2 Demand Analysis

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Unit - 1

Ch - 2
Demand Analysis

Mrs. A. Pooja Narayan

The Economics of Demand

The Demand Curve

Elasticity of Demand
Changes in Demand

The Concept of Demand. . .
Market refers to the interaction between
seller and buyers of a good or services at a
mutually agreed upon price.
Demand is defined as that want, need or
desire which is backed by willingness and
ability to buy a particular commodity, in a
given period of time.
Demand is the quantity of a commodity
which consumers are willing to buy at a
given price for a particular unit of time.
Demand indicates how much of a
product consumers are both willing and
able to buy at each possible price
during a given period, other things
remaining constant.

The Concept of Demand. . .
Quantity Demanded P
refers to the amount
Unwilling to
(quantity) of a good
that buyers are
willing to purchase at
alternative prices for Willing
a given period. to buy

Definition of Demand
The demand for a product refers to the
amount of it which will be bought per unit
of time at a particular price
Demand = Desire + Ability to pay (i.e.,
Money or Purchasing Power) + Will to
Demand is an effective desire, as it is
backed by willingness to pay and ability
to pay.
A complete statement of Demand
must state
► market dimension – whose demand
► price dimension – at what price
► time dimension – for how long.
Gopal demands 30 litres of milk, at Rs
20/- per litre, per month.
Types of Demand
1. Demand for consumers’ goods and producers’
2. Demand for perishable and durable goods
3. Autonomous (direct) and derived (indirect)
4. Normal/superior and inferior goods
5. Necessary, comforts and luxury goods
6. Related goods: Substitutes and complementary
7. Individual buyer’s demand and all buyers’
(aggregate / market) demand.
8. Firm and Industry demand
9. Demand by market segments and by total market
Consumers’ Goods and Producers’ Goods
Goods and Services used for final
consumption are called consumers’
These include those consumed by
human-beings (e.g. food items, clothes,
kitchen tools, residential houses,
medicines, and services of teachers,
doctors, lawyers, washer men and shoe-
makers), animals (e.g. dog food and fish
food), birds (e.g. grains), etc.
Producers’ goods refer to the goods used for
production of other goods.
Thus, producers’ goods consist of plant and
machines, factory buildings, services of
business employees, raw-materials, etc.
The distinction is somewhat arbitrary. This
is because, whether a good is consumers’ or
producers’ depends on its use.
For ex., if a sofa set is used in the drawing
room of a house - it is a consumers’ good;
while if is a used in the reception room of a
business house – it is a producers’ good.
But,the distinction is useful for a proper
demand analysis for while the demand for
consumers’ goods depends on
households’ income, that for producers’
goods varies with the production level,
among other things.
Perishable and durable goods
Both consumers’ and producers’ goods
are further classified into perishable (non-
durable) and durable goods.
In laymen’s language, perishable goods
are those which perish or become
unusable after sometime, the rest are
durable goods.
In economics, perishable goods refer to
those goods which can be consumed only
once while in case of durable goods, their
services only are consumed.
Perishable goods include all services (e.g.
services of teachers and doctors), food
items, raw-materials, coal, and electricity,
while durable goods include plant and
machinery, buildings, furniture,
automobiles, refrigerators, and fans.
Durable goods pose more complicated
problems for demand analysis than do
Sales of non-durables are made largely to
meet current demands which depends on
current conditions.
In contrast, sales of durable goods go
partly to satisfy new demand and partly to
replace old items.
Further, the letter set of goods are
generally more expensive than the former
set, and their demand alone is subject to
preponment and postponement, depending
on current market conditions vis-à-vis
expected market conditions in future.
Autonomous (direct) and
Derived (Indirect) Demand
The goods whose demand is not tied with
the demand for some other goods are said to
have autonomous demand, while the rest
have derived demand.
Thus, the demands for all producers’ goods
