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S. No Statements Forward If Not

1 If you are right handed 1 step forward
2 If you are left handed 1 step back
5 If you have immediate family members who are working professionals – doctor, engineer, lawyer, 2 step forward 1 step back
corporate etc

6 If English was frequently spoken at your home, and you have a very fluent spoken and written 3 step forward
7 If you have stayed in Metro or big cities for more than 5 years 2 step forward 1 step back

8 If you are a male 1 step forward 1 step back

9 If you had more than 1 helper at home (either full time or part time) 1 step forward 1 step back
10 If you never saw your parents worried about financial management 2 step forward
11 If you went on international holidays, even before your graduation 2 step forward 1 step back
12 If you are an extrovert 1 step forward 1 step back
13 If you have mostly felt included with different groups at school, college etc 2 steps forward 1 step back
14 If you have been bullied at school or college (more than once) 2 step back
15 If you have ever had to sacrifice personal interests for the responsibility of others or other 1 step back
S. No Statements Forward If Not
16 If you have ever been called names regarding your race, socioeconomic class, gender, physical 1 step back
17 If you have ever been hesitant to speak to avoid being ridiculed because of your accent or speech 1 step forward 1 step back
18 We frequently bought or got books to read at home, beyond school books 1 step forward
19 As a kid, affordability of my desire was never an issue for toys, books, clothes, eating out etc 1 step forward 1 step back
20 I already have a credit card / debit card given by parents for expenses 1 step forward

21 I am confident of public speaking and have done that in different forums 1 step forward 1 step back

22 My parents have a business setup which I can join in future without bothering about a job 2 step forward 1 step back

23 I feel I belong to a minority group – race, religion, gender etc 1 step back
24 I do not have to worry about helping my parents financially when they retire or are in old age
25 I don’t identify with my assumed gender 2 step back
26 I have gone through childhood trauma, so find it difficult to open up or trust others 1 step back
27 I have an inferiority complex since I couldn’t afford branded clothes, gadgets etc 2 step back
28 I have always been encouraged by everyone that I will do very well in my career and life 2 step forward 1 step back
29 I have a physical disability 2 step back
30 I feel bad about my physical appearance – complexion, skin disease, baldness or any other thing 1 step back
Reflection questions: Participants remain standing in their positions and discuss:

1. Describe your general thoughts and/or feelings about the privilege walk experience you just had.

2. What do you think was the purpose of this exercise?

3. What happened during the exercise?

4. Explain how you felt and/or what you thought about where you ended up relative to others.

Reflections 5. Explain which prompts you found most meaningful or intriguing, most challenging or hurtful.

from the 6. Were you surprised by anything?

Exercise 7. How did it feel to be in the group that took a step forward or a step back?

8. How did it feel to be in the front or back of the room?

9. Was there a time when you wanted to be a part of the group moving forward?

10. What might we draw from this exercise that can help us in our everyday lives?

11. What did you learn from it?

12. How can you apply what you have learned here to the work you will do as a leader?
Topics To Be Covered:
- Definition of Diversity
- Examples of Diversity
- What is Inclusion
- Who is an Includer
- Equity and Equality
- Difference between Equity and Equality
 Diversity is the acknowledgment of different personal identities and
 It encompasses traits including race, gender, age, sexual orientation,
disability, religion, nationality, language, socioeconomic status, and
educational background. It also includes traits like ethnicity and
national origin.
 Respecting variety entails valuing and recognising these distinctive
WHAT IS viewpoints and abilities.
DIVERSITY?  To create an inclusive environment where everyone is respected
and treated fairly goes beyond tolerance.
 A community is stronger and more unified when variety is
 It improves problem-solving, ingenuity, and creativity.
 Diversity acceptance is both morally required and advantageous
from a tactical one.
 Ethnicity and Race
 Gender and Gender Identity
 Sexual Orientation
 Age
 Disability
 Religion and Beliefs

SOME  Nationality and Language

EXAMPLES  Socioeconomic Status

INCLUDE:  Educational Background

 Cultural Practices
 Geographic Location
 Family Structure
 Work and Professional Experience
 Thoughts and Perspectives
 Interests and Hobbies
 Inclusion is creating a welcoming environment for diverse
 It guarantees that everyone is recognized and treasured.
 Everyone has equal opportunity in inclusive environments.
 The removal of obstacles encourages full engagement.
WHAT IS  People who feel empowered are more likely to offer with
INCLUSION?  In inclusive environments, respect and decency are vital.
 Diverse demands and opinions are reflected in representation.
 Transparent conversation is fostered by open communication.
 Understanding is enhanced by awareness and education.
 True inclusivity requires addressing bias.
 An "Includer" is someone who excels in making others feel
embraced and valued, regardless of their background or identity.
 They actively work to include people with various identities and
 In talks and decision-making processes, "includers" make sure that
WHO IS AN everyone's opinions are heard and taken into account.

INCLUDER?  They help all members of the organisation or community feel a

sense of welcome and belonging.
 "Includers" work with diverse teams and actively promote diversity
 Their skill is in fostering situations where people are valued and
respected for their individual characteristics.
Problem: A team member often makes comments that unintentionally demean or
DIVIDE STUDENTS belittle a colleague from a different cultural background. The affected colleague feels
IN GROUPS AND uncomfortable and disrespected.

RELATED TO Problem: A community center is not fully accessible to people with disabilities. The
lack of ramps, elevators, and accessible restrooms prevents individuals with mobility
DIVERSITY & impairments from fully participating in programs and events.
 Equity is the concept of fairness and impartiality.
 It entails giving people the tools they need while taking into
account their particular circumstances and starting places.
 Equity understands that different people require different supports
DEFINE to accomplish similar results, in contrast to equality, which treats
EQUITY everyone equally.
 Equity is to address and remove inequalities and obstacles that keep
some groups from taking advantage of possibilities.
 To ensure that everyone has an equal chance to succeed and realise
their potential, equality aims to level the playing field.
 The idea of equality is that everyone should be treated equally and
without prejudice.
 It attempts to give everyone person equal access to resources,
rights, and opportunities.
 No one is given preferential treatment based on their traits or
DEFINE history in an equal system.
EQUALITY  To maintain fairness and impartiality in all spheres of life is the aim
of equality.
 While equality is important, it might not take into account the
various needs and situations of various people or groups.

Focuses on fairness and impartiality,

Focuses on treating everyone in the same
providing individuals with what they need
manner, without discrimination.
to succeed.

Recognizes that different individuals or Treats everyone equally, without

groups may require different support to considering their unique circumstances or
achieve similar outcomes. starting points.
BETWEEN Aims to address and eliminate disparities Seeks to provide equal rights,
EQUITY AND and barriers that prevent certain groups
from accessing opportunities.
opportunities, and resources to all
Considers the varying needs and
Treats all individuals identically, without
circumstances of different individuals,
taking individual differences into account.
ensuring a level playing field.

Goal is to create a just and inclusive

Goal is to ensure fairness and impartiality
system, where everyone has an equal
by treating everyone the same.
chance to thrive.
Any other questions before we close today’s session?

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