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Basic Details of the Team and

Problem Statement
Ministry/Organization Name/Student Innovation: Ministry of
Home Affairs
PS Code: SIH1440

Problem Statement Title: An application under which all rescue

agencies are registered and which can display the location of
other rescue relief agencies during natural/ man made calamities


Team Leader Name: Prem Mittal

Institute Code (AISHE):

Institute Name: Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology

Theme Name:
Idea/Approach Details
Describe your idea/Solution/Prototype here:
Add process flow chart or simulated image of
⮚ Developing a web app where all the agencies can intercommunicate with each other after prototype or any relevant image related to your
registering themselves and sharing their data in a central database system
⮚ REGISTRATION PORTAL : Rescue agencies will sign up on the platform, furnishing crucial
data like their contact information, area of their operation, resource availability, and
specific expertise.
⮚ COMMUNICATION & COLLABORATION : the application will facilitate seamless
communication among agencies through real-time chatting feature, enabling them to
Describe your Technology stack here:
share information, coordinate efforts, and request assistance. ⮚ React
⮚ EMERGENCY ALERTS : The system will enable authorities/agencies to send emergency ⮚ Node JS
alerts to all registered agencies,ensuring they promptly respond to the situation.
⮚ Express JS
⮚ GEOVISUALIZATION : To help in better resource allocation and understanding we will also
provide the feature of geovisualisation that will help locate the affected area and the ⮚ MongoDB
agencies , relief centres and other resources available . To optimize the search process
2 filters (eg : type of disaster , location etc.) will be provided. ⮚ Socket IO

⮚ SECURITY : For the assurance of the security of data and it’s integrity the agency ⮚ Twilio API
registration will require approval ofcentral govt body(Ministry of Home Affairs) and only
authorized users will able to access the data.
Idea/Approach Details
Describe your Use Cases here Describe your Dependencies / Show stopper here
⮚ Disasters are unfortunate reoccurring phenomenon in different ⮚ Each and every organization or force must need to
parts of our country, there is an alarming need of a central system register themselves.
that can help connect various agencies involved in disaster ⮚ Some dependencies are APIs which we will be using
management. in making the web application like etc
 At the time of crisis, effective communication between agencies
and resource allocation can be conducted.
 To curb the problem of delay in communication at the time of
⮚ To ensure that at the time of a disaster striking, various agencies
have a way to communicate effectively So as to make their
communication fast and effective.
⮚ To present information of rescue agencies in a user-friendly and
efficient manner, offering features such as ,geolocation mapping,
filtering data based on various parameters such as location, type of
the disaster, category of rescue agency, etc.
⮚ To help minimize the loss of life and infrastructure.
Team Member Details
Team Leader : Prem Mittal
Branch: Btech Stream: CSE Year :III
Team Member 1 : Naveen Singh
Branch: Btech Stream: CSE Year :III
Team Member 2 : Mohd Huzaifa Ansari
Branch: Btech Stream: CSE Year :III
Team Member 3 : Anurag Shankar Pandey
Branch: Btech Stream: CSE Year :III
Team Member 4 : Karan Kumar
Branch: Btech Stream: CSE Year :III
Team Member 5 : Prateeksha Varshney
Branch: Btech Stream: CSE Year :III
Team Mentor 1 Name: Type Your Name Here
Category (Academic/Industry): Expertise (AI/ML/Blockchain etc): Domain Experience (in years):
Team Mentor 2 Name: Type Your Name Here
Category (Academic/Industry): Expertise (AI/ML/Blockchain etc): Domain Experience (in years):

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