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108 Sessions, 30 min each

Session 16
Eternal vs diwala bank

Radheshyam das devotional videos

Contents of the Gétä Summarized

Verse 2.40
a little on
In t h there is no e m e nt
a d vanc h ca n
ende is
loss or t hi s p a
c t o n e fr o
avor r o t e
p st
t he m o p e
a n g e r o us t y
o f fe a r
Madhvacarya’s commentary
Desire is the root of sin:
Sri Krishna’s teachings of non-attachment no doubt reduces the anguish of
Arjuna but still his fear of committing sin by killing preceptors and relatives has
not completely disappeared.

Even though this is a holy war, some sin is bound to be committed by the killing
of innocent people and this will lead to unhappiness and misery in the other
world. The war will thus give mixed results of happiness and misery.

Instead, asks Arjuna: "Is it not better to be a recluse, forsake all action, retire
into a forest and lead the life of a mendicant, which is free from any sin. The old
doubt still persists.
Madhvacarya’s commentary
Desire is the root of sin:
In answer to this query the Lord proceeds to describe the philosophy of Bhagavata religion
or desireless action which is uncontaminated by sin.
Just as attachment is the root of misery so also desire is the root of sin.
We should try to conquer this desire.
Does the mere performance of a violent act lead to sin? No.
For example, the judge passes death sentence on many culprits and the executioners hang
them. Do they acquire sin? No. This violence is committed not for any personal gain but as a
part of one’s duty. Desireless action, therefore, does not result in sin.
The Lord Himself destroys the universe, still he is sinless.
Under anesthesia, the doctor performs operations on the human body without the patient
feeling any pain.
So also desireless action is like the anesthesia which enables man to perform his duties in
this world unsoiled by sin.
Bg. 2.40
प्रत्यवायो न विद्यते ।
स्वल्पमप्यस्य धर्मस्य
त्रायते महतो भयात् ॥ ४० ॥

nehābhikrama-nāśo ’sti
pratyavāyo na vidyate
sv-alpam apy asya dharmasya
trāyate mahato bhayāt
Ajamila, Brahmana
From Kanauj, UP
Second chance - Ajamila
Sri Madhvacharya says in Gita Tatparya:
Principle of desireless action (NKY)
àarM-maÇimCDava iv:[uxmeR n in:)la, -- Gita Tatparya
The Lord has thus given a simple and straightforward
religion the practice of which in our day to day life, even
to a limited extent, will yield great results.
It is not how much we do, but how we do, that matters.
E.g. Sudama gave but a handful of beaten rice to the
Lord. It is the spirit, the purity of mind and the devotion
behind that simple offering that produced the result. It
is the quality that matters, not the quantity.
E.g. A single piece of currency note bearing the seal of
the Government is more valuable than heaps of
ordinary paper.

E.g. Even little deeds bearing the stamp of devotion are

more fruitful than scores of others performed without
it. This in brief is the principle of desireless action.
Bharat Maharaja’s 3 lives
SP : Any work begun on the material plane has to be completed,
otherwise the whole attempt becomes a failure.
a. But any work begun in KC has a permanent effect, even though not finished.
b. One percent done - one begins from two percent.
c. Ref: tyaktva sva dharmam….SB 1.5.17
Special concession for
a devotee:
Even if he attains a non
human body, by
Lord’s grace he advance
s further in
Devotional Service, wh
ether by
remembering his past lif
e or
by natural causes.

 Remembrance of past life and sincere Repentance

 Detachment from place of birth-Kalanjara mountain
 Keeping away from Non-devotee Association
 Austerity eating only dry grass
 Associating with Saintly persons in Pulahashram
 Intense experience of Spiritual emotions
 Attaining a Brahmana and Pure devotee body in next life
 Deer body given only to awaken Repentance
 Deer could understand all Knowledge of Scriptures
Ramanuja, SS and BV - This verse describes NKY : “Highest Transcendental Quality of Work” –
Activity in Krishna consciousness
 For the benefit of Krishna
a. There is no loss of ‘Abhikrama’ or of effort  Without expectation of sense gratification
that has been put in to bring about the fruits.

b. No negative results - pratyavayah - for imperfection in chanting mantras or

other components, because all negative effects are destroyed & no sin is
incurred by the…
- power of aiming for ätmä and
- by the name of bhagavän indicated in om tat sat.

c. Executing even a little of this niñkäma karma yoga offered to the Lord,
protects the practitioner (trayate) from saàsära.
Ref: partha naiveha namutra - BG 6.40

d. Actions performed without desire (niñkäma karma),

to the best of ones ability (perhaps not completed, and
with defective or missing elements), yield the result—
in the form of steadiness in jïäna.
Contents of the Gétä Summarized

