Unit - 4 - Introduction To IoT.

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UNIT – 4

Introduction to Internet
of Things
Books Recommended
 1. Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, Artificial
Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd
Edition,Pearson Publications, 2020
 2. Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy,
Melanie Swan O’Reilly Publications
 3. Thomas Erl, Ricardo Puttini, Zaigham Mahmood
,Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology &
Architecture, Prentice Hall, 2013
 4. Adrian McEwen, Hakim Cassimally, Designing
the Internet of Things, Wiley, 2013.
 5. Saikat Dutt, Subramaniyam Chandramouli, Amit
Kumar Das, Machine Learning, Pearson Education

3 An overview
The flavor of the IoT
The technology of the IoT
Enchanted objects,
Who is making the internet of
Design Principles for Connected
Calm and ambient technology,
web thinking for connected devices
An overview of Internet of Things (IoT)

Meaning of Internet of Things

 The word "Internet of Things" has two main parts:

Internet and Things.

 Internet being the backbone of connectivity, and

Things means objects /devices that sense and collect
data and send it to the internet. This data can be
accessible by other “Things” too.

 The term “Internet of Things” is attributed to Kevin

Ashton of Procter & Gamble, who in 1999 article used
the phrase to describe the role of RFID tags in making
supply chains more efficient.
An overview of Internet of Things (IoT)
6  The Internet of Things or IoT simply means taking all the
things in the world and connecting them to the Internet.
 Internet of Things (IoT) is a massive network of physical
devices embedded with sensors, software, electronics, and
network which allows the devices to exchange or collect
data and perform certain actions.
 Simply put, IoT is made up of two words: Internet &
 Things – physical devices, appliances, gadgets, etc.
 Internet – through which these devices are connected
 IoT aims at extending internet connectivity beyond
computers and smartphones to other devices people use at
home or for business.
 IoT makes things virtually smart through AI algorithms,
data collection, and networks enhancing our lives.
An overview of Internet of Things (IoT)
7  Almost any physical object can be transformed into an IoT device
if it can be connected to the Internet.
 Some of them are simple, such as a light bulb that can be
controlled through a smartphone app.
 Others might be more complex, such as a driverless car or a jet
engine that’s filled with thousands of sensors.
 The term Internet of Things is mostly used with devices that you
wouldn’t expect to be connected to the Internet, so things like
computers and smartphones are not included.
 Things that are connected to the Internet can be broken into three
Things that collect and send information (Sensors)
Things that receive and act on information (Printers).
Things that both collect and receive information
(irrigation system that receives information from the
Meaning of Internet of Things
Meaning of Internet of Things

 The internet of things (IoT) is a computing concept that

describes the idea of everyday physical objects being
connected to the internet and being able to identify themselves
to other devices.

 It is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical

and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are
provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to
transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-
human or human-to-computer interaction.

 The term is closely identified with RFID as the method of

communication, although it also may include other sensor
technologies, wireless technologies or QR codes.
Components of IoT
Components of IoT

 Physical objects: Things that are connected in a single

network. Example: A car, a building, an animal etc.
 Sensors: A hardware which senses the environment around a
physical object. They are devices that are capable of collecting data
from the environment. There are various types of sensors available –
temperature sensors, pressure sensors, RFID tags, light intensity
detectors, electromagnetic sensors, etc. Examples of sensors are:
 Accelerometers: Used for sensing temperature.
 Magnetometers: Used for sensing proximity.
 Gyroscopes: Used for sensing image.

 People: Who controls the IoT via mobile or computer application.

Components of IoT

 A Cloud/server infrastructure/IoT Platform: The sensors can be

connected to the cloud through various mediums of communication
and transports such as cellular networks, satellite networks, Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth etc. The central services are used to process large amount
data collected by a device, provide analytics and host the entire IoT
ecosystem. Cloud computing services are popularly used in IoT.
 Network: IoT components use a wired or wireless computer network
to connect and communicate with each other in the IoT ecosystem.
Data collected from sensors are passed over the network for
computations to the cloud or processing nodes. Depending upon the
scale, they may be connected over LAN, MAN or WAN. They can
also be connected through wireless networks like- Bluetooth, ZigBee,
Wi-Fi, etc.
Components of IoT

