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Culture, Society, and

Prepared by: Ms. Princess Joy S. Guanzon, LPT
Lesson 1: Becoming a Member of Society

 are
culturally determined rules that guide people regarding
what is right, wrong, proper, or improper.

 arefundamental to the establishment of social order in any


 are standards people use to determine desirable goals and outcomes

 arecriteria on which people base their judgments regarding behaviors

and decisions.
Examples of Filipino Habits and practices that are
considered normal and moral…

1. respect for elders; caring for one’s parents during old age;
2. praying the rosary and attending mass during Sundays (for
3. observing the five pillars of Islam (for Muslims);
4. and a sense of volunteerism during emergencies and disasters in the
Examples of taboos and predatory practices include the

1. engaging in pre-marital sex and extra-marital affairs;

2. involving one’s self to crime and illegal activities, such as drug
pushing and trafficking;
3. stealing a neighbor’s property;
4. and testifying falsely in court proceedings.
Two Most Popular Norms in the Philippines

 Norm of Appropriateness- wearing decent and appropriate

clothes for a particular occasion or event.

 Norm of Tact and Courtesy- When somebody makes a

mistake or slips in his or her words and actions, we do not
laugh or make fun of the person in order not to embarrass him
or her and, at the same time, express our respect and courtesy.
The two most important values that Filipinos possess

1. Value of Industry- filipinos credit success

to the love of one’s work and hard work.
2 . Utang na loob
(reciprocity or debt of gratitude)
- is shown through goodwill and thoughtfulness and being mindful and helpful to
someone during trying times.
 What is the status that you’d like
to achieve someday?
 How will you reach that status?
 Why you’d like to have that
Statuses and Roles

 Status is any position that an individual can occupy in

 Itis not a ranked position, but simply a label that
implies certain roles that must be performed. For
example, one can be a student, a singer, or a computer
genius at the same time.
Two Types of Status

1. Ascribed status- is given at birth or assigned later in life.

Some examples of ascribed status include age, sex, ethnicity,
and membership in a family, among others.
2. Achieved status - is acquired wilfully and consciously
through effort, talent, decisions, and accomplishments. Some
examples of achieved status include being a famous celebrity,
being the top student in one’s class, and being a black
belter in karate.
 “All human beings are “free and equal in dignity and rights.”
(Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1)

 Thismeans that all people have equal basic rights. Discrimination,

racism, and unjust treatment of different people directly oppose the
concept of human dignity and equality.
 “All human beings are “free and equal in dignity and rights.”
(Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1)

 Thismeans that all people have equal basic rights. Discrimination,

racism, and unjust treatment of different people directly oppose the
concept of human dignity and equality.
Types of Norms:

1. Folkways–sometimes known as “conventions” or “customs,” are standards of

behavior that are socially approved but not morally significant. Norms for routine or casual
interaction .(e.g.“saying “Po “and “opo”and “pagmamano”.

2. Mores – are norms of morality, they distinguish the difference between right and
wrong, are widely observed, and are considered to have greater moral significance than others.
Types of Norms:

3. Taboo – meaning culture absolutely forbids them, like incest, cannibalism, and child

4. Laws –are a formal body of rules enacted by the state and backed by the power of the
Folkways - Right vs. Rude
Mores - Right vs. Wrong
Taboo- Right vs. Forbidden
Laws- Right vs. Illegal
Thank you for

Always SMILE, it suits you…

Get Ready
Quiz next meeting:>

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