are derived demands, for they are needed in
order to obtain consumers or producers
Thus, the demand for goods which fulfill
our basic Physiological requirements, are
generally included in autonomous
For example; Demand for soap, clothing
While the demand for goods for the
production of other goods and services are
included in derived.
For example; Demand for raw material
like steel, cement, plant and machinery
Demand for money which is needed not
for its own sake but for its purchasing
power, which can buy goods and
Similarly, demand for car’s battery or
petrol is a derived demand, for it is linked
to the demand for a car.
There is hardly anything whose demand is
totally independent of any other demand.
But the degree of this dependence varies
widely from product to product.
For ex: Demand for petrol is totally linked to
the demand for petrol driven vehicles, while
the demand for sugar is only loosely linked
with the demand for milk.
Goods that are demanded for their own sake
have direct demand while goods that are
needed in order to obtain some other goods
possess indirect demand.
In this sense, all consumers’ goods have
direct demands while all producers’ goods,
including money, have indirect demand.
Normal/Superior and Inferior Goods
Normal goods, also called as superior
The former are those whose demand
increases as income increases, and the
latter are those whose demand falls as
income goes up, and vice versa.
For example, milk, refrigerator,
television, education, and the good quality
of food grains and clothes are superior
goods while the poor quality of food
grains and clothes are inferior goods.
In other words, the superior goods are the
ones which the rich people consume while
the inferior goods are for the poor
people’s consumption.
Further, these are relative concepts.
Thus, for example, scooter/bike is a
superior good in relation to a cycle, while
it is an inferior good relative to a car.
Necessary, comforts and Luxury Goods
In common sense, the necessary goods are essential
for existence, comforts goods make the life
comfortable and luxury goods are luxuries of life.
However, in economics they have special
These all are considered as superior goods but of
different degrees.
Thus, as the consumers income rise, more of each
of these three kinds of goods is consumed but the
proportion of the consumption budgets differ.
In case of necessary goods, as income
increases, while the consumption
expenditure on them increases, the
percentage of total expenditure/income
spent on each of them goes down.
In case of comforts, the said percentage
remains the same, while in case of luxuries,
it goes up.
In general, ordinary foods, drinks, clothing,
some education and medical aids are
considered as necessary.
Some means of transport, good quality of
food, drinks and clothing, tourism, etc. are
taken as comforts.
Luxuries include foods in high end hotels,
designers clothing, specious residences,
foreign touruism, and so on.
Substitute and Complementary Goods
Goods which crated joint demand are
complementary goods.
Therefore demand for one commodity is dependent
upon demand for the other one.
For ex: pen and ink, printer and ink cartridge,
computer and software, car and petrol(diesel) etc.
Goods that complete with each other to satisfy any
particular want are called substitute.
Also, note that the degree of substitution might vary
form product to product.
Substitute and Complementary Goods
Example of Close substitutes: Coke and
Pepsi, WagonR and Santro, petrol driven car
or diesel driven car, saving a/c with SBI or
ICICI bank, investing in govt bonds or
company deposits, and so on.
On the other hand, there are products which
are not so good substitutes of each other, for
example, car and bike, airways and railways.
This categorization of goods helps producers
in taking decisions related to price, output,
advertising, etc.
Individual’s Demand and Market
The demand for a good by an individual
buyer is called individual’s demand while
the demand for a good by all buyers in a
market is called market demand.
For ex, if the milk market consisted of,
say, only three buyers, then individuals
and market demand (monthly) could be as
Individual firm Demand
Amul’s Demand: Ice Cream Cones
Price/cones Daily
Rs10.00 12
Rs15.00 10
Rs20.00 8
Rs25.00 6
Rs30.00 4
Individual Demand for Pizzas
(a) Ram (b) sanjeeve (c) komal

