UNIT 4.5 - 3 (Business)

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The Seven Ps of the Marketing mix

Leen - Wasna - Yousif Al Saati
Promotion refers to methods of communicating
marketing messages to existing and potential

For example: Advertising, Raising Publicity etc.


- Aims to convince or encourage

INFORM: customers to make a
purchase. (switching from rival REMIND:
- Aims to alert the market products and to enhance brand
about firms products. loyalty) - Reminder promotion refers
to techniques used to retain
- - Businesses might adopt
Often based on providing customer awareness of an
product differentiation
facts and figures about a established product.
strategies entice customers to
business or its products. buy their products - to create a
unique identity or to enhance - They are suitable for
- Aims to give customers the products appeal. products that are in maturity
sufficient information to or saturation stages to their
positively influence their - Successful persuasion can product lifestyle.
purchasing decisions. lead to impulse buying - when
customers make a purchase
without having planned to do

- Brand development
- Promotional activities that
promotional strategies help
aim to attract the attention of
to build awareness,
customers is vital aspect of
recognition and loyalty to the
business business and its
- Focus on attracting
customers to the entire
- It can be expensive for a
product range or family
business to earn a
brand of products offered by
customer, so brand
the business.
development strategies are
also important for retaining
Table of contents

Above the line Below the line

01 promotion 02 promotion

Social media as
Through the line promotional
03 promotion 04 strategy
(1) Television advertising

(2) Radio Advertising

(3) Cinema

(4) Newspaper Advertising

Above the line

(5) Magazines

(6) Outdoor Advertising

Above the line
Any kind of paid for method promotion is called
above the line promotion it is usually promoted
through independent mass media sources such as the
television and the radio
Television Advertising
Television advertisement largely
impacted the marketing industry, it
relies on power of combining sound
and moving images on TV.
Advertisement on TV can also be
designed to target specific audiences
and consumers such as toys being
promoted on children television
Radio Advertising
Radio advertisement is able to reach a large audience and i is
significantly cheaper than TV. Unlike TV advertisement,
radio commercials do not rely on the listeners being fully
attentive so they are exposed to promotion whilst doing other
things such as driving.
Cinemas advertisement can directly target audiences based on
genres and ages of cinema goers. The size of the screens create
more impact compared to other forms of promotion and it’s
harder for the viewers to ignore or switch of the adverts
Newspaper Advertising
Newspaper advertisement could possibly read a much larger and
wider audience and it is much cheaper than other ATL promotion
such as TV. Newspapers can be referred to at a later date hence the
data and information can be retained. Newspaper advertisements can
target different audiences better such as teaching jobs being
advertised educational supplement a specialist newspaper for
education. Many newspapers have online websites now which
means digital newspaper can reach even wider audiences.

Magazine promotions can use high definition photo quality and colored
images to capture the readers’ attention. Magazines can target market
segments by using specialist magazines for example, Car Brides, PC
Gamer and Vogue. Magazine adverts can help with brand recall and
retention of marketing messages as they can be referred to at a later date
and they also have longer shelf life than newspapers.
Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor advertisement refers to the use of commercial billboards, banners and

posters to promote a business or a product. They are seen often in sports events,
shopping malls, roadsides, and on veichiles.
(1) Direct Marketing

(2) Personal Selling

(3) Sales Promotion

(4) Point of Sales promotion

(5) Publicity and Public Relations

(6) Trade Shows

Below the line
(7) Sponsorships promotion
(8) Word of mouth promotion

(9) Guerrilla Marketing

Below the line
Below the line promotion (BTL) does not involve the
use of mass-media promotional activities, which
means that no commission has been paid to external
media agencies thus allowing the business to have
more direct control. BTL is relatively cheap compared
to ATL promotional strategies
Direct Marketing
Direct Marketing refers to promotional activities that aim to
sell a product straight to a customer rather than using an

Direct Marketing techniques include making telephone calls

(telemarketing), sending email adverts to potential clients, and
distributing direct mail to customers.
Advantages of Direct Marketing Disadvantages of Direct Marketing

- The business keeps a larger share of any - Cost of producing and distributing
financial returns as there are no promotional materials
intermediaries, such as advertising agents,
to pay. - Direct Marketing does not always reach the
right audience, and hence represents a
- The business is free to promote its products waste of resources
in a way that it sees fit, rather than passing
on control of this to an external agency.
Personal Selling
Refers to promotional techniques that rely on
sales representatives directly helping and
persuading customers to buy and it's usually
on a face to face basis.
Sales Promotion

Are the short term incentives

designed to stimulate interest in
a product, such as the use of
discount coupons and prize
draws. They use temporary
methods to boost sales and
attract new buyers.
Point of Sales Promotion
Is the promotion of goods in
retail stores at the place where
customers can purchase the
goods, such as promotional
displays at supermarket
counters. It refers to the
promotion of a product at the
place or location where the
customer buys the product.
Publicity and Public Relations
Refers to marketing activities
aimed at establishing and
protecting the desired image of
an organization. It is about
getting positive media
coverage, usually without
directly paying for it.
Trade Shows
Are promotional events
where firms exhibit and
showcase their products for
sale to potential customers. It
enables exhibition to
conduct live demonstrations
to showcase products.
Is a promotional technique that
involves funding. Supporting or
donating resources for an event or
business venture in return for
prominent publicity. It involves a
business providing financial funds and
resources to support an event in return
for publicity.
Word of Mouth Promotion
Word of mouth promotion refers to the
spreading of promotional information from
one person to another through verbal

Word of mouth promotion can be very

damaging if the world spreads that a
business or its products are substandard. This
is ever more important in today's digital
world with online platforms for sharing
customer feedback.
Guerrilla Marketing
Guerrilla Marketing, sometimes referred
to as Stealth Marketing, uses
untraditional, unconventional, and untruly
but creative and original methods of
promotion on a relatively low budget.

Guerrilla Marketing is often designed to

make the audience unaware that they are
being targeted and is favored by small
business as they cannot afford mainstream
ATL promotional methods. They aim to
ambush or catch the attention of
customers through unusual or shocking

Is the art of presenting products

in an advantageous way in order
to improve sales. Packaging is
also used to promote the brands
and products of a business as
well as it can be used to
encourage impulse buying.
Through the line
Through the line
Is a promotion strategy that involve both above and
below the line methods which will allow customers
to engage with the product or brand in numerous
Things through the line marketers consider:
● Cost
● The product
● The product life cycle
● legislation
Methods through the line promotion use to promote

● Television
● Radio
● Outdoor advertising
● Newspaper
● Internet
● Cinema
Social media
Social media as a
promotional strategy
Due to the rise of technology and social networks social
media has now become a new method of marketing. Social
media marketing (SMM) refers to the use of social media
platforms to gain online traffic to promote products and
businesses. SMM focuses on creating marketing content that
attracts attention to audiences on social networks such
Facebook, instagram, TikTok,

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