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Slide 1: Introduction to Evolutionary

 Definition: The evolutionary model is an iterative and incremental
approach to software development that emphasizes adaptability and
evolution over fixed planning.
 Key Characteristics:
 Iterative development cycles.
 Incremental feature enhancements.
 Emphasis on customer feedback.
 Flexible and adaptable to changing requirements.
 Purpose: To accommodate changing requirements and optimize software
development processes.
Slide 2: Evolutionary Model -
• Phases:
• Requirements gathering and analysis.
• Design and development.
• Testing and evaluation.
• Each phase is iterative and may overlap with others.
• Evolutionary approach allows for continuous refinement and improvement.
 Phases:
 Requirements gathering and analysis.
 Design and development.
 Testing and evaluation.
 Each phase is iterative and may overlap with others.
 Evolutionary approach allows for continuous refinement and
Slide 3: Example - Agile
 Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, are examples of the
evolutionary model.
 Scrum involves short development cycles called sprints, where a
working product increment is delivered at the end of each sprint.
 Kanban focuses on visualizing workflow and limiting work in progress,
allowing for continuous delivery.
Slide 4: Requirements Gathering and
 Initial requirements are gathered and analyzed.
 Basic functionality is identified and prioritized.
 Stakeholder feedback is crucial for refining requirements over time.
Slide 5: Example - Minimum Viable
Product (MVP)
• In an evolutionary model, development often starts with building a Minimum Viable
Product (MVP).
• An MVP contains the essential features required to address the core needs of users.
• Additional features are added based on feedback and evolving requirements.
Slide 6: Design and Development

 Based on the initial requirements, design and development work begins.

 Agile practices such as continuous integration and test-driven
development are commonly used.
 Developers work in short iterations, producing working software
Slide 7: Example - Continuous
 Continuous Integration (CI) is a practice where developers frequently
integrate their code into a shared repository.
 Automated tests are run to ensure that the integrated code doesn't
break existing functionality.
 CI facilitates early detection and resolution of integration issues.
Slide 8: Testing and Evaluati

 Testing is performed throughout the development process.

 Various types of testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and
acceptance testing, are conducted.
 Continuous feedback from testing informs further development iterations.
Slide 9: Example - User Acceptance
Testing (UAT)
 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) involves validating the software against
user requirements.
 Users or stakeholders perform testing in a real-world environment.
 Feedback from UAT drives refinements and improvements to the
Slide 10: Benefits of Evolutionary
 Adaptability: Able to respond to changing requirements and market
 Customer satisfaction: Regular feedback ensures the product meets user
 Reduced risk: Early and frequent testing mitigates risks associated with
software development.
 Continuous improvement: Iterative cycles facilitate ongoing
enhancements and optimizations.

 The evolutionary model offers a flexible and adaptive approach to

software development, enabling teams to deliver high-quality products
that meet evolving needs. By embracing change and prioritizing
customer satisfaction, organizations can stay competitive in today's
dynamic business landscape.

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