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Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Bachelor of Engineering
Robotics Process Automation(20CST-472 )

Prepared By: Ms. Jyoti Chandel(E15580)

Topic: Control Flow


University Institute of Engineering (UIE)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Control Flow

• What is Control Flow?

• Control flow is a programming concept that refers to the
order in which individual activities are executed.
• In UiPath, you can control the flow of your automations by
using certain activities that give you the option to go down
multiple pathways, repeat activities and even assist in
decision making.

University Institute of Engineering (UIE)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Control Flow

• The primary types of control flow that are used in UiPath

are Conditional Statements and Loops which are discussed
in greater detail below.
• Conditional Statements – Activities that decide the flow or
direction of an automation.
• Loops – Activities used to repeat until a certain condition is

University Institute of Engineering (UIE)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

What are Conditional Statements?

• Conditional Statements refers to the use of activities that assist in deciding

the flow or direction of an automation.
• Conditional Statements primarily consist of a statement with 2 or more
options or pathways the robot can go down. Based on the option chosen, the
direction of the automation will change. This allows for a more dynamic
automation that can go down multiple pathways depending on the inputs
• It is very helpful to think about conditional statements in a spoken language:
• “If condition A is true, let’s follow a set of instructions, otherwise if it is
false, let’s do something else”
• The primary Conditional Statements used in UiPath are the If activity
and Switch activity for sequences and the Flow Decision and Flow
Switch for flowcharts. If activities and Flow Decisions have only 2 options
to choose from, whereas a Switch and Flow Switch can have 2 or more.

University Institute of Engineering (UIE)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

What are Conditional Statements?

• Some examples of Conditional Statements includes:

• If
• The If activity contains a statement and two conditions (Then or Else). The
Then section is executed if the statement is true, while the Else section is
executed if the statement is False. Can only be used in Sequences.
• Flow Decision
• An activity that executes one of two branches (True or False), depending on
whether a specified condition is met. A Flow Decision is equivalent to the If
activity. Can only be used in Flowcharts.
• Switch
• The Switch activity allows you to select one choice out of multiple, based on
the value of a specified expression. Can only be used in Sequences.
• Flow Switch
• The Flow Switch activity allows you to select one choice out of multiple,
based on the value of a specified expression. Can only be used in Flowcharts.

University Institute of Engineering (UIE)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

What are Loops?

• Loops are programming structures used to automate

repetitive tasks by repeating the same activity or activities
over and over again (also known as iterating) until a certain
condition is met. Loops can be used both in Flowcharts and
• Since repetitive tasks are common in programming and
business applications, loops play an essential role in
automation development in order to save time and minimize
errors. Loops save development time as any activities loop
only needs to be created once, but can be run multiple times
during an automation.

University Institute of Engineering (UIE)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

What are Loops?

• They also save automation run time as iterating through a

loop can be faster than having the robot run through separate
activities. Loops also help minimize errors as each iteration
is not a separate workflow, but a single loop, which can be
modified once and be updated for all iterations.
• If you want to exit a loop before all the iterations have been
completed, you can use the Break activity. The Break
activity immediately exits the loop and moves onto any code
that follows it.

University Institute of Engineering (UIE)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

What are Loops?

• Some examples of loops used in UiPath include:

• While
• The while loop works by repeating a given set of actions while a specified
condition is true,. A while loop checks if the condition is true BEFORE
proceeding with the body of the loop.
• Do While
• The Do While loop works by repeating a given set of actions while a
specified condition is true. A Do While loop checks if the condition is true
AFTER processing the body of the loop.
• For Each
• The For Each loop works by iterating through a list of items, one at a time
and executing whatever actions are placed within the body of the loop.
• For Each Row
• The For Each Row loop works by iterating through a DataTable, row by row,
and executing whatever actions are placed within the body of the loop. This
type of loop can only be used with DataTable data types.

University Institute of Engineering (UIE)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)


University Institute of Engineering (UIE)


University Institute of Engineering (UIE)

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