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SIPOC – MRP Validation Process

Supplier Input Process Output Customer

• Suppliers • TLC Sharepoint • Pre Validation • Accurate Parameters • RM Planner

• Category Specialist • Material code • Request filed on • SAP Update • Auditor
• Business lead • Supplier Code Sharepoint • ISA
• Request assigned
• RMN Planner • Plant • MRP Lead
• Validation
• Buyer • P1RD • Check for parameters
• Business Lead
• Inco Term in repository/P1RD file/ • Inbound Logistics
• GS Code Price Sheet/SAP Lead
• Supplier Contact • if not available, Reach
out to Supplier
details • Follow Escalation
• MRP Repository Matrix
• P1RD File • Post Validation
• Price Sheet • Check accuracy
• SAP system • Send Parameters to
• Transit time Template Planners
• Close Request in
• Update SAP
• Quality Check
• Conduct Audit
Detailed MRP Validation Process SIPOC
Supplier Input Process Output Customer
PLA/ RM Planner/ Material code; Pre Validations: • Email Notification received MRP Analyst
Requestor Vendor Code; • Request Filed in Sharepoint • Request assigned to MRP
Plant Code/s • Request assigned to TLCA Analyst
• Check if Material is INGR or PACK
MRP Analyst • Base Code incase Validations: • Accurate MRP • RM Planner
of packaging • Packaging: Parameters at plants
• Material code in • Check info in Winshuttle Repository/ P1RD File/ Price • Email communication to • Requestor
case of Ingredient Sheets/SAP Planners/ Requestor • Supplier
• P1RD • Ingredient: • Parameter updation in
• Winshuttle • Check if material is used in any other location SAP
Repository • Reach to vendor through
• P1RD File • Send parameters to RM Planner for review std email template
• Price Sheet • Update SAP & Repository (base codes also for Pack)
• SAP Information • If not available in repository or discrepancy, reach out to
• Supplier No Response received Escalation Process: Receive MRP Parameters MRP Analyst
• Category from Suppliers • Send 1st follow up email to Supplier from Vendor
Specialist • Call or set up meeting with Supplier
• Material • Reach out to Category Specialist
Category Lead • Check with Material Category Lead and RMN Planners for getting
• RMN Planner info
• Buyer • Reach out to buyer

Supplier • MRP parameters Post Parameters received: • Accurate MRP RM Planner at

received • Validate parameters through Std template Parameters plants
• Standard template • Re-validate, if discrepancy • Email communication to Requestor
for checking • Receive correct parameters Planners/ Requestor
• Send parameters to planners for review • SAP Updation
• Update SAP & Repository with correct parameters • Reach to vendor through
• Close the request in Sharepoint std email template

MRP Auditor Request closed in past Quality Check: • Quality Check MRP Team
week • Conduct Audits for the request closed in last week • Non Compliance
• Identify and rectify the discrepancy • 100% accurate parameters

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