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MTI Pengembangan Produk dan

Rekayasa Kualitas
@ 2024

1. Pengantar Pengembangan Produk

2. Opportunity Identification
3. Concept Generation
4. Concept/Project Evaluation
5. Development
6. Product Testing
7. Launch
8. UTS (Midterm)
by C. Merle Crawford C. Anthony Di Benedetto

EDISI Ke-7, 2003

• Ch 01-03 PART ONE – OVERVIEW &

– Ch 13 Design
– Ch 14 Development team management
– Special issue in development

Eleventh Edition 
• Development phase, which includes
– Product Design,
– Product architecture and prototype
– and product use testing, (dibahas tersendiri)
– As well as organizational and team
management issues.
Development phase
Technical Development
Marketing Development
What Is Design?
• Has been defined as “the synthesis of technology and human
needs into manufacturable products.” [untuk tujuan mass
• In practice, design can mean many things, ranging from styling
to ergonomics to setting final product specifications.
(karakateristik lebih baik atau baru, fiiting product to human)
• Design has been successfully used in a variety of ways to help
achieve new product objectives. (upaya kreatif & inovatif)
• One thing it is not: “prettying up” a product that is about to
manufactured! >> tidak perlu dilakukan: “mempercantik” produk
Definition of Innovations
• The simplest definition of innovations is doing something
• Innovation is the creation and implementation of new
processes, products, services and methods of delivery which
result in significant. improvements in outcomes, efficiency,
effectiveness or quality.
• Innovation can also be explained as s new idea, product, device
or novelty.
• Innovation = Invention*Commercialization
• A good idea or invention for a successful product/solution but
you also need to commercialize or sell this idea to generate a
Design-Driven Innovation
• Inovasi Berbasis Desain; Beberapa penulis menyarankan inovasi
produk dual-drive tradisional strategi (didorong oleh teknologi
atau digerakkan oleh pasar)
• Roberto Verganti menyarankan untuk mempertimbangkan cara
ketiga: didorong oleh desain inovasi, di mana desain itu sendiri
yang mengambil peran kepemimpinan.
• Desain memperkenalkan cara baru yang berani untuk bersaing.
• Inovasi yang digerakkan oleh desain tidak berasal dari pasar;
mereka menciptakan pasar baru.
• Mereka tidak mendorong teknologi baru;
• mereka mendorong makna baru. Pelanggan tidak menanyakan
arti baru ini, tetapi begitu mereka mengalaminya, itu adalah
cinta pada pandangan pertama.
The Role of Design in the New Products
• Peran Desain dalam Proses Produk Baru
• Kurangnya pemahaman atau apresiasi desainer, desain
manajemen, dan fungsi desain di pihak manajer dari pihak
lain bidang fungsional, Peran Desain kurang diperhatikan.
• Desainer menjalani pelatihan ketat untuk mempelajari cara
mendesain produk yang berfungsi dengan baik secara
mekanis, tahan lama, mudah dan aman untuk digunakan,
yang dapat dibuat dari bahan yang mudah didapat, dan
yang terlihat menarik.
• Jelas, banyak dari persyaratan ini akan bertentangan, dan
terserah pada ahlinya desainer untuk mencapai semuanya
secara bersamaan.
Pentingnya Desain
• Sebagai bukti pentingnya desain, keunggulan
desain dapat membantu perusahaan mencapai
spektrum yang luas dari tujuan produk baru,
seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 13.1 .
Contributions of Design to the New
Products Process
Kontribusi Desain pada Proses Produk Baru
• Design for Speed to Market >> The team (composed of
marketing, manufacturing, and engineering personnel)
worked closely with Group Four Design to identify
customer needs.
• Design for Ease of Manufacture >> Semuanya harus
bersatu dengan mudah. Selanjutnya, waktu
pengembangan harus dikompresi dari standar empat
tahun menjadi dua setengah tahun.
• Design for Differentiation >> berhasil membedakan
penawaran produknya karena lebih orisinal dalam
desain. Keunggulan dalam desain menjadi penting.
Contributions of Design to the New
Products Process
• Design to Meet Customer Needs >> Pemahaman yang
mendalam tentang kebutuhan pelanggan diperlukan agar
perusahaan dapat menerjemahkan teknologi berpotensi
tinggi menjadi produk yang memberikan manfaat berarti
kepada pelanggan.
• Design to Build or Support Corporate Identity >> Banyak
perusahaan telah menetapkan ekuitas visual di seluruh
produk yang mereka jual: dapat dikenali melihat atau
merasa bahwa mereka menggunakan secara konsisten.
• Design for the Environment >> produk dapat dibongkar
setelahnya digunakan untuk mendaur ulang komponen
logam, kaca, dan plastik secara terpisah.
Principles of Universal Design (1/2)
• Source: James M. Mueller and Molly Follette Story, “Universal
Design: Principles for Driving Growth Into New Markets,” in P.
Belliveau, A. Griffin, and S. Sodermeyer (eds.), The PDMA
Toolbook for New Product Development (New York: Wiley,
2002), pp. 297-326.
1. Equitable Use: The design is useful to people with varied
abilities. >> Desainnya berguna untuk orang-orang dengan
beragam kemampuan.
2. Flexibility in Use: The design accommodates a wide variety
of preferences. >> Desain mengakomodasi berbagai
3. Simple and Intuitive to Use: The design is easy for anyone to
understand. >> Desainnya mudah dipahami oleh siapa saja.
4. Next slide 
Principles of Universal Design (2/2)
4. Perceptible Information: The design communicates the
required information to the user. >> Desain
mengkomunikasikan informasi yang diperlukan kepada
5. Tolerance for Error: The design minimizes adverse
consequences of inappropriate use. >> Desain meminimalkan
konsekuensi yang merugikan dari penggunaan yang tidak
6. Low Physical Effort: The design can be used efficiently by
anyone with minimal fatigue. >> Desainnya dapat digunakan
secara efisien oleh siapa saja dengan usaha minimal.
7. Size and Space for Approach and Use: The product is easy to
reach, manipulate, and use. >> Produk mudah dijangkau,
dimanipulasi, dan digunakan.
s of
Range of Leading Design Applications