 Analytics: Data analytics needs to be applied to the data as the value is not in
the raw bits and bytes, but rather in the insights gathered from them. Big data
analytics tools vary from simple statistical tools to more sophisticated
machine learning approaches. For instance, statistical tools find the known
knowns in the data; machine learning finds the known unknowns; and deep
learning is able to find the unknown unknowns. The process of generating
useful insights from the data collected by sensors is called analytics. Analytics
when performed in real time, can have numerous applications and can make
the IoT system efficient.
 User Interface: It determines how the data is presented to the final users. A
user sometimes might also have an interface through which they can actively
check in on their IOT system. For instance, a user with the help of a camera
installed in his house, might check the video recordings and all the feeds
through a web server.
 Action: Information obtained after analytics must be either passed to the user
using some user interface, messages, alerts, etc; or may also trigger some
actions with the help of actuators. Actuators are the devices that perform some
action depending on the command given to them over the network.
Components of IoT Implementation
14  Figure: IoT Implementation
Benefits of IoT

 Smart Cities: IoT can be applied to things like

transportation networks: “smart cities” which
can help us reduce waste and improve
efficiency for things such as energy usage.
 Medicine:
 Connected devices can help medical
professionals monitor patients inside and
outside of a hospital setting.
 Computers can then evaluate the data to help
practitioners adjust treatments and improve
patient outcomes.
IoT – Characteristics
16  Dynamic & Self Adapting: IoT devices and systems may have
the capability to dynamically adapt with the changing contexts
and take actions based on their operating conditions, user‘s
context or sensed environment. Eg: the surveillance system is
adapting itself based on context and changing conditions.
 Self Configuring: allowing a large number of devices to work
together to provide certain functionality.
 Inter Operable Communication Protocols: support a number
of interoperable communication protocols and can communicate
with other devices and also with infrastructure.
 Unique Identity: Each IoT device has a unique identity and a
unique identifier (IP address).
 Integrated into Information Network: That allow them to
communicate and exchange data with other devices and systems.
IoT – Advantages
17  Efficient resource utilization: By knowing the functionality
and the way that how each device work, it is possible to
definitely increase the efficient resource utilization as well as
monitor natural resources.
 Minimize human effort: As the devices of IoT interact and
communicate with each other and do lot of task for us, they
minimize the human effort.
 Save time: As IoT reduces the human effort then it definitely
saves time. Time is the primary factor which can save through
IoT platform.
 Enhance Data Collection: The efficiency of data collection
improves since the devices communicate with one another
with minimal human intervention.
 Improve security: Through the interconnected devices, it is
possible to make the system more secure and efficient.
IoT – Advantages
 Urban Planning
Sensors that have an IP address can be placed under a
busy street and city officials can alert drivers about
upcoming delays or accidents.
Intelligent trash cans are able to notify the city when they
become full, thus optimizing waste collection routes.
 Competitive advantage for business
By tracking data about energy use and inventory levels, a
firm can significantly reduce its overall costs.
Connectivity may also help companies market to
consumers more effectively.
IoT – Advantages
 Retailing
By tracking a consumer’s behavior inside a store, a
retailer could theoretically make tailored product
recommendations that increase the overall size of the
Once a product is in a consumer's home, that product can
be used to alert the owner of upcoming service schedules
and even prompt the owner to book the appointment.
 Animals
Sensors are implanted in the ears of cattle would allow
farmers to monitor cows’ health and track their
movements, ensuring a healthier, more plentiful supply
of milk.
Benefits of IoT
IoT – Disadvantages
21  Security: As the IoT systems are interconnected and
communicate over networks. The system offers little control
despite any security measures, and it can be lead the various
kinds of network attacks.
 Privacy: Even without the active participation on the user, the
IoT system provides substantial personal data in maximum detail.
 Complexity: The designing, developing, and maintaining and
enabling the large technology to IoT system is quite complicated.
 Compatibility Challenges: At the core of the IoT concept, all
devices must be able to connect and communicate with each other
for data to be transferred.
 Bandwidth Challenges: Perhaps at no surprise, devices and
applications that rely on the ability to communicate with each
other constantly to work effectively tend to use a lot of data at
once, leading to bandwidth constraints for those using many
devices at once.
IoT – Categories
22  Consumer and Commercial IoT (CIoT):
 Commercial, enterprise, or consumer IoT—also simply known as
IoT—is used to describe connected devices within homes and office
spaces, such as cameras, badge readers, and HVAC control systems.
 It refers to the use of IoT for consumer applications and devices.
 Common CIoT products include smartphones, wearables, smart
assistants, home appliances, etc.
 While CIoT tends to focus on augmenting personal and home
environments, Commercial IoT goes a bit further, delivering the
benefits of IoT to larger venues such as commercial office buildings,
supermarkets, stores, hotels, healthcare facilities, and entertainment
IoT – Categories
23  Examples of Consumer and Commercial IoT (CIoT):
 Smart wearable bands: Common features include sleep cycle
monitoring, calories burnt, step count, heart rate sensing, etc. With
IoT connectivity, it can allow your watch to stay always connected,
even in most remote destinations.
 IoT-connected Trail Cameras: The trail camera, also known as a
camera trap, is an invaluable tool for anyone interested in
photographing animals in their natural habitat or watching wildlife.
This special type of camera uses motion or heat detectors to detect
animals passing nearby in a natural environment.
 AI-based voice assistant: AI voice assistants are the next big thing
on the Consumer Internet of Things. Through M2M, AI voice
assistants can communicate to other appliances per the inputs when
wi-fi is unavailable, or the signals are weak.
 Smart home automation solutions: Various home automation
solutions, such as intelligent lighting systems, automated door
lock/unlock, self-operating curtains with light sensors, etc., fall
under CIoT.
IoT – Categories
24  Industrial IoT (IIoT):
IoT – Categories
25  Industrial IoT (IIoT):
 The Industrial Internet of Things is the convergence of smart
technology that enables organizations to solve critical business
problems and improve operational efficiency.
 Through the integration of hardware, software, data aggregation,
advanced predictive and prescriptive analysis, decision making,
and reporting, organizations can evolve by leveraging devices
and real-time insights on business performance.
 IIoT connects machines and devices in industries such as
manufacturing, transportation, oil and gas, power generation and
transmission, mines, and ports.
 Its focus is on augmenting existing industrial systems, making
them both more productive and more efficient.
 IIoT deployments are typically found in large-scale factories and
manufacturing plants and are often associated with industries like
healthcare, agriculture, automotive, and logistics.
 The Industrial Internet is perhaps the most well-known example
of IIoT.
IoT – Categories
26  Examples of Industrial IoT (IIoT):
 Predictive maintenance of machines: IIoT allows users to
sense machine performance and characteristics to predict
if/when the machine may need maintenance. This not only
allows to save time in the company but also adds an additional
safety layer to the workspace.
 Remote monitoring & control of equipment: Controlling and
monitoring of equipment using IIoT is a great way to make
industries more accessible for faster decision-making and
 Quality assurance & quality control: IIoT can also be used in
production and manufacturing industries to verify the quality of
any built item before delivering it. The data received can allow
real-time improvements without endangering the products’
IoT – Categories
27  Industrial IoT (IIoT):
IoT – Categories
28  Infrastructure IoT:
 It is concerned with the development of smart
infrastructures that incorporate IoT technologies to boost
efficiency, cost savings, maintenance, etc.
 This includes the ability to monitor and control
operations of urban and rural infrastructures, such as
bridges, railway tracks, and on- and offshore wind farms.
 Internet of Military Things (IoMT):
 It is often referred to as Battlefield IoT, the Internet of Battlefield
Things, or simply IoBT.
 IoMT is precisely what it sounds like — the use of IoT in military
settings and battlefield situations.
 It is chiefly aimed at increasing situational awareness, bolstering
risk assessment, and improving response times.
 Common IoMT applications include connecting ships, planes, tanks,
soldiers, drones, and even Forward Operating Bases via an
interconnected system.
IoT – Categories
29  Internet of Military Things (IoMT):
IoT Case Studies

