Module - Cloud Computing

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History of Cloud Computing

History of Cloud Computing

Distributed Computing: A network of interconnected computers working together to solve complex problems or execute tasks, such as
SETI@home using volunteers' computers to analyze radio signals from space.

Mainframe: High-performance, centralized computers used by large organizations for critical data processing tasks, like IBM zSeries mainframes
powering banking transactions.

Cluster: Group of interconnected computers working together to improve performance or reliability, like Hadoop clusters processing big data
across multiple nodes.

Grid Computing: Network of geographically dispersed computers solving large-scale computational problems, such as Folding@home simulating
protein folding using distributed resources.

Virtualization: Technology creating virtual instances of computers, operating systems, or applications, like VMware allowing multiple virtual
machines to run on a single physical server.

Web 2.0: Second-generation internet emphasizing user-generated content, collaboration, and interactive experiences, exemplified by social
media platforms like Facebook and interactive websites like Wikipedia.

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Design approach organizing software components as services that communicate via standardized
protocols, enabling flexible and scalable systems, like Amazon Web Services (AWS) offering various cloud services through APIs.

Utility Computing: Pay-per-use model providing computing resources on-demand, similar to electricity or water utilities, such as Amazon EC2
charging users based on usage hours and resources consumed.

Cloud Computing: Delivery of computing services over the internet on a pay-as-you-go basis, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost-
effectiveness, like Google Cloud Platform providing virtual machines, storage, and databases as cloud services.
Introduction to Cloud Computing

• Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous,

convenient and on demand network access to a shared
pool of computing resources.

• Allows access to a shared collection of system resources

and services that can be readily supplied over the
internet with fewer management efforts.

• Allows the company to expand its customer base without

having to invest in costly servers and maintenance costs.
Cloud Characteristics

• On demand self-service

• Broad network access

• Rapid elasticity

• Resource pooling

• Measured service
Cloud Characteristics
Cloud Basics
Service/Delivery Models
• SaaS

• IaaS

• PaaS

Deployment Models
• Public

• Private

• Community

• Hybrid

• Multi
Cloud Service Models

Software as a Service

Platform as a Service

Infrastructure as a Service
Cloud Service Models

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) :

• User has full control over OS and deployment applications.
• Hardware is managed by provider; such as servers, storage, network, virtualization.

• Vmware
• AWS: EC2 IaaS
• OpenStack
• Azure
• Redhat
Cloud Service Models

Platform as a Service (PaaS) :

• Platform for development and deployment.
• User has no control over Infrastructure.
• Application management needs to be done.
• Popular services: Storage, Database, Scalability

• Google App Engine
• Azure
• AWS: S3
Cloud Service Models

Goals of PaaS :
• The ultimate goal of a PaaS is to make it easier for you to run your website or
web application no matter how much traffic it gets.

• You just deploy your application and the service figures out what to do with it.

• A platform as a service should handle scaling seamlessly for you so you can
just focus on your website and the code running it.
Cloud Service Models

Software as a Service (SaaS) :

• No hardware or software to manage.
• Application is also managed by the cloud and hosted through a service provider and made to
be available to clients over a network.
• Service delivered through a browser.

• Financial Planning
• Human Resources
• Word processing

Commercial Services:
• SaaS
• MS office
• Zoho
• Office 365
• Google apps
Cloud Service Models
Applicability and types of SaaS :

Enterprise Software application:

• Sharing of data between internal and external users Example. : Salesforce CRM

• Single user Software application: runs on a single user computer and serves 1 user at a
time Example: Microsoft office

• Business Utility SaaS - Applications like Salesforce automation are used by businesses
and individuals for managing and collecting data, streamlining collaborative processes and
providing analysis. Popular use cases are Customer Relationship Management (CRM),
Human Resources and Accounting.

• Social Networking SaaS - Applications like Facebook are used by individuals for
networking and sharing information, photos, videos, etc.
SaaS Examples
Saas, PaaS, and IaaS: Separation of Responsibilities
Example to Differentiate Different Cloud Delivery Models
Cloud Deployment Models
Public vs Private vs Hybrid clouds
Benefits of Hybrid cloud
Cloud Deployment Models

Multicloud: A step further..

• Multicloud allows you to use two or more clouds from different cloud providers. This can be any mix of
Infrastructure, Platform, or Software as a Service (IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS).

• With multicloud, you can decide which workload is best suited to which cloud based on your unique
• Cloud Security as a Service, also known as Security as a Service (SECaaS), is a Cloud-based solution
that delivers outsourced cybersecurity services.

• Just as Cloud computing has increased in recent years, so have the number of cybersecurity threats that
can access the Cloud. This has led many companies to outsource Cloud security services just as they

would any other service.

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