• Rentang Aplikasi Desain baik, sesuai dengan

tujuan desain.
Product Architecture
• The process by which a customer need is developed into a
product design. >> Proses dimana kebutuhan pelanggan
dikembangkan menjadi desain produk.
• This is a critical step in moving toward a product design >>
Product Architecture adalah langkah penting dalam
bergerak menuju desain produk
• Arsitektur yang mantab, akan meningkatkan kecepatan ke
pasar, dan mengurangi biaya penggantian produk setelah
• Komponen produk digabungkan menjadi modul
"potongan", elemen fungsional dijadikan potongan, dan
potongan tersebut saling terkait satu sama lain.
[potongan : subsistem, modul dll] 13-20
A Process for Product Architecture
• 1. Create the Product Schematic. The schematic shows the
components and functional elements of the product and
how they are interconnected.
• 2. Cluster the Schematic Elements.  the chunks (or
• 3. Create Geometric Layout. using simulations, computer-
aided design, or other techniques, the product is arranged in
several confi gurations to determine the “best” solutions.
• 4. Check Interactions between Chunks. Understand what
happens at the interfaces between chunks >> Periksa
Interaksi antar Potongan. Pahami apa yang terjadi pada
antarmuka antar potongan.
Product Architecture Illustration
Product Architecture and Product
Arsitektur Produk dan Platform Produk
• Product architecture development is related to
establishing a product platform. >> Pengembangan
arsitektur produk terkait dengan membangun
platform produk.
• If chunks or modules can be replaced easily within the
product architecture, “derivative products” can be
made from the same basic platform as technology,
market tastes, or manufacturing skills change.
• Examples: 200 versions of the Sony Walkman from four
Faktor Penilaian Suatu Desain Industri
• Kualitas antarmuka pengguna; Akankah pengguna memahami produk dan tujuan
penggunaannya? Apakah aman untuk digunakan? Pada desain dashboard mobil
misalnya, apakah kenop dan saklar lampu, wiper, dan klakson mudah ditemukan dan
• Emotional appeal; Daya tarik emosional; Apakah itu menarik. desain yang menarik?
Apakah calon pemilik akan bangga memiliki produknya? Apakah mobil menghasilkan
pertumbuhan yang memuaskan saat dinaikkan?
• Maintenance and repair; Perawatan dan perbaikan;Apakah prosedur
pemeliharaannya jelas dan mudah? Bisakah semua cairan diubah dengan mudah, dan
mudahkah mengetahui cairan mana yang mengalir ke mana?
• Appropriate use of resources; Penggunaan sumber daya yang tepat; Apakah produk
menyertakan fitur yang tidak diperlukan, atau tidak memiliki fitur utama? Apakah
bahan yang dipilih adalah yang terbaik, baik dari segi biaya dan kualitas? Apakah
faktor lingkungan dan ekologi dipertimbangkan ketika memilih, misalnya, jenis cat
bodi mobil?
• Product differentiation; Diferensiasi produk; Apakah desainnya membedakan
produk? Apakah itu mudah diingat? Apakah itu sesuai dengan identitas perusahaan?
Saat calon pemilik mobil mewah melihat-lihat di showroom, apakah mereka akan
bilang model baru ini sangat menonjol?
Assessment Factors for an Industrial
Prototype Development
• Comprehensive Prototype:
– complete,
– fully-functioning,
– full-size product ready to be examined by
• Focused Prototype: not fully functioning or
developed, but designed to examine a limited
number of performance attributes or features.
– Examples: a crude, working prototype of an electric
bicycle; a foam or wood bicycle to determine customers’
reactions to the proposed shape and form.
Model of the Product Design Process
Participants in the design process