$12 $12 $12

8 8 8

4 4 4
d d d
1 2 3 Pizzas 1 2 1
(per week)

Market Demand
Market demand is the sum of all individual
demands at each possible price.
Assume the ice cream market has two
buyers as follows:
Price Per Cone Amul Vadilal Market
 Rs10.00 12 + 7 = 19
 Rs15.00 10 + 6 = 16
 Rs20.00 8 + 5 = 13
 Rs25.00 6 + 4 = 10
 Rs30.00 4 + 3 = 7
Firm and Industry Demand
Most goods today are produced by more
than one firm and so there is a difference
between the demand facing an individual
firm and that facing an industry (all firms
producing a particular good constitute an
industry engaged in the production of that
For ex: Cars in India are manufactured by
Maruti Suzuki, TATA motors, Hindustan
Motors, Premier Automobiles, and
Standard Motor Products of India.
Demand for Maruti car alone is a firm’s
(company) demand where as demand for
all kinds of cars is industry’s demand.

Similarly, demand for Godrej refrigerators

is a firm’s demand while that for all brands
of refrigerators is the industry’s demand.
Market Demand for Pizzas
(d) Market demand for pizzas

d d d D
H + B + C =



1 2 3 6 Pizzas
(per week)

Demand by Market Segments and by
Total Market

The market demand is the total demand

for the product in the market. It is the sum
(total) of the demand of a product by all
the consumers in the market.
In managerial economic the total market
demand concept is having very less
On the other hand demand by segment is
the entire market is divided into different
groups on the basic of location,
demography, life style and behavior of the
consumers in the classification is more
meaningful in managerial economics.
The demand condition in each segment is
different from other, which provides
better guidance for the manager in
understanding the different class of
Recurring and Replacement
Consumer goods can be further divided
into consumable goods and durable
goods. Consumable goods have recurring
demand, i.e. they are consumed at
frequent intervals, like eat food twice a
day, take tea and snacks three to four
times a day, read newspaper everyday, fill
petrol in your vehicle every week, etc.
Durable consumer goods are purchased to
be used for a long time but they need
For ex : car, mobile, furniture, house etc.
Why Demand Analysis is needed?
Demand analysis is needed basically for
three purpose:
1. To provide the basis for analyzing market
influences on the demand
2. To provide the guidance for manipulating
the demand
3. To guide in production planning through
forecasting the demand
Demand Function
A function is that which describes the
relationship between a variable
(dependent variable) and its determinants
(independent variables).
Thus, the demand function for a good
relates the quantities of a goods which
consumers demand during some specific
period to the factors which influence that
Mathematically, the demand function for
a goods x can be expressed as follows:
Demand function
Dx= f (Y, Px, Ps, Pc, T; Ep, Ey, N, D)

 Dx =Demand of goods x
 Y =Income of consumers
 Px =Price of x
 Ps =Price of substitute of x
 Pc =Price of complements of x
 T =Taste of consumers
 Ep =Consumers’ expectations about future price
 Ey = Consumers’ expectations about future income
 N =No. of consumers
 D =Distribution of consumers
The first five determinants affect the
demand for all goods, the next two are
influence mainly on the demand for
durable and expensive goods, and the next
tow are arguments only in the demand
functions for a group of consumers.
The impact of these determinants on
Demand is
1) Price effect on demand: Demand for x
is inversely related to its own price.
2) Substitution effect on demand: If y is a
substitute of x, then as price of y
increases, demand for x also increases.
3) Complementary effect on demand: If z
is a complement of x, then as the price of
z falls, the demand for z goes up and thus
the demand for x also tends to rise.
4)Price expectation effect on demand:
Here the relation may not be definite as
the psychology of the consumer comes
into play.
5) Income effect on demand: As income
rises, consumers buy more of normal
goods (positive effect) and less of inferior
goods (negative effect).
6) Promotional effect on demand:
Advertisement increases the sale of a firm
up to a point.

Socio-psychological determinants of
demand like tastes and preferences,
custom, habits, etc.
Demand Curve
Demand curve considers only the price
demand relation, other factors remaining
the same.
An individual’s demand schedule for
commodity x
Price x (per unit) Quantity of x
demanded (in units)
2.0 1.0
1.5 2.0
1.0 3.0
0.5 4.5
The demand curve is negatively sloped,
indicating that the individual purchases
more of the commodity per time period at
lower prices.
The inverse relationship between the
price of the commodity and the quantity
demanded per time period is referred to as
the law of demand.
A fall in Px leads to an increase in Dx
because of the substitution effect and
income effect.
Determinants of Demand

Product’s Own Price

Consumer Income
Prices of Related Goods
Tastes & preferences
Expectations about future price & income
Number of Consumers & their
Law of Demand
The law of demand says that quantity
demanded varies inversely with price, other
things constant. Thus, the higher the price,
the smaller the quantity demanded.

 There is no change in the tastes and
preferences of the consumer
The income of the consumer remains
There is no change in customs
The commodity to be used should not
confer distinction on the consumer
There should not be any substitutes of the
There should not be any change in the
prices of other products
There should not be any possibility of
change in the price of the product being
There should not be any change in the
quality of the product; and
The habits of the consumers should
remain unchanged.
Given these conditions, the law of
demand operates. If there is change even
in one of these conditions, it will stop
Law of Demand
Law of demand states that, ceteris paribus, demand
for a product is inversely proportional to its price.
Price of the product is the most important variable
of a product’s demand. i.e. Dx = f(Px)
Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility:

