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Co-ride Program23 build/Verification.

Overview of approved co-rides: Link
Purpose & Process
Purpose of Co-ride
Epics (incl iPMRs) that are not included in the IB Program 2023 scope but still want to
- Participate in the program builds
- Participate in specific program verification
needs to send in a co-ride request to the IB program which have to be approved before participation.
This process is needed to secure that potential program impacts are considered before adding scopes in the build / verification.

Request process for Co-rides & Rebuilds*

Step 1. Request initiation
A. Contact IB Program FVV PM to request participation in a specific verification/truck. 1. Request initiation
B. If supported from a verification perspective by FVV , contact IB program PAM/Planner to start the request process.
Step 2. Receive Program build/test deadlines and info to be presented as part of the request. 2. Pre-requisites
• Program build/test deadlines: IB Program Release calendar
• Information to be filled in and presented in the request: Co-ride Program23 C-build.pptx (Slide 3)
3. Alignment meeting
Step 3. PAM/Planner call for an alignment meeting
Participants: Epic owner, PAM/Planner, FVV PM, PBPL, PME/VPIM, PMO, PMP and CPM.)
Purpose: Review the scope & the need of the request. Assess if the milestones can be met 4. Decision (PDM)
Outcome: Judgement if request is suitable to add to program verification & next steps aligned.
Epic/request Owner prepare the summary for the meeting (See slide 3)
Step 4. Present request in IB PDM for X-functional decision & documentation: 5a: If PBI is frozen:
Request update in PBS
Main question to be answered: Can the scope be added without jeopardize the IB Verification?

• Testing perspective (FVV): Is the test need anchored & recommended within FVV? (Feature lead, IB FVV PM)?
• Technical perspective ( Vehicle Integration) : Is the scope OK to include without disturbing the IB Program verification?
• Rebuild perspective(Product builds): Is the rebuild manageable without affecting the timing of the testing? 5b: If PBI is not frozen:
Proceed to build
Step 5a. (For builds) If approved by Program and PBI has already been frozen:
• Present request in PBS after PBI review started
Step 5b. (For builds) If approved by Program and PBI is not yet frozen:

5c: Bring item to VUM or
• Proceed to build RUM (For rigs)
Step 5c.(For Rebuilds) If approved by Program:
• Bring item to VUM/RUM for detailed rebuild planning.
Volvo Group Trucks Technology

*Note: Above process is valid for requests provided in time for planning in front of the builds & verification. For requests sent after the 1 st DEF-Run of the
build, the request owner will be directed to collect confirmations by them selves before request is raised to IB PDM. (Step 3 is not organized by PAM)
Information needed for the request
· Epic general info: Name, Obj. number, SP date, PC
· Request to co-ride/rebuild:
For builds: Which build to co-ride? Whole build scope or partly? If partly, which Vehicle (incl. vehicle ID)/ FVV test?
For Rebuilds: Which Vehicles (incl. vehicle ID) to rebuild?

· Co-ride/Rebuild need: Why is participation in build/testing needed? Why is rebuild needed?

· Project scope: High level technical description of the scope.
· Product change: HW update, SW update, W/H & Packaging update, Variant impact (Especially effect
component factory),
· Time plan:
For co-ride of builds: TA rel, C/P-rel, IPD. (See IB Program Release calendar for milestones)
For rebuilds: Expected time of arrival (ETA) of parts.

Budget (Co-rides): Epic budget secured? CV-SWE budget secured for IB verification (contact FVV PM) ?
· Other necessary info Program shall be aware of.
E.g: Is there a risk that other areas on the truck will be affected in the event of failure? If rebuild – how long time
is estimated for the rebuild? When is the rebuild needed?

Volvo Group Trucks Technology

– PAM: Joakim Andersson

– Integration managers in IB Program 2023: HW - Joakim Lönnqvist & SW - Elina Strid

– FVV PMs in IB Program 2023: Marie Magnehov & Markus Kifeldt

– Product Build PM in IB Program 2023: Magnus Olsson (Rebuilds of Trucks) & Anna-Karin Johansson (Rebuilds of Rigs)

Volvo Group Trucks Technology

Program 23 documentation

· Official decision in PDM, CPM&PAM

· Object number shall be in PBI list for C-builds, PBS (Program23 update Markus in PBS meeting)

· Object number shall be in SPOT for part planning, PAM&planner

· Variant documentation in PBS PC24 variant change list. PBS

Volvo Group Trucks Technology

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