Direct Participants Supportive Participants

• R&D • Design consultans
• Industri design & stylists • Marketing personel
• Eng design/product • Reseller
design • Vendors/suppliers
• Manufact engr & sys • Gov
dsgnr • Customers
• Manufac operations • Commpany attorneys
• Technical services
Improving the Interfaces in the Design
Meningkatkan Antarmuka dalam Proses Desain
• Co-location (putting the various individuals or
function areas in close proximity) >> Co-
location (menempatkan berbagai individu
atau area fungsi dalam jarak dekat)
• Digital co-location (tidak fisik tapi dekat dg
bantuan teknologi komunikasi)
• Global teams (interaksi melalui jaringan)

Improving the Interfaces in the Design
Process (2)
• Produceability engineer (independent, third party whos
understand both design and production, and who in the
design studios to see that production requirements are met
by design decisions) >> Insinyur berada di studio desain
untuk melihat bahwa persyaratan produksi dipenuhi oleh
keputusan desain
• Upstream partnering with vendors (berhub -> security risk,
patent uncertainties, cooperation that cannot be mandated in
an emergency) >> Kemitraan hulu dengan vendor (berhub ->
risiko keamanan, ketidakpastian paten, kerja sama yang
tidak dapat diamanatkan dalam keadaan darurat)
Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
• Greatly accelerates the design step and allows assessment
of multiple possible designs without building expensive
• Design for Manufacturability (DFM): search for ways to
minimize manufacturing costs.
• Design for Assembly (DFA): search for ways to ease
assembly and manufacture.
• Rational for DFM: A seemingly trivial detail in design
phase might have huge manufacturing cost consequences
later on!
• ? FDM Design-for-Market) ?
• ? CAD (1D, 2D, 2½D, 3D, 4D, DOF, wireframe, surface,
solid)  CAM (rapid-protyping/3D printo\ing, mock-up)
Some of the Uses of CAD in Auto
• Determining fit of subassemblies: does the
radio/CD player protrude too far into the
engine area?
• Facilitating “decking” of cars (attaching the
power train to the upper body): do all the
pieces fit together perfectly?
• Crashworthiness: can we modify any aspects
of the car’s design to improve its ability to
protect the passengers in a crash?
New Developments in CAD

• Stereolithography is a
technology that permit “free-
form fabrication” that is, the
creation of a solid object
directly from a 3D computer
model ” (rapid prototyping)

• Mechanical computer-aided
engineering (MCAE)
Some Terms in New Products Organization
• Functional: People in business departments or
functional areas are involved, and product
development activity must mesh with their work.
• Project: The product innovation activity requires
people who think first of the project.
• Matrix: Two people are likely to be involved in any
piece of work: project manager and line function
Options in New Products Organization
Options in New Products Organization

