Module 1 - Course Introduction

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Space Law

Module 1: Course Introduction and Design

Dr. Hüseyin Kudak

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Module 1 Objectives
• Discuss the high level and
integration of topics in the course
• Understand the conceptual
approach undertaken to the Space
• Recognize the requirements and
expectations necessary for
successful completion of the course

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Content of the ID Card

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Your Feelings on the
• What do you hope to get from this
• How do you think you will use this
course in your job?
• Are there any problems at work
that you are facing in relation to
the course topic?

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Important Items
• Thursday 14:30– 17:20
• We will take 2 breaks of 10 min.
– 15:20 and 16:20
• We will use Blackboard or alternative media
to communicate (Google Meet)
• This is a paperless course
• All material will be delivered in pdf., MS-
Word, and MS-Ppt on UZEM.
• See syllabus for more details

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• You need to have an active university e-mail
• Moodle System
• Your login is your e-mail name:
• Your password is the same as the one in your
• For technical help
– Call:
– E-mail:

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• Each student will brief the class about
aviation & space news weekly. It takes
around 3-5 min.

• Readings (Articles)

• Homework Assignment grade %20

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Academic Calendar
Key Dates
05 October 2023 Class 1 Online
12 October 2023 Class 2 Online
19 October 2023 Class 3 Online
26 October 2023 Class 4 Online
02 November 2023 Class 5 Online
09 November 2023 Class 6 Online
16 November 2023 Class 7 Online
23 November 2023 Mid-term Exam On Class
30 November 2023 Class 8 Online
07 December 2023 Class 9 Online
14 December 2023 Class 10 Online
21 December 2023 Class 11 Online
28 December 2023 Class 12 Online
04 January 2024 Final Exam On Class

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How Do We Get in Trouble?
• Did something not expected
• Didn’t do something expected

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What do you
Expect from Me?
• Communication outside the
• Timeframe to provide feedback from
• Post Notes and grades?
• Flexibility with deadlines?
• Other?

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What Should
I Expect From You?
• Let me know of any concern,
improvement, questions, etc.
• Mental and Physical (Camera is ON)
• Readings completed before the class
• No cheating (plagirism)
• Have fun learning
• Use material on the job/daily life

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What Do We Expect
From Each Other?
• Respect for the individual
– No harsh comments
– Professionalism
• Open and honest communication
• Help each other to learn

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• Before you begin to participate
you need to be acknowledge by
the instructor
• Voluntary participation will be at
the end of the learning module.
• During the learning module
students can receive direct
questions from the instructor.
• Participation need to add value to
the discussion.
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© 2018 H. Kudak. All rights reserved

Course Objectives
1. To learn the concepts of Space Law.
2. Learning of (National) and
International Space Law legislation.
3. To learn the institutions and
responsibilities related to Space Law.
4. Contract, Agreement, Insurance and
promotion of rights.
5. Technology improvement in the sector.

Have Fun!!!
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My Vision

Student, AFC 331 One
or etc.

“To enable you to

become a better manager/student
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Space Law
For aviation practitioners and for those who
likewise aspire.
Not students for Faculty of Law - T hey may find
of interest.
Pilots, the aircraft engineers, those who work for
operators of airports, airline personnel, aviation
insurers and underwriters, air traffic controllers,
regulators and so many other aviation
Students undertaking aviation-related studies.

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Space Law

Why do I need to know about Law and

Policy in the Aviation and Space Industry?

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Space Law
«One day, human beings will walk in the skies without a plane, go to

the planets, and perhaps send us messages from the Moon. There will

be no need to wait for the year 2000 for this miracle to happen.

Developing technology is already heralding this. Our duty is to ensure

that we do not fall too far behind the West in this regard...»

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, from his speech at the Eskişehir Tayyare

regiment in 1936

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Space Law
While some of us watch the Moon and stars in the sky with curiosity,

we dive into deeper thoughts. We have asked questions like: What are

these? What's there? Where did we come from? Where are we going?

