sacred place
D. It encompasses a set of rules to follow
6. Who among the following students demonstrate
A. Student A, who attends the Sunday mass with his
B. Student B, who teaches Catechism in public school
C. Student C, who prays the rosary every 6 o'clock in the
D. Student D, who search for the meaning and ultimate
value of life
7. Which of the following is/are example/s of a belief
I. God exists.
II. Black is beautiful.
III. We need water to survive.
IV. Respecting other people is good.

A. I only B. I and II C. III and IV D. IV only

8. About 8% of the world's people identify with a religion.
What is the most popular religion with an estimated 2.38.
billion followers worldwide?
A. Christianity B. Hinduism C. Islam D. Judaism

9. When God spoke to Moses in Mt. Sinai, he gave Moses

a set of guidelines by which the Israelites could live their
lives in a way pleasing to God. Which of the following
refers to this set of guidelines?
A. Five Pillars B. Seven Beatitudes
C. Eightfold Path D. Ten Commandments
10. And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth
day of the month (Genesis 8:4). Which mountain is known as the
traditional landing place of Noah's ark?
A. Mt. Ararat B. Mt. Sinai C. Mt. Tabor D. Mt. Zion

11. West Asia, the home of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is

characterized by vast areas of mountainous landforms. What is the
significance of these mountains in the rise of the said religions?
A. Ideal setting to live near gods
B. Ideal setting to be look upon with
C. Ideal setting to where gods and mortals meet
D. Ideal setting to make people see better in higher position
12. Religion is an essential part of Indian tradition as four
main religions originated from the said culture. Which of the
following religions DO NOT originate from Indian tradition?
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Hinduism D. Sikhism

13. Hindu belief holds that bathing in the river causes the
forgiveness of transgressions and helps attain salvation.
Which is considered to be the most sacred river in the Hindu
A. Ganges River B. Huang He River
C. Nile River D. Yang Tze River
14. What is the branch of religious studies that
systematically compares the doctrines and practices of the
different world religions?
A. Comparative Religion B. Philosophy of Religion
C. Psychology of Religion D. Sociology

15. Confucianism believes in human-centered virtues for

living a peaceful life. Which virtue describes being in
accordance with a rational path and moral principle?
A. Benevolence B. Propriety C. Righteousness D.
16. Which explains issues in religion solely by means of the
human power of reasoning?
A. Philosophy B. Psychology C. Sociology D. Theology

17. Daoism/Taoism is a sacred guiding principle to abandon and

withdraw from disorder brought about by struggle for power,
wealth and prestige Based on the statement, Daoism/Taoism
emerged in response to what social problem?
A. Ethical questions and morality in social affairs
B. Ethical questions and morality in family affairs
C. Ethical questions and morality in human affairs
D. Ethical questions and morality in government affairs
18. Confucius did not really intend to start a new religion but rather
expound the nature of order and stability in the society. Based on the
statement, which of the following did Confucius become fascinated with?
A. Ethical questions and morality in social affairs
B. Ethical questions and morality in family affairs
C. Ethical questions and morality in human affairs
D. Ethical questions and morality in government affairs

19. Morality is reflected by conforming to an accepted standard of right

and wrong. Which Buddhist teaching encourages disciplines to make
their living without causing harm to others?
A. Right action B. Right effort
C. Right intention D. Right livelihood
20. Who is known to be the "Father of Multitude", "Father of
Faith" and "Father of All Nation"?
A. Abraham B. Isaac C. Jacob D. Moses

21. Which holiday represents the Jewish New Year?

A. Hanukkah B. Passover C. Rosh Hashanah D. Shavuot

22. Which movement would be least likely to accommodate

aspects of modern secular life?
A. Conservative Judaism C. Reform Judaism
B. Orthodox Judaism D. Reconstructionism
23. Which of the following is TRUE about Judaism?
A. Judaism originated in Palestine
B. Muhammad is the most important prophet in Judaism
C. The Ten Commandments is one of the basic doctrines in Judaism
D. Bible is considered as the most sacred writings in Jewish tradition

24. Why do Jews consider the Western Wall in Jerusalem a sacred

A. It was built by King Solomon
B. It was part of the Second Temple
C. It was where many Jews died in rebellion against Rome
D. It was constructed with the stones that held the Ten Commandments
25. Which of the following is NOT a preparation on the
day preceding Yom Kippur?
A. Fasting
B. Giving charity
C. Additional prayers
D. Asking for forgiveness

26. Which religion has the cross as its religious symbol?

A. Christianity B. Hinduism C. Islam D. Judaism
27. Which is the sacrament that commemorates Jesus' last supper?
A. Baptism B. Confirmation C. Eucharist D. Marriage

28. Christianity believes in the Holy Trinity which is defined as one

God existing in three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial divine
persons. Who comprises the trinity?
A. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva B. Father, Son, Holy Spirit
C. Sutta, Vinaya, Abhidhamma D. Abraham, Moses, Muhammad

29. Which of the following Christian religious observances

commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit to the early Christians?
A. Advent B. Christmas C. Lent D. Pentecost
30. How does Christianity view euthanasia or mercy killing?
A. It is unethical because there is no specific legal provision for it.
B. It is ethical because extreme suffering from any illness can be unbearable.
C. It is moral because people have the freedom to make decisions regarding death.
D. It is immoral because people should not interfere in the natural process of

31. Jesus Christ is considered as a central figure in Christian faith. Which best
describes Jesus Christ?
A. Son of God B. Leader of Israelites
C. Obedient servant of God D. Final messenger and prophet

32. What is the Arabic term for God?

A. Allah B. Buddha C. Brahman D. Yahweh
33. What refers to the basic obligations of Muslims?
A. Five Learnings B. Five Pillars C. Five Posts D. Five Prophets

34. Which best describes Hajj?.

A. Praying five times a day
B. Fasting during Ramadan
C. Donating a fixed portion of income
D. Making pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca

35. Which of the following states that "There is no other God than Allah;
Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."?
A. Salat B. Sawm C. Shahadah D. Zakat
36. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims do the following
A. Refrain from taking a bath for the entire month
B. Refrain from sexual activity for the entire month
C. Refrain from eating any food from dawn to sunset
D. Refrain from drinking any liquid from dawn to sunset

37. How does Islam view woman as part of the society?

A. Woman is expected to submit to their husband's will
B. Man is superior over woman in political and civic affairs
C. Woman is disregarded in policy-making and administration
D. Man and woman are treated equally and fulfill the same duties
38. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are monotheistic religions. Which
refers to monotheistic religions?
A. Worship only one God C. Believe Jesus was the son of God
B. Believe in many divine Gods D. Follow the teachings of the Qur'an

39. Which two religions share the first five books of the Old Testament?
A. Islam and Judaism B. Islam and Christianity
C. Christianity and Judaism D. Christianity and Hinduism

40. How do Judaism, Christianity and Islam collectively known for?

A. Abrahamic religions B. Asian religions
C. Dharmic religions D. Taoic religions
1. B 11. C 21. C 31. A
2. A 12. B 22. C 32. A
3. C 13. A 23. C 33. B
4. C 14. A 24. D 34. D
5. A 15. C 25. B 35. C
6. D 16. A 26. A 36. A
7. B 17. D 27. C 37. D
8. A 18. C 28. B 38. A
9. D 19. D 29. D 39. C
10. A 20. A 30. D 40. A

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