1. Functional (work is done by the various dept, with

very little project focus)
2. Functional Matrix (specific team from dept  team)
3. Balanced Matrix (both functional & project)
4. Project Matrix (project people first, functional 2nd)
5. Venture (pull-up from dept  think tank)
These are listed in increasing projectization, defined as the extent to
which participants see themselves as independent from the project or
committed to it.
Options in New Products Organization
1. Functional: work is done by the various departments, very little project focus.
– Usually a new products committee or product planning committee.
– Does not lead to much innovation.
2. Functional Matrix: A specific team with people from various departments; project still
close to the current business.
– Team members think like functional specialists.
– Departments call the shots.
3. Balanced Matrix: Both functional and project views are critical.
– May lead to indecision and delay.
– Many firms are making it work successfully.
4. Project Matrix: High projectization, team people are project people first and
functional people second.
– People may drive the project even against department’s best wishes.
5. Venture: Team members pulled out of department to work full time on project.
Operating Characteristics of the Basic
Characteristic Functional <------------->Venture
Decision Power of Leader Low High
Independence of Group Low High
% of time spent on project by member Low High
Importance of Project Low High
Degree of risk of project to firm Low High
Disruptiveness of project Low High
Degree of uncertainty Low High
Ability of team to violate
company policy Low High
Independent funding Low High

Decision Rules for Choosing Among the
Score each on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high):
1. How difficult is it to get new products in the firm?
2. How critical is it for the firm to have new products at this time?
3. How much risk to personnel is involved?
4. How important is speed of development?
5. Will the products be using new procedures in their manufacturing?
6. In their marketing?
7. What will be the $ profit contribution from each new item?
8. How much training do our functional people need in the markets represented by the new
products we want?
Rating: Below 15: functional matrix will likely work. matriks fungsional kemungkinan akan
15-30: a balanced matrix will probably work. matriks yang seimbang mungkin akan berfungsi.
Over 30: You need a project matrix or even a venture! Anda memerlukan matriks proyek atau
bahkan usaha!
Another View: Home Runs Vs. Singles
Characteristics of “home run” projects:
• Distance from regular business -- markets, technologies, distribution
• Conflicts with regular business -- success will threaten people in the
organization’s regular business (production, sales, technical).
• Major financial importance -- dollars, risk, or (especially) both.
• Timing -- a project that may be a “single” in normal times --
competition, market change, threatened acquisition, insecure
management team, shortage of new product projects.
(Do the opposite conditions make for singles?)
The more like a “home run” a project is, the more suited to a more
projectized organizational structure.
Considerations when Selecting an
Organizational Option
• High projectization encourages cross-functional integration.
• If state-of-the-art functional expertise is critical to project success
(e.g., in a scientific specialty such as fluid dynamics), a functional
organization might be better, as it encourages the development of
high-level technical expertise.
• If individuals will be part of the project for only a short time, it
might make more efficient use of their time if they were organized
functionally. Industrial designers may be involved in any given
project for only a short time, so different projects can simply draw
on their expertise when needed.
• If speed to market is critical, higher projectization is preferred as
project teams are usually able to coordinate their activities and
resolve conflicts more quickly and with less bureaucracy. PC makers
often use project teams, as they are under severe time pressure.
Who Are the Team Members?
• Core Team: manage functional clusters (e.g.,
marketing, R&D, manufacturing)
– Are active throughout the new products
• Ad Hoc Group: support the core team (e.g.,
packaging, legal, logistics)
– Are important at intervals during the new
products process.
• Extended Team Members: less critical members
(e.g., from other divisions)
Roles and Participants
Participants in the Product
Management Process
• Project Manager
– Leader, integrator, mediator, judge
– Translator, coordinator
• Project Champion
– Supporter and spokesperson
– May be the project manager
– Enthusiastic but play within the rules
• Sponsor
– Senior executive who lends encouragement and
endorsement to the champion
• Rationalist
– The “show-me” person
Participants in the Product Management
Process (2/2)
• Strategist
– Longer-range
– Managerial -- often the CEO
– Spelled out the Product Innovation Charter
• Inventor
– Creative scientist
– “Basement inventor” -- may be a customer, ad
agency person, etc.
– Idea source
• Facilitator
– Enhance team’s productivity and output
Myths and Truths About Product
The Myths: The Truths:
• Champions are associated • Champions get resources and
with market successes. keep projects alive.
• Champions are excited • They are passionate,
about the idea. persuasive, and risk-taking.
• Champions get involved • Champions work in firms with
with radical changes. or without formal new
• Champions arise from high product processes.
(or low) levels in the firm. • Champions are sensitive to
• Champions are mostly company politics.
from marketing. • Champions back projects that
align with the firm’s
innovation strategy.
Product Innovation Network
• Sebuah jaringan terdiri dari node, link, dan hubungan
operasi. Node adalah manusia penting untuk proyek dalam
beberapa cara. Tautan adalah bagaimana mereka dijangkau
dan apa ikatan penting yang mereka miliki dengan orang lain
dalam jaringan. Operasi hubungan adalah bagaimana orang-
orang ini dihubungi dan dimotivasi untuk bekerja sama
dalam proyek.
• Jaringan inovasi adalah struktur organisasi yang dengannya
perusahaan menerapkan inovasi bisnis lebih cepat dan lebih
efisien. Jaringan inovasi ada di dalam perusahaan atau lintas
perusahaan. Jaringan inovasi mendukung perbaikan
berkelanjutan, manajemen ide, dan manajemen inovasi
ples in
Five Conflict Management Styles

