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Sigmund Freud

Stages of Psychosexual Development

Psychoanalytic Theory
Stages of Psychosexual

*Erogenous Zones
-specific “pleasure areas” for the
particular stage

- if needs are not met in each stage
1. ORAL STAGE (birth to 18 months)

Erogenous zone : Mouth

Oral Receptive
- stronger tendency to smoke, drink
alcohol or overeat

Oral Aggressive
- bite his nails, use curse words or gossip
2. ANAL STAGE (18 months to 3 years)

Erogenous zone : Anus

- The child finds satisfaction in eliminating

and retaining feces.

Anal retentive – obsession with cleanliness,

perfection and control

Anal expulsive – messy and disorganized

3. PHALLIC STAGE (3 to 6 years old)

Erogenous zone : Genitals

- During this stage, children become interested

in what makes boys and girls different.

Boys develop unconscious sexual desire for

their mother and Freud called it Oedipus
Girls develop unconscious sexual desire for
their father and Freud called it Electra

Fixation at this stage could result in sexual

deviances (overindulging or avoidance) and
weak or confused sexual identity.
4. LATENCY STAGE (6 to puberty)

Sexual urges remain repressed.

-Focused into physical and academic skills.

5. GENITAL STAGE (puberty onwards)

Erogenous zone : Genitals

- Sexual urges are awakened.

Si Freud ay :


O- ral
A- nal
Pha- llic
La- tency
Ge- nital
Psychoanalytic Theory
Personality Components:

1. ID (Pleasure Principle)

- immediate gratification or
satisfaction of its needs

- Nothing else matters to the id

except the satisfaction of its own
- A baby is hungry. It’s id wants food or milk so she cries.
- The id speaks up until her needs are met
2. EGO (Reality Principle)
- deciding agent of the personality

- It is aware that others also have

needs to be met.
Ann really wanted to borrow her mom's ring
but knew her mom would be angry if she took
it without asking, so she asked her mom if she
could wear it.
3. SUPEREGO ( Morality Principle)

- It is likened to conscience because it

exerts influence on what one
considers right and wrong.
Chris found a wallet while going home. He can now
buy a bicycle using those money. However, his teacher
reminded their class about the importance of honesty.
He immediately went to a barangay hall nearby and
gave the wallet.
Scenario :
You were invited to a party this coming Sunday.
However, you need to study for the finals on Monday.

“You can attend the party but you
have to study first. Be a responsible
individual at the party.”

“Go to the party! Forget “Do not attend to that
about studying and your party. You can get drunk
finals. The most and do inappropriate
important thing is you things. Good girls act
will enjoy and have properly ”

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