According to this law, the consumer consumes

successive units of a commodity, the utility
derived from each additional unit (marginal unit)
goes on falling. Hence, the consumer would
purchase only as many units of the commodity,
where the marginal utility of the commodity is
equal to its price.
Law of Demand
Substitution effect
◦ The change in the relative price (the price of one good relative to the prices of
other goods) causes the substitution effect
 If all prices changed by same margin, there would be no substitution effect
Income effect
◦ Money income – the amount of income you receive per period
◦ Real income – measure in terms of how many goods and services you can buy
Diminishing marginal utility
◦ Marginal utility – additional satisfaction you derive from each item
◦ Law of marginal utility you derive from each additional item consumed
decreases as your consumption increases (example: pizza slices)

Demand Schedule and Demand
Demand Schedule is the list or tabular
statement of the different combinations of
price and quantity demanded of a
Demand curve shows the relationship
between price of a good and the quantity
demanded by consumers.
Demand Schedule
Price Quantity Demanded
per Pizza per Week (millions)

a $15 8
b 12 14
c 9 20
d 6 26
e 3 32

Demand Curve for Pizza
Price per pizza

8 14 20 26 32
Millions of pizzas per week
Demand Schedule and Individual
Demand Curve

Point on e
Demand Demand 35
Curve Price (Rs (‘000 d

Price of Coffee
per cup) cups)
a 15 50 c
b 20 40 25
c 25 30 20
d 30 20 a
e 35 10
10 20 30 40 50
Quantity of coffee

Exceptions to the Law of Demand
In certain cases, the
demand curve slopes
up from left to right,
i.e., it has a positive
slope. Under certain
consumers buy more
when the price of a
commodity rises, and
less when price falls
Reasons for Exceptions
 War: If shortage is feared in anticipation
of war, people “may start buying for
building stocks or for hoarding even when
the” price rises.
Depression: During a depression, the
prices of commodities are very low and
the demand for them is also less. This is
because of the lack of purchasing power
with consumers.
Giffen Paradox: 1

If a commodity happens to be a necessity

of life like wheat and its price goes up,
consumers are forced to curtail the
consumption of more expensive foods like
meat and fish, and wheat being still the
cheapest, food they will consume more of
The Marshallian example is applicable to
developed economies. It the case of an
underdeveloped economy, with the fall in
the price of an inferior commodity like
maize, consumers will start consuming
more of the superior commodity like
wheat. As a result, the demand for maize
will fall. This is what Marshall called the
Giffen Paradox which makes the demand
curve to have a positive slope.
The Veblen Effect

The Veblen Effect is the positive impact

of the price of a commodity on the
quantity demanded of that commodity. It
is named after American economist and
sociologist Thorstein Veblen, who studied
the phenomenon of
conspicuous consumption in the late 19th
Reasons for the Veblen Effect

1. Perception of quality
In Veblen’s analysis of conspicuous consumption, the
economist noted that for certain luxury goods and services,
a higher price was often associated with the perception of
higher quality.
For example, the demand for a designer handbag rises
with an increase in its price. The price increase is viewed
by consumers as evidence that the producer of the designer
handbag has improved the quality of the handbag.
2. Positional goods
Veblen goods are often positional goods.
The quantity demanded of a positional
good depends on how the good is
distributed in society.
For example, the utility gained by a
consumer from owning a diamond-
encrusted handbag might arise primarily
from the fact that few other people in
society can afford to own such an object.
Thus, for this consumer, the diamond-
encrusted handbag acts as a positional
Shift in Demand Curve
Shift of demand curve due to a change in any
of the factors other than price is a change in
When demand increases without any change
in price, the demand curve will shift to the
right, and with a reduction in demand, the
curve will shift to the left.
Demand curve shifts to the right if income
rises and shifts to the left if income falls,
ceteris paribus.

