Like New Phone Paid-Ad Creative Brief

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Project Title

FB ad from refurbished phones retailer

Project Overview

According to research, taxi drivers are frequent buyers of used phones. The company,
which is focused on high-quality refurbished gadgets, aims to engage this audience and
nudge them to purchase the product from e-commerce. Thus, the company needs an ad
tailored for taxi drivers across the country with an aim of conversion (buy on website). I
decided to use Taxi Driver Day (22 nd of March) for a short-term offer of an extended
warranty (up to 22 months)
This is a concise statement of what you want to accomplish in your target market. Do you want to inform, persuade or
motivate an audience to take a specific action?

To nudge taxi drivers to buy used iPhones at Taxi Driver Day (22 nd of March – 22-month
warranty for taxi drivers).

Target Audience
Who is the creative work addressing? Describe in as much detail as possible who you want to engage and influence. Use
demographic information, describe interests, behaviors, needs and fears.

Taxi drivers from across the country (Kazakhstan): male, 25-45 y.o., no postgraduate education,
interests: cars, fishing, memes, travel by car, top gear, car accessories, automotive maintenance. Use FB
groups for professional communications.

Needs: buy a new branded gadget (to mitigate fears that other people treat him as looser with bad job)
for less. Phone is needed for work, no sense to buy new.

Who in your field also targets the same audience? Summarize what products they are currently selling
or campaigns they are running that might affect reaching your own objectives.

Other sellers of used gadgets don’t currently target this audience. They target parents and students
focusing on attractive price of gadgets.

Businesses targeting taxi drivers’ audience: GPS distributors, apps developers (rout-builders), services,
that help with taxi certification, gas stations, spare parts for vehicles, car salons, car accessories and
video registrators distributors, car washing salons

Your Offer
What are you trying to promote or sell exactly? What aspects or features of your offer stand out?

Like new iPhones up to 60% cheaper then new ones.

Special offer for taxi drivers at Taxi Driver Day (22 nd of March) – extended 22-month
Key Benefit
What is the single most important benefit of your offer for your target audience?

Buy more for less – get meticulously tested and refurbished iPhone with 22-month
warranty (special offer for Taxi Driver Day 22 nd of March).

What important problem of your target audience is your offer solving?

Taxi drivers often damage phones while using them at work. But they wish to have an
expensive model to demonstrate they earn enough money and have a robust respected
job (which is not). At the same time, they don’t have enough money to change brand-
new iPhones as often as the old ones break. Thus the used iPhone with warranty is a
tailor match for their needs.

Proof Points
What information can you share to make your offer credible and trustworthy? Can you share customer quotes, satisfaction
levels, low-price guarantees or test results that lend you external credibility?

The new phone loses 30% of its price the moment you unpack it, and the next 20% off
with the first scratch on it – that is the first day using it at a taxi job.

Advanced 22-month warranty secures a customer from having trouble with the quality of
used phones.

What asset or assets do you need specifically? Images, a video, a PowerPoint presentation? Include details about the specific file
format, size or other technical requirements.

Deliverable 1 Image 1200*628 px .jpg or .png format

Deliverable 2

Deliverable 3
Look and Feel
Add some keywords or personality traits that describe what you want the tone of voice and design to feel like.

Savvy, respectful, reasonable

Secure, satisfied, self-confident

Here you can include specific design features that you want to see included such as specific headlines or product photos or
more general guidelines for the execution such as color palettes or fonts to use.

Taxi Driver Day offer, 22nd of March 22-month warranty, Drive your own rules

Media Facebook


Projected timeline

Ad translation: 15-22 of March (week before the Taxi Driver Day)

Important dates/deadlines

First draft 10.03.2024

$10 000 (goal: sell 500 phones with $100 margin, e.g. ROAS x5)
Financial Sources
Marketing budget, Kazakhstan Team

Comments and Approval
Contact Name and Title

Maria Ulrikh, Marketing Manager


Date Signature

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