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What is a volcano?
• Is an opening in the Earth’s
crust, where hot gases, molten
rocks and other materials
escape from the Earth’s interior.
Parts of Volcano
1. Crater
-A volcanic crater is a bowl- or
funnel-shaped depression that usually
lies directly above the vent from
which volcanic material is ejected.
2. Main Vents
- this is the channel through which
magma travels to reach the
Earth's surface.
Parts of Volcano
3. Magma Chamber- The
location beneath the vent of a
volcano where molten rock
(magma) is stored prior to
Types of Volcano According to Shapes
1. Cinder Cone Volcano
simplest type of volcano
occur when particles and blobs of lava
are ejected from a volcanic vent.
lava is blown violently into the air, and
the pieces rain down around the vent and
builds up a circular or oval-shaped cone,
with a bowl-shaped crater at the top.
rarely grow larger than about 1,000 feet
above their surroundings.
2. Composite Volcano
also known as stratovolcanoes which make
up some of the world’s most memorable
have a conduit system inside them that
channels magma from deep within the
Earth to the surface.
have clusters of vents, with lava breaking
through walls, or issuing from fissures on
the sides of the mountain.
can grow thousands of meters tall and can
explode violently.
3. Shield Cone Volcano
are large, broad volcanoes that look
like shields from above
the lava that pours out of shield
volcanoes is thin, so it can travel for
great distances down the shallow
slopes of the volcano.
build up slowly over time, with
hundreds of eruptions, creating many
are not likely to explode
4. Lava Domes
are created by small masses of lava which
are too viscous (thick) to flow very far
unlike shield volcanoes, with low-viscosity
lava, the magma from volcanic domes just
pile up over and around the vent.
 dome grows by expansion of the lava
within, and the mountain forms from
material spilling off the sides of the growing
can explode violently, releasing a huge
amount of hot rock and ash.
Classification of Volcanoes Based on Eruption
1. Active Volcano
- an active volcano has at least one eruption within the last 10,000
2 Categories
- there is record of recent eruption or volcanic activity
-is one that is not erupting now, but that is considered “active”
because it could erupt in the future.
Classification of Volcanoes
Based on Eruption
2. Extinct Volcano
- has not had an eruption within historic times
and it is not expected to erupt again.
Where are volcanoes likely to
• Volcanoes occur in weak spots in the earth’s crust
• There are many volcanoes along the Pacific Ocean.
• Many islands in the Pacific Ocean are actually
• They form a ring around the ocean which is called
the “Pacific Ring of Fire.”

Types of Example Classification

Taal Volcano Active-erupting
1. Shield Cone
2. Cinder Cone
4. Lava Domes
Types of Volcanic Eruption

1. Phreatic or Hydrothermal
- is a stream driven eruption as the
hot rocks come in contact with
water. It is short lived, characterized
by ash columns but may be an
onset or a larger eruption.
2. Phreatomagmatic Eruption
– is a violent eruption due to
the contact between water and
magma. As a result, a large
column of very fine ash and
high-speed and sideways
emission of pyroclastic called
base surges are observed.
3. Strombolian Eruption
– a periodic weak to violent
eruption characterized by
fountain lava. It is consisting of
ejection of incandescent
cinders, lapilli, and lava bombs,
to altitude of tens to a few
hundreds of meters.
4. Vulcanian Eruption
– it is characterized by tall
eruption columns that reach up
to 20km high with pyroclastic
flow and ash fall tephra. They
usually commence with
phreatomagmatic eruptions
which can be extremely noisy
due to the rising of magma and
heating of water in the ground.
5. Plinian or Versuvian
- excessively explosive type
of eruption of gas and
pyroclastic. It produces a
sustained convicting plumes
of pyro clasts and the gas is
rising more than 25km
above sea level.
Example of Types Description Type of
Volcano Eruption
1. Taal Volcano
2. Composite
3. Plinian
4. They are large, broad
volcanoes that look like
shields from above. The lava
that pours out is thin, so it
can travel for great distances
down the shallow slopes of
the volcano.

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