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: Learning outcomes

.Identification of Influenza .1

.Sign and symptoms .2

. Infectious Agent .3

. Reservoir .4

5. Portal of Exit.

6. Method of transmission.

7. Portal of entry to the susceptible host.

8. Susceptible host.
.Identification of Influenza .1

Influenza, better known as the flu. is an

infectious disease caused by influenza
viruses. Symptoms range from mild to
severe sometimes. also It is not limited to
humans, most mammals and many birds can
also catch influenza. It is caused by several
different viruses (RNA virus), which is why
.people can have the flu more than once
.Sign and symptoms .2

The time between exposure to the virus and

development of symptoms, called
the incubation period, is 1–4 days, most
commonly 1–2 days.

Sign and symptoms include fever, runny nose,

sore throat, muscle pain, headache, coughing,
fatigue and sometimes Diarrhea and vomiting
can occur.
3. Infectious Agent . :

The infectious agent in this case would be the

flu. In order to break the chain at this point,
one needs to diagnose and treat the individual
for the virus.
4. Reservoir .

The reservoir would be humans. In order to

break the chain of infection, regular cleansing
needs to be done. An example of that would be
disinfection, sanitation, and sterilization.
: Portal of Exit .5

Whenever someone coughs or sneezes, that is

giving the virus a way of exiting the body and
traveling to new host. The chain of infection
can be broken by practicing proper hygiene,
using PPE, and practicing proper respiratory
etiquette, such as coughing/sneezing into your
:Method of transmission .6

The flu can be transported through droplets from

sneezing, coughing, or talking. The chain can
be broken through regular hand washing,
cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization
practices, as well as using PPE.
7. Portal of Entry :

The microbe can enter a host through contact

with the nose, mouth, and eyes. Regular hand
washing can help prevent this pathogen from
entering the body.
8. Susceptible Host :

A susceptible host would be someone who lacks

immunity due to age, medication, or general
health issues. The chain can be broken here
through immunization.
.References .6


:Made by

Power point, Content, collecting M. Direya

Content, collecting data Amna Khdor
information order, translation Yasmin Hrebat
Information order Qasam Asafra

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