Marshall mentions speculation as one of the

important exceptions to the downward sloping
demand curve. According to him, the law of
demand does not apply to the demand in a
campaign between groups of speculators. When
a group unloads a great quantity of a thing on to
the market, the price falls and the other group
begins buying it. When it has raised the price of
the thing, it arranges to sell a great deal quietly.
Thus when price rises, demand also increases.
Change in Demand
 Shift in demand curve from D0 to
Price  More is demanded at same price
D0  Increase in demand caused by:
 A rise in the price of a
 A fall in the price of a
P  A rise in income
 A redistribution of income
towards those who favour the
 A change in tastes that
Q2 Q Q1
favours the commodity
 Shift in demand curve from D0 to
 Less is demanded at each price 65
Concept of Elasticity
Elasticity can be defined as “the
proportionate change in demand of product
in response to the proportionate change in
any of the factors affecting demand”. The
benefit of concept of elasticity that it shows
the amount of change in the demand.
When the law of demand only shows the
direction of change in demand, the elasticity
of demand shows the direction as well as
the % change in demand. So, Elasticity of
demand is more useful concept than price.
Concept of Elasticity
Elasticity is a measure of the
sensitiveness of one variable to changes in
some other variable.
It is expressed in terms of a percentage
and is devoid of any unit of measurement.
Elasticity of a variable x with respect to
variable y is expressed as ex,y.
 ex,y = % change in x
% change in y
Demand Elasticities
Demand elasticities refer to elasticities of
demand for a good with respect to each of
the determinants of its demand.
1. Price elasticity of demand
2. Income elasticity of demand
3. Cross elasticity of demand
4. Promotional elasticity of demand
Price elasticity of demand
Price elasticity can be defined as “the
proportionate change in demand of product
in response to the proportionate change in
price of a product.’
Ep= % change in demand of X

% change in price of X
Price Elasticity of Demand is negative since
there is an inverse [negative] relationship
between price and the demand of the
product. If price increase, demand decrease,
if price decrease, demand increases.
Types of price elasticity
1. Perfectly elastic demand ( e = α)
When an insignificant or minor change in the
price will result in an extra ordinary large
change in demand, the demand is said to be a
perfectly elastic. A slight change means a
slight decrease in the price will result in the
increase in demand to infinity and a slight
increase in the price will lead to the decrease
in demand to ‘0’. But in actual situation the
demand cannot be perfectly elastic.
Perfectly elastic demand ( e = α)

In this case, the

demand curve (DD,)
becomes parallel to
the horizontal axis
2. Perfectly inelastic demand: (e = 0)
When the demand for the commodity
remains constant irrespective of the
change in the price of commodity.
There is hardly any commodity in the
world for which this is true.
For ex: salt. Salt is an inexpensive and yet
an essential consumption item and its
consumption can vary only within a small
For this reason alone, its consumption
hardly varies with variations in its price.
Perfectly Inelastic Demand (EP =
 In this case, whatever the
price, even if it is zero,
quantity demanded will
remain fixed at a
particular level. The
demand curve, thus,
becomes parallel to the
vertical axis, and
demand is said to be
completely (perfectly)
3. Unitary elastic demand: (e = 1)

When the percentage change in the price

of a commodity brings about the same
percentage change in the demand of the
commodity, the demand is said to be
unitary elastic. For, e.g., 5% increase or
decrease in the price will result in 5%
decrease or increase in demand for the
Unit elasticity of Demand (EP = 1)
.A 10 p.c. decline in
price will lead to an
exactly 10 p.c.
increase in quantity
 Then EP = 1
4. Elastic demand [ e > l ]

Demand is said to be elastic if the change in

price causes a more than proportionate change
in quantity demanded.
In this case changes in price leads to a more than
proportionate change in demand. For, e.g., if the
price of commodity X changes by 2 %, the
demand for X will change by more than 2%.

Most luxury items have elastic demands.

Elastic Demand (EP > 1):
A 10 p.c. change in
price causes quantity
demanded to change
by more than 10 p.c.
In other words, if E is
greater than one,
demand is said to be
5. Inelastic demand [ e < l ]

In this case changes in price leads to a

less than proportionate change in demand.
For, e.g., if the price changes 2% the
demand changes by less than 2%.
A large number of goods and services,
which include all the essential items, have
inelastic demand.
Inelastic Demand (EP < 1)
 A 10 p.c. cut in price
may cause quantity
demanded to fall by,
say, 1 p.c. Thus,
demand is said to be
inelastic (Ep< 1)
Income Elasticity of Demand
We know the income of the consumer is an
important determinant of demand.
Although income does not vary in the short run, its
impact on long term demand analysis in very
Therefore it is useful to learn income elasticity of
demand (ey).
Income elasticity of demand measures the degree of
responsiveness of demand for a commodity to a
given change in consumer’s income.
Assume that all other variables are ceteris paribus.
Income elasticity of demand
The Income Elasticity expresses the
relationship between the % change in income
and corresponding % change in demand for a
particular commodity.
It measure the % change in demand due to %
change in the income of consumers
ey = % change in demand of X

