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Chapter 6

Cause and Effect

By : Dwi Murnieasih Utami. R,
Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa kelas XI dapat mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dan struktur kalimat terkait
materi cause and effect dengan melengkapi kalimat rumpang menggunakan conjunction
yang tepat pada kalimat-kalimat yang diberikan guru melalui game wordwall.

Siswa kelas XI dapat membuat kalimat effect dengan tepat pada kalimat cause yang
diberikan guru melalui LKPD.

Siswa kelas XI dapat membuat teks sederhana dengan tepat terkait sebab akibat pada
tema yang diberikan guru untuk kemudian di tuangkan dalam sebuah produk (mind
mapping pada karton berwarna
Cause is ....

The reason or motive
for an action
Happen first

Why something
02 happens
Effect is ....

The result or conclusion
for an action
Happens due to a cause

What something
02 happens
For example :

1. a. I feel sultry
b. currently the weather is hot

2. a. It rained
b. I got wet

3. a. Nanda is eating in the classroom

b. she is so hungry
Signal word of
 Because :
 The reason for (alasan untuk)
 Contributed to (berkontribusi pada)
 led to (dipimpin ke)
 Due to (karena)
 Owing to (berdasarkan fakta itu)
 Being that (karena)
 Unless (kecuali)
 Because of (karena)
 Thanks to (karena)
Signal word of
 Aseffect : dari)
a result (hasil
 Then (kemudian, maka)
 Hence (karenanya)
 For this reason (untuk alasan ini)
 Therefore (oleh karena itu)
 Outcome (hasil)
 So (jadi, sehingga)
 Consequently (konsekuensinya)
 Finally (akhirnya)
 In order to (agar)
Sentence Structure of Cause and
Due to

Because of
+ Noun/Gerund
(kalimat tanpa kata Subject
Owing to dan Verb)

Thanks to
For example :

 The car accident was due to brake failure.

 My head hurts because of lack of sleep
 Owing to her hard work and intelligence, we won the trophy.
 Thanks to your effective planning, the event went well.
 He always get punished because of his waking up late habits.
 We cancelled the camping event because of heavy rain.
Sentence Structure of Cause and
As Subject + verb
As a result of
For example :

 I have a stomache because I ate too much food.

 The photo looks blurry since it was taken with a low-
resolution camera.
 My heart was broken as you said good-bye, I would never
see you again.
Please, analyze the following
 As a result of COVID, sentence!
many companies are implementing work
from where for their employee.

 There was graduation ceremony on city square, so traffic was at a


 He worked hard on this thesis, therefore he graduated on time.

 Eating too much junk food can cause health problems, such as
obesity and diabetes.

 I’ve started eating a much healtier diet. Consequently, I’ve lost

weight and have more energy.
Do these exercises below by completing the sentences using
Because or Because of !

1. I can not come to your house ..... it is rain.

2. I am afraid ..... a ghost.
3. Sinta makes a cake ..... her mom likes it.
4. We will join that community ..... You.
5. ..... We never relize him anymore in our life.
6. I don’t bring an umbrella ..... it is not rain.
7. That girl is so smart ..... She never be lazy to study.
8. Diana can not come to the party ..... her mom never let her.
9. My life has changes. It is ..... you.
10. I let him to go ..... I care with you.
Thanks for your

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