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 Trans – across, over or beyond
 National – State
 A transnational corporation (TNC) is defined as
a company that operates in two or more
 They influence the policies of government
worldwide they help to order the agenda of
the World Trade Organization.
 Extending or going beyond national
Transnational corporations
(TNCs) can play a role in
promoting peace through
several avenues:
1. Economic Interdependence: TNCs often operate across borders
and rely on stable international relations to conduct business. They
have a vested interest in peaceful cooperation between nations to
ensure the safety of their investments and supply chains.

2. Job Creation: TNCs can contribute to employment and economic

stability in regions where they operate, reducing the potential for
conflict driven by economic disparities and unemployment.
3. Corporate Social Responsibility: Many TNCs have adopted corporate
social responsibility (CSR) practices that involve investing in local
communities, education, and healthcare. These efforts can contribute to
stability and social well-being.

4. Sustainable Development: TNCs can promote sustainable development

practices, which can help mitigate the drivers of conflict, such as resource
scarcity and environmental degradation.

5. Technology and Communication: TNCs in the technology and

communication sectors can facilitate cross-cultural understanding and
exchange of information, fostering peaceful coexistence and cooperation.

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