Meeting 30 - Cold or Flu Symptoms

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1. Vocabulary

1. Cough – to suddenly force air or mucus out of the lungs with a

sharp sound
• He has been coughing all day
2. Sneeze – to force air and mucus out of one’s nose in a way that
you cannot control
• I can’t stop sneezing and my eyes are watery
3. Exhausted – Extremely tired or worn out
• He is exhausted after running such a long distance
4. Fever – a very high body temperature
• My fever got worse yesterday
5. Runny nose – The production of extra mucus by the nose.
• “Hey bro, how do I stop a runny nose fast?”
6. Nauseous – Feeling as though one needs to vomit
• I can’t watch horror films. I get nauseous when I see blood
7. Chills – A feeling of coldness that results from fever or other
• Put your jacket on or you’ll get chills
2. Useful expressions

What brings you here today?

I started sneezing

Do you think I have the flu?

Can you tell me the symptoms, please

Her temperature feels very high

1. Last night, Ling started

Check your 2. During the doctor’s visit,

understanding Ling starts ______

3. From Ling’s temperature,

it is clear she has a ______
Answer Pool (Questions 1-5)
• fever
• started
• can’t stop
• runny
• caught
Role Play

You are seeing the doctor (played by your partner), because you think you have the
flu. Use the vocabulary from this lesson to describe your symptoms to the doctor.
1. Describe your worst experience when you had flu or cold!
2. Have you ever been hospitalized for days or weeks? If so,
what happened?
3. Have you ever been to school at the time you had flu or
cold? If so, what happened?
4. Did you tell anybody when you were feeling unwell? Or did
you keep it for yourself?
5. Do you like taking pills? Why or why not?
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences
1. Lucy’s surname is …..
a. More b. Moor c. Moore
2. She’s in class …
a. 1C b. 1B c. 4B
3. Lucy is …
a. 13 b. 14 c. 15
4. The Librarian asks for Lucy’s …
a. Address b. Photo c. Passport

1. Aurelia is asking about Hanna’s …

a. boyfriend b. brother c. friend
2. Anna’s brother, Jem has …
a. long, brown hair b. a girlfriend c. a twin sister
3. Hannah has …
a. one brother b. two brothers c. a brother and sister
4. Alex and Jem …
a. look different b. look the same c. have the same hair but
different eyes
Further Discussion (Agree or
1. A six-day school week is a good idea
2. The education system in this country is not good.
3. Online learning is boring
4. Children need more rest

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