Verse 2.41

Those who are on this path are resolute in purpose, & their aim is
one. The intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-
Bg. 2.41
व्यवसायात्मिका बुद्धिरेके ह कु रूनन्दन ।
बहुशाखा ह्यनन्ताश्च बुद्धयोऽव्यवसायिनाम् ॥

vyavasāyātmikā buddhir
ekeha kuru-nandana
bahu-śākhā hy anantāś ca
buddhayo ’vyavasāyinām
SS : Conviction that I shall be
surely saved just by devotion to the Lord.
The best kind of intelligence I can have is intelligence
used in the service of Krsna. That intelligence is defined
as fixed when it is intent upon my spiritual masters
instruction such as chanting the names of Krsna,
remembering his activities and performing service to his
lotus feet. His instructions are my sadhana and my life
both in the beginning stages of Bhakti as well as in
Bhakti's perfectional stage. I desire only to follow his
instructions. I accept nothing else as my life's work,
even in dreams, whether I am happy or distressed,
whether the material world remains or is destroyed, I do
not care, there is no loss for me. I simply must carry out
the orders of my Spiritual Master. Fixedness upon his
orders is determined intelligence in devotional service.
And only by being fixed in his orders such determined
intelligence is possible.
Contents of the Gétä Summarized

Verse 2.42-43
Men of small
knowledge act only
for opulence and
enjoyment and
therefore they
follow and consider
only those portions
of the Vedas that
grant material
Madhvacarya :

The Vedas do offer worldly benefits for those who seek but they offer
much more if you care to dive deeper and get at the truth.

The followers of Mimamsa are like the foolish people who pluck the
flowers for their fragrance robbing themselves of the taste of the
delicious fruits. Without knowing the mystic import of the Vedas and
by running after the cheap superficial rewards, we would be robbed of
the fruit of immortality. Mimamsakas committed this mistake.

The Gita criticises them as follows:

Bg. 2.42-43

यामिमां पुष्पितां वाचं प्रवदन्त्यविपश्चितः ।

वेदवादरताः पार्थ नान्यदस्तीति वादिनः ॥ ४२ ॥
कामात्मानः स्वर्गपरा जन्मकर्मफलप्रदाम् ।
क्रियाविशेषबहुलां भोगैश्वर्यगतिं प्रति ॥ ४३ ॥

yām imāṁ puṣpitāṁ vācaṁ pravadanty

veda-vāda-ratāḥ pārtha nānyad astīti vādinaḥ |
kāmātmānaḥ svarga-parā janma-karma-phala-
Kriyā-viśeṣa-bahulāṁ bhogaiśvarya-gatiṁ prati ||
TEXTS 2.41 & 2.42: Here in Text 2.42, for the
Discussion in the first time, Krishna mentions the Vedas to
Purport of Arjuna. He tells Arjuna to give up his karma-
Verse 2.42-43 kanda mentality, or the idea of using the Vedas
for many sacrifices aimed at pleasing various
demigods to gain temporary fruits and
benedictions such as sons, health,
power, wealth, longevity, a bountiful harvest or
heavenly pleasures.

It should be noted that in the previous section,

Krishna encouraged Arjuna to fight by appealing
to the same mentality in Arjuna that He now
condemns. Although previously encouraging
Arjuna to fight to obtain heaven, Krishna now
speaks on a higher level, the level of buddhi-
Contents of the Gétä Summarized

Verse 2.44
Sense enjoyment (bhoga) and
Material opulence (aiçvarya)
are two obstacles for the
'resolute determination'
of devotional
service (Samadhi)
Bg. 2.44
भोगैश्वर्यप्रसक्तानां तयापहृतचेतसाम् ।
व्यवसायात्मिका बुद्धिः समाधौ न विधीयते ॥ ४४ ॥

vyavasāyātmikā buddhiḥ
samādhau na vidhīyate

 (a) Two obstacles for the ‘resolute determination’ of

devotional service (also called as Samadhi, which
means mind fixed for the understanding of the self)
 Sense enjoyment (bhoga)
 Material opulence (aishvarya)
Text – 42-44
Men with less Knowledge attracted by flowery words of Vedas & Result

Desirous of

Good Birth

Sense Gratification
Sense Gratification 44 Resolute Heavenly
(Sense Enjoyment)
Nothing determination for Planets
Mind devotional service to
more than Attached Supreme Lord does Power
this Material Opulences not take place
(Opulent Life) Women
Mind attached b/c of Wine (Soma)
Lack of Knowledge
& hence bewildered
Text – 42-44
Men with less Knowledge attracted by flowery words of Vedas & Result

42 43 Jnana-Kanda

Vedas How to Worship Lord

Sama, Rig, Yajur, Upasana-Kanda
and Devataas
Atharva (BG 9.20) People who are Not
How to improve intelligent due to
Material Happiness Ignorance

Performs severe Gets attracted to the Attached to Furtive

austerities to achieve Sacrifices mentioned (Sense Gratification)
Heavenly planets in Vedas Activities

Good Birth

Sense Gratification
Wine (Soma)
Rise above three modes, Be
Contents of the Gétä Summarized
free from all dualities & all
Verse 2.45 anxieties for gain & safety, Be
established in the self
Bg. 2.45
त्रैगुण्यविषया वेदा निस्त्रैगुण्यो भवार्जुन ।
निर्द्वन्द्वो नित्यसत्त्वस्थो निर्योगक्षेम आत्मवान् ॥ ४५ ॥

trai-guṇya-viṣayā vedā
nistrai-guṇyo bhavārjuna
nirdvandvo nitya-sattva-stho
niryoga-kṣema ātmavān

