MUN Research

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Where? – official sources
UN Digital Library
◦ Speeches, resolutions, votes, etc.
◦ Every single UN session

Permanent missions
◦ „Permanent mission of *country* to the UN”
◦ Press statements/speeches of a country

Ministry of foreign affairs website

Other government sources
Where? – Unofficial sources
News sources (READ THE NEWS)
• BBC. The Guardian, The New York Times
• Hungarian sources: Telex, HVG, 444, etc
• Good for general knowledge – not always for country position

Random sources
• Can be good – be critical
• Read more than one

AI (ChatGPT)
• Goof for research
• Don’t use it for speeches/resolutions
Method – what to consider in a problem?
What is the problem?
Who does it affect?
◦ Does it affect your country?
◦ How?
◦ Is it positive or negative?
◦ What other countries does it affect?
◦ Are they allies? Neutral countries? Enemies?

What does it take to solve the problem?

◦ What/who does the solution benefit? – allies/enemies/etc.
◦ Is it worth it?
◦ How do I sell it to the other countries?
What to search for?
Getting to know the problem
◦ Search for the problem itself – sometimes you have to simplify it
◦ Understand the problem – general knowledge
◦ Search for more specific topics within the problem

Getting your/other countries involved

◦ Country opinions – previous websites are really good
◦ Other searches can work too
◦ Getting information about country situation
◦ Searching for problem + country – often works
◦ Official government websites are good
◦ News sources if country and topic are mainstream
Alternative methods
ChatGPT/other AI
◦ Good but strictly for research
◦ Defenestration will be issued in caseyou write speeches and resolutions with them

Asking your mentor/other presidency member

◦ You will have mentors – people in charge of your MUN development and improvement
◦ Ask them for help in research, or for general information

If nothing works
◦ Probably not a lot of information on it
◦ Decide on your position by following the method above
◦ Be creative
Good luck!
Any questions?

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