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1. Identify the different types of
fences, within your community

2. Identify all types of security risks,

hazards, vulnerabilities, and unsafe
conditions within your home or
Different types of fences within our
1. Solid fences
Constructed in such away that visual access through the fence is denied.
Risk Hazard
- Hard to detect breaches: It's difficult to -Weak points: such as cracks or areas
spot if someone tries to break in or climb where the material has deteriorated,
over the fence without security cameras making it easier for intruders to break
or alarms. through.
- Solid fences can be breached with tools -It can be easily climbed, allowing
or by ramming with vehicles. intruders to gain access to property.
- Absence of security cameras or alarms to detect and deter unauthorized activity near the
- Lack of anti-climb measures or top guard on the fence, making it easy for intruders to scale.
-Poor lighting along the fence can make it easier for individuals to approach undetected
especially during night
- Inadequate height of fences can be easily scaled or jumped over of the intruders.
2. Full View Fence
It is constructed in such a way that visuals access is permitted
through the fence.
- Increased opportunity for intrusion: It provide easy visual
access to the property, allowing intruders to assess
vulnerabilities and plan their entry.
-Unauthorized access due to visibility through the fence.
-Locks on metal gates or doors may be easily accessible and
susceptible to manipulation or forced entry.
-Lack of Intrusion Detection such as sensors or alarms, breaches
of a full-view metal fence may go undetected.
-Openings or gaps in metal grilles or bars can be exploited by
intruders to gain entry.
-Intruders may use nearby objects or improvised tools to aid in
climbing over metal fences.
-Inadequate lighting or landscaping around the fence can create
blind spots, enabling intruders to evade detection.
Chain-link Barbed wire
Concertina wire fence
-Intrusion: The open nature of the fence makes it easier for intruders to gain access to
the property.
-Trespassing: The lack of visual obstruction can encourage trespassing, especially if the
area inside appears attractive.
-Climbing injuries: The fence's structure can facilitate climbing attempts, potentially
leading to falls and injuries.
-Sharp edges: Chain link fences can have sharp edges that pose a cutting hazard,
especially for children and pets.

-Weak points: The fence's strength depends on its installation, material quality, and
maintenance. Weak points like loose connections or damaged mesh increase
-Poorly maintained fences: Rusted, loose, or damaged fences pose additional safety
hazards due to sharp edges, weak structure, and potential collapse.
-Accessibility of tools: Tools readily available for cutting through fences, like bolt cutters

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