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• We all know that in this modern world, Pollution has became a very major problem for all
human beings. The term ‘Pollution’ is just a 9 letter word but it has more than 9 million side
• A single and a simple substance can cause pollution. Pollution is mainly caused by the
Human activities. We all are responsible for polluting our mother Earth. All the things we
use at homes or in our surroundings such as plastic bags, bottles, food items, etc. are non-
biodegradable wastes and cause pollution. There are several types of pollution such as, Land
Pollution, Water Pollution, Air Pollution etc. It is very difficult to completely remove the
pollution but It is not impossible. Through this competition, I share my opinion which might
help in reducing the pollution from Earth.
• I live in Ranchi Jharkhand and In Ranchi, the pollution level is very high, The size of
pollutant particle is about 2.5 micron which is very harmful for us. According to me, there
should be establishment of Waste Management Plants. This Waste Management Plant would
be a very big (plant) factory in which all the non-biodegradable wastes will be used to
produce energy.
• I see that the government workers of Ranchi Municipal Corporation, collects the waste from
all over Ranchi and dump it into Kamre (Ground), Ranchi, From where all the wastes are
burnt in the ground which produces smoke and causes Air Pollution and Land Pollution.
This smoke is very smelly and harmful for us. It affects a very large area and that’s why
there are no houses under 1 km of its area.
• There is already a Waste Management Plant in Ranchi but its function is only to reuse, recycle and re-sell
• But My this Waste Management Plant would be a Waste-to-energy Plant. This will function in the
following manner ;
• There should be two permanent and fixed dustbins established outside the homes of Every Indians. One
for the biodegradable wastes and another for non-biodegradable wastes.
• Government workers will go and collect wastes from All Over Villages, Cities and towns and bring it to
the factory. All the biodegradable waste will be decomposed in a separate sector and will be used as
Natural and Organic Fertilizers.
• All the non-biodegradable wastes will be burnt in the factory at very high temperature. And the burning of
these wastes will produce electricity which will be distributed in the nearby villages and towns.
• Now, the burning of these wastes will produce smoke in very large quantity which will be very harmful
but In the factory, there will be chimneys from where the smoke can go out of the factory.
• These Chimney’s will contain four types of air filters such as Activated Carbon Filter, Hepa Filter, UV
Lights, and Ionizer. These filters will purify the smoke from 2.5 micron to below than 0.5 micron which is
more purified than the air we breathe in our surroundings. Also these filters will remove the dirty smell
• Now another problem is the ash that remained, So there should be a large artificial water
body such as (pond, dam) where the ash will be dumped and this water body will not meet
with other oceans or rivers etc. The water level of this water body will be less so that it does
not causes flood or any other problem.
• In this way, we can solve a very major problem of Pollution.
• In each and every district, This type of two Waste to Energy Plants should be established.
• It will be really very effective method to stop this growing pollution. Also it will produce
electricity and purify the air. If this types of plants is established in the whole country it will
help in the Economic Growth (GDP) of India. And India will become world’s most Air
purified Country.

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