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Prepared by:
Sets of
Sets of
Sets of Shoes or
Sets of Shapes or
Explore Activity 1 (5min) Get any paices of papers and let us answer the following.
Khaifa and Nosair are best friend. They both love fruits.

Hi, I am Khaifa I like Hi, I am Nosair I like 1. What are the fruits
apple , banana and orange, pineapple and Khaifa likes?
mango. mango.
2. 2. How about Nosair?
3. Is there any fruits that
both of them likes?
4. What is/are the fruits
that Khaifa likes but not
5. How about Nosait but
not Khaifa?
Explore Activity 1 (5min) Get any paices of papers and let us answer the following.
Khaifa and Nosair are best friend. They both love fruits.
Hi, I am Khaifa I
like apple ,
1. What are the fruits Khaifa likes?
banana and
Ans. Apple, banana and mango.
2. How about Nosair?
Ans. Orange, pineapple and mango.
Hi, I am Nosair I like
3. Is there any fruits that both of them likes?
orange, pineapple and
mango. Ans. Mango.
4. What is/are the fruits that Khaifa likes but not
Nosair? Ans. Banana and
5. How about
apple Nosait but not Khaifa?
Ans. Orange, pineapple
Explore Activity 2 (5min). Answer the following question.
1. If K = {apple, banana and mango} is the set of
Khaifa’s favorite fruits and
N = {orange, pineapple and mango} is the set of
Nosair’s favorite fruits. If they combine their fruits,
how many fruits are there? (element that are
common to both sets are counted only one)
Ans. 5 fruits
2. If K = {apple, banana and mango} is the set of
Khaifa’s favorite fruits and
N = {orange, pineapple and mango} is the set of
Nosair’s favorite fruits. What are the fruits that
Khaifa and Nosair likes? Ans. Mango
3. If If K = {apple, banana and mango} is the set
of Khaifa’s favorite fruits and
N = {orange, pineapple and mango} is the set of
Nosair’s favorite fruits. What fruits is in K but
not N? Ans. Apple and banana
4. If K = {apple, banana and mango} is the set
of Khaifa’s favorite fruits and
N = {orange, pineapple and mango} is the set
of Nosair’s favorite fruits. What fruits is in N
but not K? Ans. Orange and pineapple
5. In answering the questions above do you
agree there is an operation we can use on the
set? Ans.Yes
Students that just like with the whole number,
operation is also used on sets. Let K and N be set.
The union of the sets K and N, denoted by K U N,
is the set that contains those elements that are
either in K or in N, or in both.
Example 1. Consider the set of favorite fruits of Khaifa and Nosair.
Let this set be U.
U={apple, banana, mango, orange, pineapple, mango}
K = {apple, banana, mango}
N = {orange, pineapple mango}

K U N ={apple, banana, mango,

orange, pineapple}
Let K and N be sets. The intersection of the sets K and N, denoted
by K Ⴖ N, is the sets containing those elements in both K and N.
Example 2. Consider the set of favorite fruits of
Khaifa and Nosair. Let this set.
U={apple, banana, mango, orange, pineapple,
K = {apple, banana, mango}
N = {orange, pineapple mango}

K Ⴖ N = {mango}
Example 3. Consider the set of favorite fruits of
Khaifa and Nosair. Let this set.
Let K and N be sets. The difference of the set K
and N, denoted by K – N, consisting of elements
that are in K but not in N.
K – N = {apple, banana}
N – K = {orange, pineapple}
Example 4. Given the sets:
U = {2,4,6,8,0,1,4}
A = {2,4,6,8} B = {0,1,4}
A U B = {0,1,2,4,6,8}
A Ⴖ B = {4}
A – B = {2,4,6}
B – A = {0,1}
In general, the inclusive OR is used in
mathematics. Thus, when we say, “elements
belong to A or B “, that includes the possibility
that the elements belong to both means that
referring to the to the intersection of sets.
Sets whose intersection is an empty set are
called disjoint sets. Then A Ⴖ B =
The cardinality of the union of two sets is given
by the following equation equation:
n(A U B) = n(A) + n(B) – n (A Ⴖ B).
Therefore n ((A U B) ≠ n(A) + n(B).
Activity 3 Given the sets, determine the
elements and cardinality of:
A = {0,1,2,3,4} B = {0,2,4,6,8}
1. A U B 3. A – B
2. A Ⴖ B 4. B – A
Activity 3 Answers.
1. {0,1,2,3,4,6,8}
2. {0,2,4}
3. {1,3}
4. {6,8}
Evaluate (10min) Read the questions carefully.

a. Define the following in your own words:

1. Union
2. Intersection
3. Difference of set.
b. Let U = {0,2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,9}
A = {0,2,4,6,8} B = {1,3,5,7,9}
1. A U B 3. A – B
2. A Ⴖ B
Evaluation Answers.
a. Define the following in your own words:

b. 1. A U B ={0,2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,9}
2. A Ⴖ B = {},
3. A – B = {0,2,4,6,8}
Find a pair (classmate). Answer the following
question below. Write both of your answer in
your notebook, the determine the things you
have in common, or that you have but she/he
does not and total your answers in each
Answer the following: (At least 5 answer each
1. What are your favorite colors?
2. What are your favorite animals?
3. What are your favorite movie?
4. List down your favorite application you’re
always using in your weapon.
5. Who are your favorite actors in the
6. How about the actresses?

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