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Operating System

• System Software
• Manages hardware and applications.
• Provides services to other software.
• Interface between users and computer hardware.
• Activities
 Resource Allocation
 Memory Management
 CPU Management
 Device Management
 Scheduling and more.

• Examples
 Microsoft Windows
 Android
 Apple iOS
Introduction To Computer 1
Components of OS
 Kernel
• The basic component of OS.
• Provides control over hardware.
• Functions
 Memory management
 I/O management
 Provides access to hardware for programs Management

 Program execution Device I/O and
Management Communication
 Device management
 Data security
Interrupt and
 Organizing data for storage Memory


Introduction To Computer 2
Components of OS
 Device Drivers
• A program that instructs OS and user applications
how to communicate with a specific hardware
• Every hardware needs a driver in order to

 User Interface
• Interface between user and computer, the rest of the OS and applications.
• Accepts requests and interprets for the rest of the OS.

• Two types:
 Command Line Interface – where the user communicate via textual commands with
computer, e.g. Command Prompt and Ubuntu Terminal.

 Graphical User Interface – an interface comprised of visual elements like buttons, menus
etc. that allow to operate the machine without having to learn command for each task.

Introduction To Computer 3
Components of OS
 System Utilities
• The programs installed with operating system that are not necessary for the
computer to work.
• Help to configure, monitor and maintain a computer system.
• Examples:
 Firewall
 Backup tools
 Compression tools
 File manager
 Network monitors
 Disk utilities
 User accounts and more.

Introduction To Computer 4

 A Firewall is a network security device that monitors and filters incoming

and outgoing network traffic based on an organization's previously
established security policies. At its most basic, a firewall is essentially the
barrier that sits between a private internal network and the public

Introduction To Computer 5
Types of OS
 Batch Operating System
• Used in early days of computing.
• Use of devices like punch cards.
• Tasks were prepared on punch cards and submitted for processing.
• Jobs with similar needs grouped together and run without intervention.
• Slow I/O process.

Introduction To Computer 6
Types of OS
 Time Sharing OS
• More than one users simultaneously.
• Processor time is shared among multiple users.
• Frequent switching among jobs from different users.
• CPU scheduling schemes.
• A time slice (very short period of time) is assigned to each process.

Introduction To Computer 7
Types of OS
 Distributed OS
• Several interconnected computers (nodes) located at different sites.
• Run by a specific OS designed to serve multiple applications and users across
the network.
• Sharing of resources.
• Fault tolerance

Introduction To Computer 8
Types of OS
 Network OS
• An OS runs on a central server, allowing the users in a network to share
applications and resources.
• Manages network resources.
• Examples:
 MS Windows Server
 Linux
 Mac OS X

Introduction To Computer 9
Types of OS
 Real Time OS
• OS designed to serve applications that processes data
in real time.
• Real Time:
 Processing data in very short time without delay.
 Response within a specific period of time otherwise the
system fails.

• Almost all modern day OS’s are real time OS’s.

Introduction To Computer 10
Popular OS’s
• Developed in 1969, reprogrammed in C language in 1973.
• Multi-user
• Multi-tasking
• Time sharing
• Components:
 Master Control Program (Kernel).
 UNIX Shell (CLI)
 Utility applications.

• Aimed for use by programmers.

Introduction To Computer 11
Popular OS’s
• A family of open source OS’s built on the LINUX kernel.
• Linux Kernel:
 Developed in 1991.
 Free open source kernel.
 Built after UNIX was licensed and was no more
freely available.

• LINUX Distribution:
 An OS built using LINUX Kernel.
 Ubuntu, Lubuntu, LINUX Mint etc.

• Run on 2.3 % of PCs (as of 2018).

• Used on a large number of devices e.g. embedded systems, PDAs,
smartphones and super computers.

Introduction To Computer 12
Popular OS’s
 MS Windows
• A family of OS’s with GUI developed by Microsoft.
• Introduced in 1985, with the development of a GUI for the existing MS-DOS.
• 1987 – Windows 2.0
• 1990 – Windows 3.0
• Dominated the PC market and still dominates.
• Several versions since Windows 1.0:
 Windows NT
 Windows 95
 Windows 98
 Windows 2000
 Windows XP
 Windows 7
 Windows 8
 Windows 10
Introduction To Computer 13
Popular OS’s
 Macintosh OS
• Mac OS, a family of OS’s developed by Apple for “Macintosh”.
• Released in 1984.
• One of the first GUI based OS’s.
• Renamed to Mac OS X with the release of version 10 (X) in 2001.
• Renamed to OS X in 2012 and to macOS in 2016.
• A basis for apple’s other devices’ OS like iOS and watchOS.

 Android OS
• Designed for touch screen mobile devices.
• Open source project, based on a modified version of Linux
• Developed by Android Incorporation and sold to Google in 2005.
• Introduced in 2007.
• Most widely used mobile OS.
• Adopted by smartphones manufacturing giants like Samsung,
HTC, Motorola.
Introduction To Computer 14
Popular OS’s
 IPhone OS
• iOS, a UNIX like OS.
• Developed by Apple for their mobile devices.
• Released in 2007 for iPhone, later adopted for iPad and iPod etc. as well.
• Provided for free with mobile devices, along with several free apps.
• Use of gestures like swiping, tapping and pinching on multi-touch screens.

Introduction To Computer 15
Introduction to DOS
• Introduced in 1981 on IBM-PC for the first time.
• Replaced UNIX on PC’s.
• Command line interface for the user to interact with the device using commands
for each task.
• Programs started by entering their filenames.
• Programs + commands not associated with any program.
• DOS was replaced soon by GUI based OS’s, however it was widely used for
different tasks for many years and still in use.

Introduction To Computer 16
Introduction to DOS
 Commonly used DOS commands

 DIR: used for listing all or specific files in a directory.

 MD: to make a new directory.
 CD: used to switch to another working directory from the current directory.
 RMDIR: used to delete an empty directory.
 TREE: to display all the directory paths on a specified drive.
 COPY: to copy one or more files from a source drive to a destination drive.
 XCOPY: to copy files and directory including lower level directories.
 DEL: to delete specified files from a drive.
 REN: to rename a file.
 ATTRIB: used to set or show attributes of files e.g. hidden
 BACKUP: to backup files form a source drive to a destination drive.
 RESTORE: to restore files backed up using BACKUP command.
 EDIT: to open a text editor to create a new text file or edit an existing one.
 FORMAT: to format a drive
 TIME: to set or display system time.
 DATE: to set or display date.
Introduction To Computer 17

 Ali, R. & Ali, A. (2018). Chapter 4: Introduction to Operating System.

Introduction to Computer and ICT – 1st Edition (pp. 56-65). Muhalla Jangi,
Qissa Khawani, Peshawar, Pakistan: Al-ilum Publications.
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