Chapter 3 LABEL

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Chapter 3

Have you ever seen a label

Be healthy , be happy

we will learn :
● to choose healthy and safe product
● to avoid harmful effects , and
● to get the best results
be healthy ,be happy
● to choose healthy and safe product
( memilih produk yang sehat dan aman )
● to avoid harmful effects , and
● to get the best results
( menghindari dari produk yang berbahaya
dan memilih yang terbaik )
label is an information contained in the outer packing of a product or
a goods.

( label adalah informasi yang ada dalam kemasan produk tertentu).

The purpose

To give detailed information about a product .

( memberi informasi rinci mengenai produk tertentu).


we usually find a label in packaging of product

● Food ( makanan )
● Drink ( minuman )
● Medicine ( obat )
● Cosmetics ( kecantikan )
The information that can we get from a label
● Brand of product ( merek produk)
● Name of product ( nama produk )
● Description ( deskripsi tentang produk )
● Content / amount ( isi )
● Use (s) ( penggunaannya )
● Directions to use & dosage ( cara penggunaan )
● Directions to store ( cara menyimpan )
● Expiration date ( tanggal kadaluarsa )

Learn the table

Learn the table

Let’s learn how to present a label orally

A label is written work and therefore uses the rules of written English. To
present it orally, you certainly need to use the rules of spoken English.
Study the example below

Learn the table
Presentation guide
Learn the label

Read the table

Learn the presentation guide

Practice at home

Now you can practice how to present a label orally.

You can use this label
Have a nice try…

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