Lecture 02 - Database Architecture

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Database Architecture
Lecture # 02

Course Instructor: Samra Kanwal

Lecture Outline

▰ Introduction
▰ Database Architecture Type
▰ Objective of Three Level Architecture
▰ The Three Level Architecture
▰ Data Model

Database Architecture types

▰ There are three types of database

▻ 1-tier DBMS
▻ 2-tier DBMS
▻ 3-tier DBMS

1-tier DBMS Architecture

▰ In this architecture, the database is directly available to

the user. It means the user can directly save data in
DBMS and can use it.
▰ The 1-Tier architecture is used for the development of
the local application, where programmers can directly
communicate with the database for quick response.

2-tier DBMS Architecture

▰ 2-tier DBMS architecture client directly communicates

with the database server through ODBC.
▰ An application interface which is called ODBC (Open
Database Connectivity) an API that allows the client-side
program to call the DBMS.

2-tier DBMS Architecture

3-tier DBMS Architecture

▰ 3-tier DBMS architecture is the most commonly used

architecture for web applications.


3-tier DBMS Architecture

▰ It is an extension of the 2-tier architecture. In the 2-tier

architecture, we have an application server that can be
accessed programmatically to perform various
operations like validation, calculation and manipulation
of data.

Levels of Abstraction

▰ To ease the user interaction with the database, the

developers hide internal irrelevant details from users.
This process of hiding irrelevant details from the user
is called data abstraction.
▰ Three levels of Abstraction
▻ Also known as Three-Level Architecture / Three
Schemas / Three Models

3 Levels of Architecture

▰ Three Levels of abstraction of a database

▻ View Level (External Level)
▻ Logical Level (Conceptual Level – What data
is stored)
▻ Physical Level (Internal Level – How data is
Higher abstraction

Lower abstraction
3 Levels of Architecture

▰ The ANSI-SPARC architecture is divided into

3 levels

▻ The External Level

▻ The Conceptual Level
▻ The Internal Level

ANSI-SPARC Three-Level

External View

▰ Highest level of data abstraction. This describes the

user interaction with the database system.
▰ At the external/view level, users just interact with the
system with the help of GUI and enter the details on
the screen, they are not aware of how the data is
stored and what data is stored; such details are
hidden from them.
▰ External level consists of many different external
▰ Each external view may have different
External View

▰ External views are described in External schemas

which are written in the Data Definition Language
▻ Each user’s schema provides a complete description
of the user’s view
▰ External sachems are used to create GUI.
▰ User only interacts with certain entities.
▰ User will be unaware of other entities, attributes
and relationships.
▰ Allows to see only the data of interest to them.

External View

Conceptual Model

▰ Logical level: This is the middle level of 3-level data

abstraction architecture. It describes what data is
stored in the database.
▰ It describes what will be the entities, what will be their
attributes and the relationships between them.
▰ Middle level that contains the entire information of the
database (A representation of the entire information,
content of the database)
▻ e.g. DBA has this view
▰ Complete model of working organization

Conceptual Model

▰ Complete logical model

▻ Entities, attributes, relationships, constraints on
data, semantic information, security and integrity
▰ Conceptual model supports external views
▰ Conceptual model is relatively constant
▻ DBA is responsible for designing it
▻ The conceptual model can be expanded
▰ It is written in DDL, stored in a data dictionary and
compiled by DBMS

Conceptual Model

▰ All Structural details are known at this level.

▻ Tables, table contents.
▻ Table’s connections.
▻ Views and users.
▻ Constraints etc.

Physical Model

▰ This is the lowest level of data abstraction. It

describes how data is stored in the database and
what type of data will be stored.
▻ Also called storage view
▰ Let’s say we are storing customer information in a
customer table. At the physical level, these records
can be described as blocks of storage (bytes,
gigabytes, terabytes, etc.) in memory.
▰ Simply, it is managed by OS but under the instruction

Physical Model

▰ Physical implementation of database

▻ Includes data structures and file organization
▻ Works with OS
▻ To lay out data on the storage devices
▻ Build Indexes
▻ Set the pointers
▰ A description of how information is stored on physical
devices, for example:
▻ Hard drives, Tape devices, Compact disks, DVDs,
etc. 24
Differences between Three Levels
ANSI-SPARC Architecture

Example 2- Differences between Three Levels
ANSI-SPARC Architecture

Purpose of Three-Level

▰ User’s view
▻ Requirements of each user varies.
▻ All users should be able to access the same
▻ A user’s view is immune to changes made in
▻ The user should not need to know physical
database storage details.

