Stress (Health)

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Mental Health and Emotional Health

physiological (or physical) and
emotional responses to a
significant or unexpected
change or disruption in one’s
1. Eustress -refers to a positive and healthy
response of the body from a stressor. It
produces good effects to one’s well-being
2. Distress -refers to a negative reaction of
the body towards a given stressor.
1. School
2. Parents
3. Peer groups
4. Lack of life skills
5. Personal thoughts
People who can provide support in
1. Family
2. Teachers
3. Guidance counselors
4. Friends
5. Barangay workers
serves as the past form of the
modal verb will.
It indicates past habits
When I was young, I
would wake up early
to play with my
I can speak three
languages fluently.
*I have the general ability to speak three languages.*
She can't
drive a
*She doesn’t have the ability to drive a
Use of ‘Could’- to express possibility
or past ability, make any suggestions
and polite requests and used in
conditional sentences showing the
possibility in past.
Could you please hand me
a ballpen?
I could easily memorize a
poem when I was younger.
Use of ‘May’ and 'Might'-
to express a possibility or
request for a permission.
Today, he may come on time.
(There is a possibility that today he will come on time.)

May I borrow your book?

My mother might take us to the mall.

Use of ‘Shall’ - to
indicate a future action
I shall meet you in the
library at 9 a.m.
Shall we play tomorrow?
Use of ‘Should’ - to make a
recommendation or give an
advice, obligation
You should study hard for
the examination.
If you want to be a champion,
you should practice every day.
Use of ‘Must’ - to
express certainty, necessity
or strong recommendation.
You must listen to your parents.
She is sick. She has high fever.
She must take a pill.
You mustn’t ride your bike without a
Use of ‘Ought To’ - to advise or
make recommendations, to
express moral obligation, or to
advise against doing something.
You ought to follow the
school rules and regulations.

You ought to obey your

Identify the correct modals given in the brackets to complete the sentence.

1. We are not completely sure but Cindy (may, ought) come back
2. When I was a child, in the summer afternoons we (must, would) play
in the street with the kids from the neighborhood.
3. (Could, Needn’t) I have some more wine, please?
4. They (must, ought) be the richest people in the village.
5. I (will, can) let you know when I have more information about the
Write A if the act shows academic honesty or P (for Plagiarized) if

1. paraphrases a passage completely and claims it as her or his.

2. asks a family member to write her or his class requirement,
and submits it to the teacher
3. changes the structure of copied sentences from a source,
and cites the source of the sentences.
4. grabs a photo from the internet, includes it in a submitted
work, and fails to cite the source.
5. copies the paragraph, encloses it in a quotation marks, and
cites the source.
1. She told me that she was unwell so she ________(will, shall) not go
to office.
2. You ___________(will, should) not leave your valuables in the
3. As he is in need of money, we _____________ (could, would) help
him immediately.
4. (Will, Can)_____________ you please lend me your book for a
5. The lady has grown so old that she _____________ (would, could)
not walk without a stick.

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