• Gaya Manajemen Konflik: 1) Konfrontasi, 2) Memberi dan

Menerima, 3) Menarik Diri, 4) Menghaluskan, 5) Memaksa
• SPEED or accerated product development
• Technique for speed to market
Technique dalam NPD
Penjelasan di atas GAMBAR 15.2
• GAMBAR 15.2 Kumpulan Teknik untuk Mencapai Kecepatan dalam Proyek Produk Baru
• Fase Organisasi1. Gunakan matriks proyek-proyek dan tim ventura.2. Menggunakan kelompok kecil dan
teknik lain untuk menggagalkan birokrasi.3. Memberdayakan tim, memotivasinya (insentif dan
penghargaan), dan melindunginya.4. Hancurkan wilayah dan wilayah.5. Pastikan departemen pendukung
siap saat dipanggil.6. Hapus jejak di departemen bersama
• Intensifikasi Komitmen Sumber Daya1. Mengintegrasikan vendor; kurangi jumlahnya seperlunya.2.
Mengintegrasikan sumber daya teknologi lainnya.3. Mengintegrasikan reseller; kurangi jumlahnya
seperlunya.4. Mengintegrasikan pelanggan; kurangi jumlahnya, berikan mereka produk dengan cepat,
bahkan kasar.5. Menggunakan rekayasa simultan/paralel/bersamaan.
• Desain untuk Kecepatan1. Desain dengan bantuan komputer dan bentuk pembuatan prototipe cepat
lainnya.. Manufaktur dengan bantuan desain: mengurangi jumlah komponen, menetapkan toleransi
dengan memperhatikan proses manufaktur, 2modul desain, perakitan satu arah. 3. Gunakan komponen
umum di seluruh keluarga.4. Jadikan produk mudah untuk diuji.5. Desain-dalam kualitas yang membuat uji
coba cepat-keuntungan relatif, dll.
• Mempersiapkan Manufaktur Cepat1. Sederhanakan dokumentasi.2. Gunakan rencana proses standar.3.
Gunakan manufaktur berbantuan komputer.4. Melakukan pengiriman bahan dan komponen tepat waktu
(manufaktur fleksibel).5. Integrasikan pengujian penggunaan produk, dan mulai sejak dini.
• Mempersiapkan Pemasaran Cepat1. Gunakan reli, bukan uji pasar.2. Menumbuhkan reputasi perusahaan
sebelum pemasaran.3. Menghabiskan apa yang diperlukan untuk segera mendapatkan kesadaran pasar.4.
Jadikan pembelian percobaan semudah mungkin.5. Siapkan kemampuan layanan pelanggan sebelum
dibutuhkan, dan ujilah.
Interface sensitivity
Penjelasan di atas GAMBAR 15.5
• GAMBAR 15.5 Uji Sensitivitas Antarmuka: Tekanan pada Fungsi Manufaktur Saat Ini, sebagaimana
Diterapkan pada Fungsi PemasaranIni adalah kesempatan bagi orang-orang yang secara profesional
tertarik pada pemasaran untuk merasakan reaksi mereka terhadap desakan (tuntutan) yang diajukan
oleh orang-orang yang bekerja di bidang manufaktur. Semua tindakan tersebut dirasa tepat (bahkan
sangat diperlukan) di bidang manufaktur, namun sampai saat ini belum dituntut oleh pemasaran.
Apakah itu pantas?
• 1. Gunakan pemasaran terintegrasi komputer. Penjualan pelanggan, logistik, biaya-semuanya dalam
satu sistem komputer, dapat diakses.2. Melakukan perang terhadap sampah. Buang kupon yang buruk,
media yang salah, dan kampanye lama.3. Menuntut pelatihan standar dan berkualitas tinggi bagi para
pemasar. Semuanya, terutama tenaga penjualan.4. Bentuk lebih banyak kemitraan pemasaran. Naik
turun saluran, dengan kelompok mana pun yang memengaruhi pelanggan kami.5. Evaluasi kembali
akun-akun dan pangkas akun-akun yang tidak menguntungkan. Gunakan pemasaran yang lebih
selektif.6. Terapkan kerja tim pemasaran yang lebih baik. Atur orang-orang pemasaran ke dalam tim,
dengan fokus pelanggan, bukan penugasan geografis seperti sekarang.7. Mengadopsi sistem bagi hasil.
Biarkan tim berbagi bonus, berdasarkan survei kepuasan pelanggan.8. Turunkan biaya unit Anda.
Lakukan serangan nyata terhadap inefisiensi, berdasarkan pengukuran produktivitas yang ketat dan
penggunaan teknologi inovatif.9. Fokuskan program pemasaran Anda. Miliki kampanye promosi yang
lebih sedikit namun lebih baik, pada tingkat kelas dunia.10. Mencapai orientasi kualitas total.
Mengembangkan langkah-langkah baru untuk semua tindakan pemasaran yang berdampak pada
kualitas layanan, dengan komitmen penuh terhadap tindakan tersebut.
• Sumber: Allan J. Magrath, "Apa yang Dapat Dipelajari Pemasaran dari Manufaktur," Across the Board,
April 1990, hlm. 37-42.
The Role of Marketing During
Peran Pemasaran Selama Pembangunan
• Marketing is involved from the beginning of
the new products process.
• Advises the new product team on how the
product development fits in with firm’s
marketing capabilities and market needs.
• Early involvement of marketing increases
product’s chances for success.
• Think of marketing’s task as more information
coordination than information gathering. 15-56
Marketing Ramp-Up
Peningkatan Pemasaran;
• The “I think we’ve got it” phase.
• Once this point is reached, the team’s attitude toward
the project changes.
• Marketing’s role increases as marketing people “rev
up” their operations.
– Plan field sales and service availability.
– Begin work on packaging and branding.
– Begin work with advertising agency reps.
– etc.
• Marketing “ramps up” for the product launch.
Issues in Team Management