% change in income of consumer

ey = Q2 – Q1/Q1
Y2 – Y1/ Y1
Degrees of Income Elasticity
 Income elasticity of demand also has
similar degrees of price elasticity of
demand, namely perfectly elastic, perfectly
inelastic, relatively elastic, relatively
inelastic and unitary elastic.
 Hence, when the proportionate change in
demand is more than that in income,
demand is highly elastic; when the
proportionate change in demand is less
than that of income, demand is highly
Normally the demand for commodity has a
tendency to increase as income increases,
so income Elasticity is generally positive,
but this may not be saw in case of inferior
The demand for inferior goods reduces as
the income of the consumer increases
because higher income leads to the use of
superior quality of goods.
Hence the value of income elasticity can be
either negative or positive, depending upon
nature of product.
Degrees of Income Elasticity

1. Positive Income Elasticity

2. Zero Income Elasticity
3. Negative Income Elasticity
Positive Income Elasticity
A good that has positive income elasticity is
regarded as normal good.
A normal good is one which a consumer
buys in more quantities when his income
Ex : Clothes, fruits, jewellery, etc.
Zero Income Elasticity
Zero income elasticity implies that there
is no change in the demand for a
commodity when there is a change in
income. Such goods are called neutral
Ex: match box, salt, needles, postcard
Negative Income Elasticity
It implies that demand for a commodity
decreases as the income of the consumer
A good that has negative income elasticity
of demand is regarded as an inferior good.
i.e. The consumer buys less of such a good
when his income increases and consumer
would switch over consumption to superior
quality of good with increase in income.
Ex : Poor quality of food, clothes etc.
Income Elasticity of demand is-
Positive for superior /normal goods
Negative for interior good
Positive and More than 1 for all luxuries
Positive and around unity for all comforts
Positive and Less than 1 for all superior
and necesssary goods
May be 0 for the products like salt, match
box, needle, etc
Cross Elasticity of Demand
 Demand for commodity is influents not only by price
commodity and income, but also by the price of other
commodity. It expresses the relationship between a change
in demand for a commodity due to change in the price of
some other commodity. It measures the proportionate
change in demand due to proportionate change in price of
some other commodity. Ec of product is negative. For, e.g.,
tea & coffee in case of substitute goods.
 Ey = % change in demand of X

% change in Price of Y
 It is positive if goods x and y are substitutes in the
consumption basket, negative if they are complements, and
zero if the two goods are unrelated.
 The greater the magnitude of this elasticity, the stornger is
the relationship between two goods.
Positive Cross Elasticity:-
Substitute goods are those which compact with each
other. For, e.g., tea, coffee etc. For substitutes
goods the cross elasticity is positive.
Generally if the price of tea falls, the demand of tea
rise and at the same, time tea become cheaper than
coffee. So, some of the customer currently
consuming coffee will start consuming tea instead of
coffee. So the demand of coffee reduces.
For substitutes quantity demanded of one good
moves in the same direction as the price of the other.
Ex : coke and pepsi, zen and santro, etc.
 Negative Cross Elasticity:
Complementary goods are those goods which have to
be consumed simultaneously it means if a consumer
wants to consume one product he has to consume
other product.
For complements, quantity demanded of one good
moves in the opposite direction as the price of the
For, e.g., car & petrol. Elasticity for complementary
goods is negative. If the price of car reduces, the
demand for it increases and at the same time the
requirement of petrol also increases, which will
increases the demand for it.
Ex: bread and butter, tea and sugar, pen and ink, etc.
Zero Cross elasticity:
Ec for unrelated goods is zero because
one commodity does not affect the other
commodity if the price of one commodity
changes it will not affect the demand for
other commodity. If the price of tea
changes by 2% it will not create any
affect on the demand of clothes.
Promotional Elasticity of Demand
Advertising and promotion are vital tools in
the competitive market to generate awareness
about its products.
Promotional elasticity of demand measures
the degree of responsiveness of demand to a
given change in advertising expenditure.
It must obviously be positive, for
advertisement expenditures are supposed to
boost up the market.
Some goods (like consumer goods) are more
responsive to advertising than others (like
heavy capital equipments)
When Ea > 1, a firm should go for heavy
expenditure on advertisement.
When Ea < 1, a firm should not spent too
much on advertisement because the
product is not sensitive to promotion.
For Ex: we find the advertisement for
lubricants, generators, inverters, etc. but
would not find advertisements for
electricity, petrol or diesel.

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