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Data Converters & PLDs

Presented By: Ms.C.M.Maind

Lecturer in E & TC Department

Digital Techniques(DTE-22320) Ms.C.M.Maind
Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 2
Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
• A digital-to-analog converter (DAC or D-to-A) is a device
that converts a digital (usually binary) code to an analog
signal (current, voltage, or electric charge). An analog- to-
digital converter (ADC) performs the reverse operation .

• Basic ideal operation The DAC fundamentally converts

finite-precision numbers (usually fixed-point binary
numbers) into a continuously varying physical quantity,
usually an analogue electrical voltage.

Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 3
Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 4
Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 5
Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 9
Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 10
Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 12
Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 13
Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 14
Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 15
Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 16
Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 17
• DAC Characteristics:
1. Resolution
2. Offset Error
3. Gain Error
4. Relative Accuracy
• DACs are used in many other applications, such
as voice synthesizers, automatic test system, and
process control actuator.
• In addition, they allow computers to
communicate with the real (analog) world.

Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 19

Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 20
Ch.4 Sequential logic circuits

Some important points

Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 21
Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 22
Timing Diagram

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Truth Table & Timing Diagram

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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 30
Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 31
Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 32
Gated or Clocked SR Flip-Flop

Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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•The D flip-flop is widely used. It is also known as a "data" or

"delay" flip-flop.

•The D flip-flop captures the value of the D-input at a definite

portion of the clock cycle (such as the rising edge of the clock).

• That captured value becomes the Q output.

• At other times, the output Q does not change.

• The D flip-flop can be viewed as a memory cell.

Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 37
a) Symbol b) D Flip-Flop using NAND gate

Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 38

Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 39
• The basic S-R NAND flip-flop circuit has many
advantages and uses in sequential logic circuits but it
suffers from two basic switching problems.
1. the Set = 0 and Reset = 0 condition (S = R = 0)
must always be avoided
2. if Set or Reset change state while the enable (EN)
input is high the correct latching action may not occur
• Then to overcome these two fundamental design

problems with the SR flip-flop design, the JK flip

Flop was developed.

Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 40

• The sequential operation of the JK flip flop is exactly

the same as for the previous SR flip-flop with the
same “Set” and “Reset” inputs. The difference this
time is that the “JK flip flop” has no invalid or
forbidden input states of the SR Latch even
when S and R are both at logic “1

• Both the S and the R inputs of the previous SR

bistable have now been replaced by two inputs called
the J and K inputs, respectively after its inventor Jack
Kilby. Then this equates to: J = S and K = R.

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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 43
•The T or "toggle" flip-flop changes its output on each
clock edge, giving an output which is half the frequency of
the signal to the T input.
• It is useful for constructing binary counters, frequency

dividers, and general binary addition devices. It can be

made from a J-K flip-flop by tying both of its inputs high.

Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 46
Race Around Condition In JK Flip-flop –

For J-K flip-flop, if J=K=1, and if clk=1

for a long period of time, then Q output
will toggle as long as CLK is high, which
makes the output of the flip-flop unstable
or uncertain. This problem is called race
around condition in J-K flip-flop.

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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 49
Master-Slave JK Flip Flop

Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 50
•The initial state of the flip-flop would be uncertain as it
may be in the SET state, (Q = 1) or it may be in the RESET
state, (Q = 0).
• In many conditions it is initially Set or Reset the Flip-
Flop i.e the initial state of the FF is to be assigned.
• Obviously this uncertainty in its switching is undesired
as in the majority of applications we require the output to
be set in a predefined state, either SET or RESET ready to
accept data.
• But we can overcome this uncertainty with the
conversion of flip-flops using two additional
asynchronous inputs referred to
as Preset (PR) and Clear (CLR) as shown below in the S-R

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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
Ms.C.M.Maind 52
The most common applications of flip – flops
2. Registers
3.Frequency Divider circuits
4.Data transfer
5.Used as memory element & Delay element

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Timing Diagram

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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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Truth Table & Timing Diagram

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Digital Techniques(DTE-22320)
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