Purpose of Three-Level

▰ DBA’s view
▻ DBA should be able to change database storage
structures without affecting the users’ views.
▻ The internal structure of the database should be
unaffected by changes to physical aspects of
▻ DBA should be able to change the conceptual
structure of the database without affecting all


▰ Mapping is the process of converting one level

to another level. In this process, the data at one
level is related to the data at another level.
▰ Mapping defines the correspondence between
▻ External mapping and conceptual mapping
▻ Conceptual mapping and the internal


User A2 User B1 User B2 User B3

User A1

External External External External

Schemas and
Schema A view B Schema B
mappings view A
built and
maintained External\Conceptual External\Conceptual
by the Mapping A Mapping B
Admin. Conceptual view DBMS
(DBA) Schema


Stored Database( Internal View) 30

Conceptual/Internal Mapping

▰ Defines correspondence between conceptual and

internal schemas.
▰ Specifies how conceptual records are represented
on the internal level.
▰ If structure of the DB is changed Conceptual/internal
mapping is changed accordingly
▰ DBA makes these changes
▰ Effects of such changes are isolated between the
two schemas.

External/Conceptual Mapping

▰ Defines correspondence b/w external and

conceptual schemas.
▰ Many conceptual fields can form one external view

Instances and Schemas

▰ Each level is defined by a schema, which defines the

data at the corresponding level
▻ A logical schema defines the logical structure of
the database (set of customers and accounts and
the relationship between them)
▻ A physical schema defines the file formats and
▰ A database instance refers to the actual content of
the database at a particular point in time. A database
instance must conform to the corresponding schema

Three Level Architecture


Data Independence

Logical data Physical data

Independence Independence

Data Independence

▰ The separation of data and application program is

called as data independence.
▰ It is an important feature of DBMS. It is the most
important advantage of three level architecture.
▰ Another major advantage is that any change in lower
level architecture does not affect the structure or
functionality of upper levels.
▰ Data independence enables the user to change the
structure of a database without changing the
application programs or the way users access the
Data Independence

▰ Data independence can be classified into two type

based on the level at which the independence is
▻ Logical Data Independence
▻ Physical Data Independence

Data Independence

▰ Logical Data Independence

▻ Refers to immunity of external schemas to
changes in conceptual schema.
▻ Conceptual schema changes (e.g.
addition/removal of records).
▻ Should not require changes to external schema or
rewrites of application programs.

Data Independence
Logical Data Independence

▰ Enables the user to change the conceptual level/logical level

without changing the external level/view level.

▰ The changes that may be performed at logical level without

changing the external level are as follows:

▻ Adding or removal of entities or relationships

▻ Adding a field to the database

▻ Removing a field from database

Data Independence

▰ Physical Data Independence

▻ Refers to immunity of conceptual schema to
changes in the internal schema.
▻ Internal schema changes (e.g. using different file
organizations, storage structures/devices).
▻ If someone changes his HDD from FAT32 to
NTFS! Should not require change to conceptual or
external schemas.

Data Independence
Physical Data Independence

▰ enables the user to change the internal level/physical

level without changing the conceptual level/logical
▰ In DBMS, a physical structure of database may
change without changing application programs or
altering the user’s view of data
▻ i.e. if the physical structure changes, DBMS is
aware of these changes, but still provides the
same logical view.

Data Independence
Physical Data Independence

▰ The changes that may be performed at physical level

without changing the logical level view are as follows:
▻ Changing file organization or storage structures
▻ Using different storage devices
▻ Modifying indexes
▻ Changing the access method
▻ Changing data structure

Data Independence and the ANSI-

▰ Three-Level Architecture


▰ Model: Refer to the permanent model of structure, not

data stored
▰ Permanent Structure: Intension of database or database
▰ Information stored: Extension of database or database
▰ Database model: collection of tools
▻ Diagrams
▻ Specialized:
▻ vocabulary to describe structure of database

Data Models

▰ Data Model
▻ A collection of concepts that can be used to describe
the structure of a database
▻ By the structure we mean the data types,
relationships, and constraints that should hold on the
▻ Also includes basic operations for specifying
retrievals and updates on the database
▻ It is becoming more common to include concepts to
specify the dynamic aspect or behavior of a database
Parts of Data Model

▰ Structural Part:
▻ It consists of a set of rules. These rules specify how a
database can be developed
▰ Manipulative Part:
▻ It defines the types of operations that can be
performed on data. The operations include updating
or retrieving data from database and changing the
structure of database.
▰ Set of Integrity Rules:
▻ It ensures the accuracy of data in the database.

