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Exercise Objectives

To determine and document the actual Marketing Practices being used by Companies in Pakistan To determine the extent to which contemporary marketing theory is being used in the Real world of the Pakistani marketplace

To be able to conduct gap analysis and identify improvement opportunities which

would be of practical use to companies in the real world To provide thorough grounding in the principles of marketing management and their real world implementation in the marketplace To enable students to act as a conduit for diffusion of innovation in the theory and practice of marketing, thereby improving the marketing environment of Pakistan To give a competitive edge to IBA students by equipping them with a highly practical

Perspective on the science and art of marketing

Marketing Functions

Marketing Research & Analysis

Product & Brand Management

Marketing Communications

The Marketing Concept

Marketing Practices in Pakistan

Sales & Sales Management

Distribution Management FMCG Consumer Durables Commodities Services Non Profit Market Leader Market Follower Market Nicher Counterfeiters Governmental NGOs

Retailing Customer Services & CRM

Balloting will be conducted For assigning category

Marketing Research and Analysis

Determining requirements of information for taking annual, semi-annual and daily Marketing decisions Sources of information Any technology used to collect information Methodology of information collection Information dissemination within the organization Utilization of information

Marketing Research and Analysis

How does the company scan the overall marketing environment Impact of STEP analysis on the companys business How does the company scan the competitive environment How are market segments identified How are market segments identified for targeting How is the market potential estimated and what are the identifiable Factors for Determining potential What are the market drivers Is any level of market modeling or simulation used Do you see any potential for market modeling and simulation, elaboration required What are the forecasting techniques being used

Product and Brand Management

What is the product development process. Each stage needs to be touched upon
Examples of the respective companies core, augmented and potential products Examples of product lines with width and length Examples of line stretching (Upwards, Downwards, Sideways, Pruning) How does the company determine a suitable positioning strategy Suggest various perceptual maps How does this positioning strategy translate into tangible actions for the marketing Team

Product and Brand Management

How does the firm determine costs (CGS, Storage and Transportation, Selling and Marketing expenses, capital expenses etc.)
Hedging against foreign exchange fluctuations

Apart from product cost, what other environment related costs are loaded to the Product, especially the regulatory environment (Sales Tax, Excise etc.)
How does the firm determine prices Examples of price lists; Trade , Wholesale and Retail What are the pricing objectives of various products and product lines How does the company measure and keep abreast of Gross Margins earned

Product and Brand Management

Examples of Pricing Strategies What is the competitive pricing structure of the market under consideration

Examples of value propositions

Define the perceived value of the brand/brands under consideration Define branding strategy of the firm What does the brand/brands signify How does the firm determine the brand persona, brand association, brand image, other branding elements and the branding value chain

How does the firm measure brand equity

Product and Brand Management

How does the firm measure the health of the brand on a continuous basis What are corrective actions taken if brand erosion is detected or anticipated Level of awareness about IPR and its manifestation in product and brand strategies

Marketing Communications
Elements of the promotional mix used by the firm Detailed synopsis of each element including: Planned activities in each element Objectives of each activity Implementation of each activity Measurement of results of each activity Budgeting for each activity Relative percentage of each activity in the overall promotional mix Overall marketing budget as a percentage of sales How does the form chose activities within the promotional mix To what extent does the firm employ BTL techniques and why How is the marketing communication function managed, which departments within the organization take part, how are they connected and how are commitments fulfilled (Interface among Marketing, Sales, Finance, Procurement etc.)

Marketing Communications
Elements of the promotional mix used by the firm Detailed synopsis of each element including: Planned activities in each element Objectives of each activity Implementation of each activity Measurement of results of each activity Budgeting for each activity Relative percentage of each activity in the overall promotional mix Overall marketing budget as a percentage of sales How does the form chose activities within the promotional mix To what extent does the firm employ BTL techniques and why How is the marketing communication function managed, which departments within the organization take part, how are they connected and how are commitments fulfilled (Interface among Marketing, Sales, Finance, Procurement etc.) How does the company determine effectiveness of the overall marketing communications effort

Marketing Communications
Is there any direct contact between the firm and end customers Is any direct marketing conducted, scope and details required

Is any tele marketing conducted, scope and details required

Scope of marketing communications through the internet Existence of viral marketing, social media based marketing

Sales and Sales Management

How is the sales force organized How are territories determined

How is the size of the sales force determined

How is the sales force selected and recruited How are sales performance standards set How is sales performance measured and monitored What are the sales reporting systems in place

How is the sales force controlled

What is the motivational system in place and how is it implemented How is sales force retention managed What are the training and development measures for the sales force

Sales and Sales Management

Is sales force automation implemented and to what degree

How does the firm manage recoveries and through what systems
Is the sales force responsible for recoveries or not What are the corrective actions taken if sales targets are not being met

Distribution Management
What is the distribution channel structure in place How is distribution network designed How are distributors selected and recruited How are distributor incentives and performance rewards designed What value does the firm add to the distributor operations and how How are horizontal and vertical conflicts resolved

How does the firm keep abreast of customer satisfaction with distributor performance
How does the firm manage a multi-channel structure How are promotional activities, especially BTL executed via distributors What is the role of distributors in preventing parallel and grey markets

What are the functions performed by the firms retailers Describe the structure of the retail market for the firms products/services (Company Owned outlets, franchises, supermarkets etc.) Quantify the same. How is merchandising organized and implemented Role of in-store promotions and the firm-retailer relationship for the same Use of technology in retailing Reporting structure in place Logistics system in place between firm, distributors and retailers Organization for retailing in rural markets and BOP markets

Customer Services and CRM

Do the mission and vision statements embrace services in addition to products Does the company possess a customer services philosophy Is there a separate customer services department or function. Details required What systems are in place for tracking customer satisfaction What systems are in place for monitoring quality of services What systems are in place for addressing customer complaints

Is differentiation in marketing enabled through service differentiation

Does the company have a customer retention program in place What systems are in place for managing customer relationships Use of technology and e-CRM in the firm

Customer Services and CRM

Are there any key accounts for the firm How are key accounts managed Does the company utilize any quantifiable measures of customer satisfaction

Marketing Management, Strategies and Programs, Guiltinan Marketing Management, A South Asian Perspective, 13th Edition, Kotler et al. Marketing: A Case Study Approach, Stokes Market Based Management, Strategies for Growing Customer Value and Profitability, Roger J. Best WARC Compendium of Required Readings Website of the Marketing Science Institute Marketing Review Published by MAP

Marketing Gurus

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