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The Review of the

Related Literature
Motivational Activities
•Explain the meaning of review
of related literature.
•Carry out a review of related
literature properly.
Review of R e l at e d
• Is an a n a l y s i s o f
man’s w r i tte n o r
knowle d g e o f t h e
Purposes of the Review of Related Literature
( RRL )
• To obtain background knowledge of your research
• To relate your study to the current condition or situation of
the world
• To expand, prove or disprove the findings of previous
• To increase your understanding of the underlying theories,
principles and concepts of your research.
• To highlight the significance of your work with the kind of
evidence it gathered to support the conclusion of your
Guidelines on How to Make Literature
1. Identify your variables- This is to determine what are your variables
in your research. In short, you should know your topic (Minch,
• So, you can search for literatures: journal articles,
published articles from credible websites, magazines,
newspapers related to the following. The question is
how many literatures are you going to search and
what is the time frame? Some schools require ten (10)
to twenty (20) literatures conducted within 10 years
ago Some just acknowledge ten (10) from credible
and scientific sources. Nonetheless, because the
research you are conducting is a novice research with
the aim just for research appreciation, ten (10)
literatures from scientific sources are enough.
• 2.
Use online or library sources. Literature
review requires reading. If there is a nearby
school or public libraries, you can go there
to read their books related to your study.
However, if there is none, internet is the
best way to do it. It is just one click away.
3.Analyzing the literature. On this
part of literature review, you need to
analyse what you have read. It
requires you to evaluate the findings
of the research. You just need to
identify what the literature has to say
on the variable thatyou have
4. Summarizing what you read by
highlighting important things. On this
part, you need to summarize the
literature you read. There are many
ways of summarizing it. However, you
can consider my way of summarizing
literature through tables.
Ways of Organizing Literature Review
• 1. Categorize by variables.Ten (10) or more literatures
that are comprised of books, journals, theses or
dissertations, or online publication are hard to
organize. In organizing them, you need to stick on the
variables you have considered and they will be bases
of your searching. On this manner, you can segregate
them according to what they are discussing.
• 2. Arrange by importance. After categorizing
your literatures by variables, you need to
arrange them by importance. The question is
how can we arrange them by importance?
Though arranging them will be subjected
because you will decide and choose what
literature is more important than others, you
need to be guided by some criteria.
Criteria in arranging literature
a. Relevance. On this criterion, you need to
answer the question: Is this literature directly
connected to the present study? In what
manner? By means of this, you can have a
concrete reason why you considered a certain
literature as more important than the others.
• b. Quality. On this criterion, you need to answer the
question: Is this literature scientific? Is it peer reviewed by
experts? Well, you can answer it through looking at where
it was published. If it came from renowned publishing
company, educational institution or established websites,
then it assumed that it is in good quality.
• c. Assumption. On this criterion, you need to answer the
question: Is this literature affirmative or a negation of my
study? If the literature you searched is an affirmation of
your study, better place it in the beginning of your
literature review. However, if it is a negation, better place
it at the last part.
• 3. Connecting literatures. After arranging the
literatures that you searched, now it is time for
you to connect them because these are already
categorized and arranged. Literatures that
discuss on the same topic and same
assumption need to be connected drawing
similarities from each other and to the present
study. However, the literature stressing an
opposite finding should be differentiated with
the other literatures.
Elements of Good Literature Review
1.Literature review is intensive
•all relevant discussion must be included
to clearly understand the parameter and
bases of your study.
• 2. Literature review is concise
• Literature review does not represent the entire claim of the
research being reviewed. It is just a part of your research
that provides information about the variables that you are
exploring that were already explored by other researchers
on their studies. Therefore, a short discussion of their
processes, findings, and implication is more than enough to
establish the concepts being dealt on your research (Wee &
Banister, 2015). One reviewed literature has to be
comprised of one (1) paragraph with six (6) to ten (10)
sentences. However, you can exceed depending on the
information and its relevance to your research.
3. Literature review is logical. Literature review
has to be logical, analytical and rational. It is
accomplished through deductive or inductive
presentation. Deductive presentation may begin
with most important to lesser important. On the
other hand, inductive presentation may begin
with local going to global. Nonetheless, each
sentence has to be in harmony with each other.
4. Literature review is complete. Saturation of the
studies related to you research has to be practiced.
It should not be based on the quota of literature you
need to cite but on the relationship of previous
researches to your research. But of course, it is
impossible to exhaust all literature in the world
related to your work. It is up to you to decide
whether the literature considered clarified all the
inquiries related to your research or not. Thus, all
important parts are present (Reijers et al., 2018).
• 5.Literature review is recent. The literature to be
used have to be conducted within ten (10) years for
it to be called recent. However, there are
institutions that are requiring literature to be only
within five (5) years. Though these time frames
differ from each other, their suggested time has to
be recent. The more recent it will be, the better.
The wisdom behind this idea is that every day we
discover new things. There is a great possibility that
the information on a certain topic may possibly
Ethics in Literature
Five (5) ethical ways on writing our literature review that
we need to follow:
1. Observe proper citation. In writing academic text like research, you
ought to observe proper citation. This is from proper paraphrasing to
correct citation entry in different citations. Observance of this is one way
of acknowledging their contribution, as well as your professionalism. As a
novice researcher, you need to master different kinds of citation styles
depending on what your institution is requiring you.
2. Keep the original thoughts. There are many times that we lose the
original thoughts of the text that we are paraphrasing. It is unethical if we
will just cite writing wherein the original essence of the sentence is
different from what we have interpreted it or written down. We need to be
abreast with proper skills in paraphrasing and interpreting others’ work.
3.Avoid biases. As a novice researcher, it is important that
you eliminate personal interest or biases on your studies
(Fleming & Zegwaard, 2018). You should be fair, not one
sided. This is not just demeaning your literature but also
destroying the integrity of research as vessel of new
knowledge. Therefore, any form of biases has to be
4. Be scientific. Becoming scientific is to have strong basis
on reviewing literature. One has to state only what is
written and provided evidence alone not on personal and
intuitive deductions of interpretation.
5.Embrace positivism. Research is always geared
towards positivity. Thus, the literature review has
to be in line with positivism (Polonski, 2004).
Though not all reviewed literature is an
affirmation of your research, negation of it on the
other hand provides clearer picture of

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