Types of Data Models

▰ Object-Based Data Models

▰ Record-Based Data Models
▰ Physical Data Models
▻ Object-based data models and record-based data
models are used to describe data at conceptual and
external levels.
▻ The physical data models are used to describe data
at internal level.

Logical Data Models

▰ Object-Based Data Models

▻ Semantics Data Models
▻ The Entity Relationship Model
▰ Record-Based Models
▻ The Relational Model
▻ The Hierarchical Model
▻ The Network Model

Semantics Data Models

▰ To define conceptual and external level of data

▰ The most important and power-full model is
▰ The Entity-Relationship Model
▰ Introduced by Chen in mid 1970’s
▰ Graphical method

Entity Relationship (ER) Model

▰ In this database model, relationships are created by

dividing object of interest into entity and its characteristics
into attributes.
▰ Different entities are related using relationships.
▰ What is Entity?
▻ An entity is a person, place, thing or event for which
data is collected and maintained. For example, a
library system may contain data about different
entities like book and member. A university system
may include entities like student, teacher and class,
Entity Relationship (ER) Model

▰ Some examples of entities are as follows:

▻ Person: Teacher, Player, Doctor, Student etc.
▻ Place: Country, city
▻ Object: Vehicle, Toy, Furniture
▻ Event: Purchase, admission and registration
▻ Concept: Account, Programming

Entity Relationship (ER) Model

▰ E-R Models are defined to represent the relationships into

pictorial form to make it easier for different stakeholders
to understand.
▰ Let's take an example, If we have to design a School
Database, then Student will be an entity with attributes
name, age, address etc.

Example 1 - Entity Relationship (ER)
Model: Identify Entities
▰ Case Study
▻ A company has several departments. Each
department has a supervisor and at least one
employee. Employees must be assigned to at least
one, but possibly more departments. At least one
employee is assigned to a project, but an employee
may be on vacation and not assigned to any projects.
▰ Entities:
▻ Company ▻ Employees
▻ Departments ▻ Project
▻ Supervisor
Example 2 - Entity Relationship (ER)
Model: Identify Entities

▰ Case study
▻ In a school, a student may be assigned to one or
more posts like perfect, monitor or chairman. A
post must be assigned exactly one student.
▰ Entities:
▻ School
▻ Student
▻ Post

Hierarchical Data Model

▰ This database model organizes data into a tree-like-structure,

with a single root, to which all the other data is linked. The
hierarchy starts from the Root data, and expands like a tree,
adding child nodes to the parent nodes.
▰ A child node will only have a single parent node.
▰ Describes many real-world relationships like index of a book,
recipes etc.
▰ Data is organized into tree-like structure with one-to-many
relationship between two different types of data.
▻ for example, one department can have many courses,
many professors and of-course many students.

Example 1 - Hierarchical Data

Example 2 - Hierarchical Data

Network Data Model

▰ Extension of the Hierarchical model.

▰ Data is organized more like a graph, and are allowed to
have more than one parent node.
▰ Data is more related as more relationships are
established in this database model.
▰ Also, as the data is more related, hence accessing the
data is also easier and fast.
▰ This database model was used to map many-to-many
data relationships.
▰ This was the most widely used database model, before
Relational Model was introduced.
Example 1 - Network Data

Relational Data Model

▰ This model was introduced by E.F Codd in 1970,

and since then it has been the most widely used
database model, in fact, we can say the only
database model used around the world.
▰ The basic structure of data in the relational model is
▻ All the information related to a particular type is
stored in rows of that table.
▰ Tables are also known as relations in relational

Relational Data Model

▰ The database is a set of related relations (table of

▰ Each relation has a name which indicates what type
of tuples the relation has.

▻ For example, a relation named ‘Student’

indicates that it has student entities in it..

Relational Data Model

▰ Each relation has a set of attributes (column

names) which represents, what type of information,
the entities or tuples have?
▻ For example, Student relation has a set of
attributes Roll_No., Name, Department.

▰ A tuple / row / record in a relation, is a real-world

entity, it has a set of values for corresponding
▻ Each data value in a row or tuple is called field

Example - Relational Data

Relational Data Model

▰ Cardinality

▻ refers to the number of tuples/rows in a table

▰ Degree

▻ refers to the number of attributes/columns in

a table.

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