Chitale Dairy
IoT Case Studies

Chitale Dairy
 It sells over 60 million liters of milk annually.
 The dairy uses RFID tags to capture vital information about each cow
or buffalo and transmits this information back to the dairy’s data
 Farmers can access this information about their animals from the
company’s database using their mobile phones.
 They can use this information to
 The expected levels of milk or when vaccinations have to be given.
 Tracking cattle movement and locations to prevent potential loss or
 Measuring fertility of cows to make better decisions on breeding.
 Monitoring or Tracking of cows behavior, eating habits, health
conditions etc
 Lactation and the use of robots to increase milk production.
IoT Case Studies

Smart Farming Solutions

IoT Case Studies

Smart Farming Solutions

 Smart farming solutions enables users to monitor and control
their irrigation equipment, manage farms more efficiently in
terms of usage of resources like fertilizers, seeds, and water, and
monitor farm conditions in real time.
 This will help the farmers to detect inconsistencies, reduce
operational challenges and to be more cost effective.
 Precision agriculture employs technologies like sensors, GPS,
GIS, and drones to measure spatial variability, communicate
farm conditions, plan irrigation and harvesting, and thus
eliminate human intervention to a large extent.
IoT Case Studies
TVS Motor IoT Based Manufacturing
TVS Motor IoT Based Manufacturing
IoT Case Studies

TVS Motor IoT Based Manufacturing

 Datonis Edge: Responsible for integrating with machines and
sensors on the shop floor. Also responsible for integrating with
shop floor ERP, QMS and other systems.
 Datonis IoT: The repository for storing and processing all
machine and manufacturing data and is the data lake for the
implementation. Acts as the data source for Datonis MINT.
 Datonis MINT: Business-focused application that is used for
computing KPIs that matter and delivering specific reports to
the various stakeholders.
Telematics in Vehicles
IoT Case Studies

Connected Vehicle Ecosystem

 Telematics is a disruptive automotive technology that utilises IT and communication protocols to

send, receive and store information about remote vehicles. The data is transmitted over a wireless
network through secure means, and an in-vehicle electronic device or smartphone is employed for
establishing remote connectivity.