When you continue to question in this way, you can often delve into

deep philosophical and religious issues regarding creation. However,

concrete scientific answers can now be given to many questions like


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Space Law
- Aviation is a highly capital-intensive and
specialized industry.
Risks, if not effectively managed, may be extreme
and the resolution of operational issues quite often
legally complex.
- Scope and degree of exposure of aviation
practitioners to legal liability.
‘ignorance of the law is no defence in a court of law’
- truly meaningful understanding of the law – to the
extent that you have a high degree of confidence in
what you do and the decisions you make.

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Space Law
- There is no industry that is more affected, and
indeed controlled, by international standards
than is the case with the aviation industry.

- Quite unlike any other mode of transportation,

aviation activities are not restricted

by political and geographical boundaries.

The ‘internationalization’ of aviation activities.

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Space Law
«Necessity is the mother of invention»

• Space law was born out of necessity.

• Almost from the time of the invention the rate of

advancement in aircraft design and performance
necessarily required the intervention of
governments from around the world to effectively
control this rampaging technology.

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Space Law

The purpose and need for space law has been

fuelled by the increasing globalization,

technological advances, scientific discoveries, high

and expanding nature of aviation activities.

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Space Law
Aviation practitioners will be well aware and familiar
with the aviation rules, regulations and the policies
that relate to their day-to-day duties and

What will become apparent in studying this course is

the extent to which the local or domestic aviation law
of individual nations has derived from treaties and
other instruments of international air and space law.

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Space Law
Moreover, since aviation, by its very nature, is to a
large extent international, its optimal benefits cannot
be realized if it is confined to national boundaries.

Therefore, it is advantageous for aviation

practitioners first to consider the law relating to

aviation in its broader international context to better

understand its application under the

domestic aviation legal regime and policies.

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Space Law

What do you think about the nature of aviation

and its relations with Space Law?

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Space Law
Last but not the Less:

Glossary of Aviation Terms


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Space Law

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Space Law

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Space Law
Orbit: An orbit refers to the curved path that an object, typically a celestial
body like a planet, moon, satellite, or asteroid, follows as it revolves
around another object due to gravitational attraction. Orbits are a
fundamental concept in astronomy and physics, and they are governed by
the laws of motion, particularly Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation
and his three laws of motion. Here are some key points about orbits:

- Gravitational Attraction: Orbits are primarily shaped by the gravitational

force between two objects. In the case of planets orbiting the Sun, or
moons orbiting planets, the gravitational pull of the larger body keeps the
smaller body in a stable, elliptical path.

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Space Law
- Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion: Johannes Kepler, a German
astronomer, formulated three laws of planetary motion in the early
17th century. These laws describe the characteristics of planetary
orbits, including the fact that they are elliptical, the speed of a planet
varies as it moves in its orbit, and there is a precise mathematical
relationship between a planet's orbital period and its average
distance from the Sun.

- Types of Orbits: Orbits can take various shapes, including circular,

elliptical, parabolic, and hyperbolic. The specific type of orbit depends
on the energy and velocity of the object in motion.

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Space Law
- Artificial Satellites: Man-made objects, like satellites and space
stations, can also follow orbits. These orbits are carefully calculated
to serve specific purposes, such as communication, Earth
observation, or scientific research.

- Stable Orbits: Objects in stable orbits, like the planets in our solar
system, continuously revolve around their central body without
spiraling inward or outward. This stability results from a balance
between the object's forward velocity and the gravitational force
pulling it inward.

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Space Law
- Escape Velocity: To break free from an orbit and move away
from a celestial body, an object must reach a certain velocity
known as escape velocity. Escape velocity depends on the
mass of the body and the distance from the center of the

- Natural and Artificial Satellites: Moons are natural satellites

that orbit planets, while artificial satellites, like those used
for communication and GPS, are human-made objects placed
into orbit around Earth or other celestial bodies.

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Space Law
In summary, an orbit is the curved path that objects follow in
space due to the gravitational attraction of another body.
These orbits can take various shapes and are governed by the
laws of physics, including those formulated by Kepler and
Newton. The study of orbits is essential for understanding
the motion of celestial bodies and for practical applications
like satellite technology.

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Module 1 Highlights

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