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Chapter 8

Bad-News Messages
Bad-News Messages

Examples Planning

Replying Announcing
Copyright © 2015 Cengage Learning

Bad-News Messages

Examples Planning

Replying Announcing
Copyright © 2015 Cengage Learning

Bad-News Messages

Examples Planning

Replying Announcing
Copyright © 2015 Cengage Learning

Goals in Communicating Bad News

Make your decision clear

Help your audience accept the message

Prevent further unnecessary discussion

Maintain a goodwill relationship

Preserve the company’s image

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Protect the company against lawsuits

Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing

Planning a Bad-News Message

Assess the Communication

Context Organize the Message

Analyze the Audience Explain the Decision

Choose the Medium Give the Bad News

Copyright © 2015 Cengage Learning

Close the Message

Plan Components of the Message

Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing

Communication Model
Copyright © 2015 Cengage Learning

Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing

Planning a Bad-News Message

Assess the Communication

Context Organize the Message

Analyze the Audience Explain the Decision

Choose the Medium Give the Bad News

Copyright © 2015 Cengage Learning

Close the Message

Plan Components of the Message

Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing

Organizing Bad-News Messages
Questions to consider when organizing your message

What is the
How important
content of your
is the news?

What are the What is your

reader’s relationship with
expecta-tions? the reader?
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Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing

A Continuum Approach
Organize your message somewhere along
a direct-indirect continuum.

Direct Indirect
Plan Plan
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Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing

How to Use the Direct Plan

Present a brief
rationale along Follow with End with a
with the bad explanations friendly closing
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Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing

Opening Buffer Statements

What is the goal of a buffer statement in
a bad-news message?
Relevant a. To establish or strengthen the
reader-writer relationship
b. To apologize for the bad news
c. To summarize the bad news
d. To hint at the bad news
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Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing

Opening Buffer Statements

What is the goal of a buffer statement in
a bad-news message?
Relevant a. To establish or strengthen the
reader-writer relationship
b. To apologize for the bad news
c. To summarize the bad news
d. To hint at the bad news
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Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing

Justifying Your Decision

State reasons using positive language

Explain the rationale for the “company policy”

State reasons concisely; don’t over explain

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Present strongest reasons first

Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing

Giving the Bad News

Present bad news as a logical outcome

State the bad news in positive and

impersonal language

Do not apologize unless you’re at fault

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Make the refusal definite

Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing

Closing on a Pleasant Note

Approaches to Avoid
• Apologizing
• Anticipating Problems
• Inviting Needless Communication
• Repeating the Bad News
• Using a Cliché
• Revealing a Doubt
• Sounding Selfish

Techniques to Use
• Offering Best Wishes
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• Suggesting a Counterproposal
• Directing to Other Sources
• Referring to Sales Promotions

Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing

Bad-News Messages

Examples Planning

Replying Announcing
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Rejecting an Idea

Think about a time

when you presented an
idea that was not
accepted. How did the
person respond? How
did you feel?
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Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing

Refusing a Customer Request

Use the indirect plan if the reader is emotionally

involved in the situation

Use impersonal, neutral language to explain the

reasons for the refusal

Offer a small compromise to help retain the

customer’s goodwill
Copyright © 2015 Cengage Learning

Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing

Bad-News Messages

Examples Planning

Replying Announcing
Copyright © 2015 Cengage Learning

Bad News about Normal Operations
Copyright © 2015 Cengage Learning

Examples | Planning | Replying | Announcing


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