• Team compensation and motivation >>

Kompensasi dan motivasi tim
– Monetary vs. non-monetary rewards?
– Process-based vs. outcome-based
• Closing the team down >> Menutup tim

Clues to Good Policy in Interface
Petunjuk Kebijakan yang Baik dalam Manajemen Antarmuka
Some Insights on Global Innovation
From Senior Executives
Beberapa Wawasan tentang Inovasi Global Dari Para Eksekutif
• Idea Generation:
– Leverage global knowledge.
– Source ideas from customers, employees, distributors, etc.
• Product Development:
– Focus on incremental vs. home run breakthroughs.
– Share development costs.
– Use standardization to better manage global operations.
• Commercialization:
– Early vs. late entrant decision.
– Consider local support/local partner.
Managing Globally Dispersed Teams
Mengelola tim yang tersebar secara global
• Reasons for growth:
– Increasing product complexity
– Accelerated product life cycles
• Issues:
– Levels of language skills among team members
– Physical distance among team members
– Cultural differences among team members

f Senior

• New Products Management, Merle

Crawford Anthony Di Benedetto 9th
Edition Copyright © 2008 by The
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights
Reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin –

Terima kasih dan penghargaan yang tinggi kepada
kontributor dalam slide ini. Penulis slide ini anonim, Slide ini
dikutip dengan dari berbagai sumber diantaranya dari buku,
jurnal, proseding dan web 64

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