VCT : Only bhakti is beyond three modes,

so one can transcend modes only by Bhakti.
a.Jïäna and karma cannot be said to be nistraiguëya
because of the presence of sattva in jïäna, and rajas in karma.
b.So, BG 2.45 - nistraigunyo - refers to bhakti
VCT : Give up all sädhanas of dharma, artha, käma
Discussion in the
and mokña, and just take shelter of bhakti-yoga.
Purport of PURPORT 2.45
Verse 2.45 (a) What is material activities all about –
All material activities involve action and reactions and create more bondage

(b) Why to rise above the Vedas –

mainly deal with fruitive actions
(c) Why Vedas deal with the 3 modes –
Purpose is “gradual elevation” to a position on the
transcendental plane from a field of sense gratification

Karma kanda (sense gratification)  Jnana kanda (Detachment)  Vedanta

(c) Provokes Arjuna to rise above Karma-kandi rituals and thus defeats
the argument of “Destruction of Family Traditions” of Chapter 1
 Tolerate dualities, which continue as long as material body exists
 Become free of anxiety of loss and gain & Be established in the ‘self’
 This transcendental position is achieved in full Krishna
consciousness, because one is fully dependent on the
goodwill of Krishna

Revealed absolute Truth Composed by sages

Every word unchanged eternally SRUTI
SMRTI Wording may change from age to age

Sutras Tantras
Yajur, Dhanurveda
Dhanurveda VEDANGAS
VEDANGAS Connected
Connectedtoto Spoken
Spokenby byLord
Lord Pancaratras
Pancaratras Puranas
Puranas Itihasas
Itihasas Six
Atharva Ayurveda,
etc. Kalpa-vedanga
Kalpa-vedanga Siva

Sutras Vaisnava
Samhitas Kalpa
Kalpa Vaisnava
explains 18
mantras ritual
details public

Brahmanas Grhya
explanation pronunciation
explains 18
ofofmantras pronunciation home
mantras homeyajnas
yajnas Tamasic
Aranyakas Vyakarana
Vyakarana Dharma
explanation grammar
grammar Law
mantras Rajasic
Upanisads Nirukta
Nirukta Dharma
Jnana-kanda etymology
etymology DharmaSastras
philosophyofofBrahman including Sattvic
Brahman includingManu-
Manu- Sattvic

Jyotisa Vedanta Mimamsa Nyaya
Nyaya Vaisesika
Vedanta Mimamsa (Gautama) Vaisesika
astronomy-time ((Vyasa) (Jaimini) (Gautama) (Kanada) Yoga
Yoga Sankhya
Vyasa) (Jaimini) (Epistemology, (Kanada)
calculation (Epistemology,logic)
logic) (Patanjali) (Atheist
(Metaphysics) (Hermeneutics)
(Hermeneutics) philosophy
(Metaphysics) (Patanjali) (AtheistKapila)
theology philosophyofof
theologyofof interpreting
interpreting knowledge
philosophyofof (Sadhana)
(Sadhana) (Metaphysics)
Upanisads scriptural knowledge
Upanisads scripturaltexts
texts including

Courtesy : sisters sisters sisters

Tyaga Caitanya Das

Bg. 2.46

यावानर्थ उदपाने सर्वतः सम्प्लुतोदके ।

तावान्सर्वेषु वेदेषु ब्राह्मणस्य विजानतः ॥

yāvān artha uda-pāne

sarvataḥ samplutodake
tāvān sarveṣu vedeṣu
brāhmaṇasya vijānataḥ
Contents of the Gétä Summarized

Verse 2.46

As all purposes small well

can be served by a great
reservoir of water.
Similarly, all the purposes
of the Vedas can be served
to one who knows the
purpose behind them.
Discussion in the Purport of Verse 2.46
“Highest Perfectional Stage of Vedic Knowledge” is “Revival of Krishna Consciousness” – How?
 Purpose of Rituals and sacrifices of Vedas – Gradual development of self-realisation
 Purpose of self-realisation – To know Krishna and our relationship with Him (Ref Bg. 15.15)
 Our relationship with Krishna – Eternal part and parcels (Ref Bg. 15.7)
 Conclusion: Revival of this relationship is the highest perfection

(b) Supporting Verse for above point: Ref SB 3.33.7: “aho bata sva-paco…”
 One born in dog-eater family – But if chants Holy Name he is considered:
o On the highest platform of Self-realisation
o The Best of Aryans
o To have done all penances, sacrifice, Vedic studies, holy baths many, many times

 Best way to fulfill the purpose of Vedanta philosophy –
Inoffensive chanting of the holy names
 Who is the highest Vedantist –
one who takes pleasure in chanting Holy Names
 Ultimate purpose of all Vedic Mysticism –
to take pleasure in chanting Holy Names
108 Sessions, 30 min each

Session 17
Do your best &
let Lord do the rest

Radheshyam das devotional videos

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