 The telematics device gathers information from inside the vehicle and transfers it
back to the IoT cloud through appropriate communication protocols.
 This data is then processed, analysed, and decisions are made to improve vehicle
performance, customer recommendations etc.
Connected Features for Two-Wheelers
IoT Case Studies

Construction Equipment – IoT Application

IoT Case Studies

Construction Equipment – IoT Application

 JCB India, a firm which manufactures construction equipment,
provides an IoT-based service to its clients, which ensures
proactive maintenance of its equipment.
 JCB India’s telematics service allows users to remotely monitor
the overall health and performance of machines in the field.
 Statistics such as fuel consumption, idle time and equipment
usage can be studied and analysed, which in turn, can lead to
better productivity.
 Moreover, a geo-fencing feature ensures that the machine does
not go outside defined boundary conditions.
 Today, JCB has successfully connected over 10,000 construction
machines, which are deployed for its customers, across India.
Calm and Ambient Technology
 “Calm technology”:
 It is meant for designing tools and systems that are unintrusive. They do not want
their customers’ attention to get diverted or make excessive demands.
 Their function is to improve the user experience but not to distract users.”
 “Ambient technology”:
 It involves creating an environment where technology is present but not the central
 Instead of drawing attention to itself, ambient technology blends into the
surroundings, providing information or functionality in a way that feels natural and
 Calm and ambient technologies can be used to create devices that collect and
send data without creating any problems.
 The best example of Calm and ambient technology is devices like smart
thermostats, that adjust the temperature according to user preferences without
constant human interaction.
 In general the key fundamental of calm and ambient technology is
acknowledging users’ attention, reducing distractions, and smoothly and
quietly integrating technology into daily life.
Calm and Ambient Technology
Examples of Calm Technology
Examples of Calm Technology
Examples of Ambient Technology
 Ambient Displays: – Equipment or installations that communicate information through
ambient lighting or subtle visual cues. Consider a smart wall display that modifies its
colour according to traffic or weather predictions.
 Sound Environment Feedback:-Internet of things gadgets that use tones or ambient
noises to convey information. As an illustration, consider a thermostat that sounds a soft
chime to signal changes in the temperature.
 Close Observations:-Internet of Things apps that employ proximity sensors to identify
users’ presence and modify settings appropriately. For example, lights that sense when
someone enters or exits a room automatically switch on or off.
 Systems of Adaptive Lighting:- Smart lighting systems that change brightness and
colour temperature according to the time of day to create an atmosphere.
 Ambient Assisted Living (AAL):- Internet of Things applications in healthcare that
silently track people’s health. For instance, sensors installed in the house can monitor
patterns of movement and identify irregularities to protect elderly.
 Intellectual Materials and Textiles:- It is development of ambient interfaces by
incorporating IoT technology into textiles and materials. As an illustration, consider
clothing with sensors built in to monitor health signs and quickly link to other devices.
 Ambient Energy Harvesting:- These gadgets rely on energy sources such solar or
mechanical energy to power themselves. This results in a more sustainable and distinct
technology deployment by lowering the requirement for external power sources.
Calm and Ambient Technologies – Differences
Parameter Calm Technology Ambient Technology
Definition A technological solution that works in Involves establishing a space where
the background and offers support or technology is integrated into the
information without requiring surroundings without taking the centre
continuous attention. stage.
User Attention Tries to minimize interruptions and intended to function in a manner that
exhibit respect for users' time. doesn't distract consumers and enables them
to concentrate on their work.
Integration Easily fits into users' lifestyles and integrates with the surroundings to provide
provides support as required. utility without recognizing itself.
Interactivity Reduces the requirement for continuous runs in the background, adapting to
user engagement, resulting in a more preferences or cues without requiring
self-sufficient and natural experience. constant input from the user.

Examples i. Smart thermostats that adjust the i. Smart lighting systems that modify
temperature based on user brightness in response to ambient light
preferences. levels.
ii. Wearable fitness trackers that ii. Home automation systems that react
monitor activity without constant to their presence without direct user
user input. input.
iii. Smart lighting systems that adjust
brightness based on natural light

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