Prepositions HI

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•Answer the following questions on the pictures above:
1. Where is the ball in the first row of the picture?
2. How can you express the position of ball in the
second row?
3. Describe the picture in the 3rd row.
4. How do you describe the position of ball in the last
Again look at the picture
Second picture shows us the position of people in relation to
various transports and abode.
Look at the picture and describe it;
1.What can you see in the first column?
2.How can you say the situation of a person?
3.What is happening in column -3 in the picture?
Some other examples of preposition
A preposition is one of the parts of speech that correlates between
two different words or phrases usually about the time or place.
Why do we need preposition?
• We have to use prepositions in our use of language to
maintain connection of words/ideas in a sentence.
There are some prepositions which we need to use
according to the rules of English language, so we can
not use prepositions in sentences as we wish, we have
to follow the rules and get into memory the
appropriate prepositions.
Use prepositions in the blanks:
1.Ali is playing tennis …………. Sunday.
2.My friend has been living in Canada …………. two years.
3.The son and the daughter are sitting …………. each other.
4.The son and the daughter are sitting …………. each other.
5.The woman is looking …………. her daughter.
 I don't know how I managed to get ………………… ...
 I hope you won't run …………………. ...
 He was trying to throw his hat ……………….. the
roof. ...
 John always manages to get ……………… ...
 He threw himself …………………. ...
 She ran ………………….. the room. ...
 I took the envelope ………………….

Example of compound preposition
Other example of compound preposition
Use the following prepositions in your own sentences:

Use the following compound prepositions in
•On the wall
• at page 10
• in the rain
• on the way
• in the paper

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